tests: - algorithm: gdal:aspect name: Aspect (gdaldem) params: BAND: 1 COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster OPTIONS: '' TRIG_ANGLE: false ZERO_FLAT: false ZEVENBERGEN: false results: OUTPUT: hash: 8436df662a44a00762aa29768e5d6ecfaf2d42e9a4da02d8afc6e3f6 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:cliprasterbyextent name: Clip raster by extent (gdal_transform) params: DATA_TYPE: 6 INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' PROJWIN: 18.673038221977773,18.699957975064194,45.782253906735804,45.80350236352593 results: OUTPUT: hash: f4dd2d3693afe0b95a6b6d0c98a57331b8f7c6a61a372f52da912c07 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:cliprasterbyextent name: Test (gdal:cliprasterbyextent) params: DATA_TYPE: 6 INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' PROJWIN: 18.674136950224096,18.70011285383855,45.78239420868433,45.80342583519035 [EPSG:4326] results: OUTPUT: hash: c71cf9c654ee0f27ea8778576787301a868556e52773cb061a8fff00 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer name: Clip raster by mask layer (gdalwarp) params: ALPHA_BAND: false CROP_TO_CUTLINE: true DATA_TYPE: 6 INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster KEEP_RESOLUTION: false MASK: name: custom/polygon_mask.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: hash: 4f4720e4efe59a7f238f622659917bbeb5262369d15d5e2917dbcf8b type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:colorrelief name: Color relief (gdaldem) params: BAND: 1 COLOR_TABLE: name: custom/color_relief.txt type: file COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster MATCH_MODE: 2 OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: hash: f714597fadc9cfc3f5263dc0e35f7c6ba285de238dce439e4988faac type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:colorrelief name: Color relief (gdaldem) params: BAND: 1 COLOR_TABLE: name: custom/color_relief.txt type: file COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster MATCH_MODE: 1 OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: hash: 3d1b5ddaf0e9763164b7865e5e4ac2d55c4993aa52de2705f2ba4232 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:contour name: Contour (gdal_contour) params: BAND: 1 CREATE_3D: false FIELD_NAME: ELEV IGNORE_NODATA: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster INTERVAL: 10.0 NODATA: 0.0 OFFSET: 0.0 results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/contour.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:gdalinfo name: gdalinfo params: INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster MIN_MAX: false NOGCP: true NO_METADATA: true STATS: false results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/raster_info.html type: regex rules: - 'Origin = \(18.666297944200000,45.811701437600000\)' - 'Band 1 Block=373x5 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray' - ' NoData Value=-99999' # Disabled as gdal2xyz.py is not available on Travis # - algorithm: gdal:gdal2xyz # name: gdal2xyz # params: # BAND: 1 # CSV: false # INPUT: # name: dem.tif # type: raster # results: # OUTPUT: # name: expected/gdal/xyz.csv # type: file - algorithm: gdal:tileindex name: Tile index (gdaltindex) params: ABSOLUTE_PATH: true CRS_FIELD_NAME: '' CRS_FORMAT: 0 LAYERS: params: - name: dem.tif type: raster type: multi PATH_FIELD_NAME: location PROJ_DIFFERENCE: false results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/tile_index.gml type: vector compare: fields: location: skip - algorithm: gdal:gridaverage name: Moving average interpolation (gdal_grid) params: ANGLE: 0.0 DATA_TYPE: 5 INPUT: name: pointsz.gml type: vector MIN_POINTS: 0 NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' RADIUS_1: 5.0 RADIUS_2: 5.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 1c3adf57a7e319582736a1a222211e2360115fc930d6a12415dbdec3 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:griddatametrics name: Data metrics interpolation (gdal_grid) params: ANGLE: 0.0 DATA_TYPE: 5 INPUT: name: pointsz.gml type: vector METRIC: 2 MIN_POINTS: 0 NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' RADIUS_1: 5.0 RADIUS_2: 5.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 11075786ce1a8f5875c203a881f39bb49e7d9f9adcb83c286c72b644 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:gridinversedistance name: Inverse distance to a power interpolation (gdal_grid) params: ANGLE: 0.0 DATA_TYPE: 5 INPUT: name: pointsz.gml type: vector MAX_POINTS: 0 MIN_POINTS: 0 NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' POWER: 2.0 RADIUS_1: 0.0 RADIUS_2: 0.0 SMOOTHING: 0.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 26658f6dd6a1dd4b576b2e71d3b31f1679d7144b8e53fb58502eff64 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:gridinversedistancenearestneighbor name: Inverse distance to a power with nearest neighbor searching (gdal_grid) params: DATA_TYPE: 5 INPUT: name: pointsz.gml type: vector MAX_POINTS: 0 MIN_POINTS: 0 NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' POWER: 2.0 RADIUS: 5.0 SMOOTHING: 0.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 34fb2b6dc92f5f4147bf136a46dd872f4f94d3bca259d10c8c388620 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:gridlinear name: Linear interpolation (gdal_grid) params: DATA_TYPE: 5 INPUT: name: pointsz.gml type: vector NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' RADIUS: -1.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: - aca7c839c679613f4910cbdea660359f1551c104c57fea9a61795668 - 57e2bc100ec9836e2aa7df4ccf6b5715bd3f3524a524ce47bec52f68 - e607570f34b1c61bc622751b324023b67642b657ef4b91a80d9057cb type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:gridnearestneighbor name: Nearest neighbor interpolation (gdal_grid) params: ANGLE: 0.0 DATA_TYPE: 5 INPUT: name: pointsz.gml type: vector NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' RADIUS_1: 0.0 RADIUS_2: 0.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 354f728b1dd133ad3db28a51b956bf3108615d31363f3a55b2ce04b9 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:hillshade name: Hillshade (gdaldem) params: ALTITUDE: 45.0 AZIMUTH: 315.0 BAND: 1 COMBINED: false COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster MULTIDIRECTIONAL: false OPTIONS: '' SCALE: 1.0 ZEVENBERGEN: false Z_FACTOR: 1.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: e5cf91b875b918682e456463165eddc4af4ae8855b143068e198ce2a type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:nearblack name: Near black params: INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster NEAR: 15 WHITE: false results: OUTPUT: hash: fff4a08498e93494f3f2cf1a9074451e6fd68341849aedc9e2c45e6a type: rasterhash # Disabled as gdal_poligonize.py is not available on Travis # - algorithm: gdal:polygonize # name: Polygonize # params: # BAND: 1 # EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS: false # FIELD: DN # INPUT: # name: dem.tif # type: raster # results: # OUTPUT: # name: expected/gdal/polygonize.gml # type: vector # Disabled as gdal_proximity.py is not available on Travis # - algorithm: gdal:proximity # name: Proximity # params: # BAND: 1 # DATA_TYPE: 5 # INPUT: # name: dem.tif # type: raster # MAX_DISTANCE: 0.0 # NODATA: 0.0 # OPTIONS: '' # REPLACE: 0.0 # UNITS: 1 # VALUES: '90' # results: # OUTPUT: # hash: 32802271d1ce083ca14078bfefaef6300ae8809af11f6a4270583d0c # type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:rasterize name: Test (gdal:rasterize) params: BURN: 0.0 DATA_TYPE: 5 EXTENT: -1.0,10.0,-3.0,6.0 [EPSG:4326] FIELD: intval HEIGHT: 10.0 INIT: 0.0 INPUT: name: polys.gml type: vector INVERT: false NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' UNITS: 0 WIDTH: 10.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 30409eb496900df4ceeab37200a91552c350dbc7761eb089dd75a329 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:roughness name: Roughness params: BAND: 1 COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: hash: ee2b317e022da1001378fac60c9b613a74d3566b9870f9d121e6e322 type: rasterhash # Disabled as gdal_sieve is not available on Travis # - algorithm: gdal:sieve # name: Sieve # params: # EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS: false # INPUT: # name: dem.tif # type: raster # MASK_LAYER: # name: dem.tif # type: raster # NO_MASK: false # THRESHOLD: 10 # results: # OUTPUT: # hash: 1ea6a8c838add299dc3f6f9f529eb5945664f68bae97be9ca80b1754 # type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:slope name: Slope params: AS_PERCENT: false BAND: 1 COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster OPTIONS: '' SCALE: 1.0 ZEVENBERGEN: false results: OUTPUT: hash: 319c470de3315f440371d5df8a6e478a8ecaf1cf904a013dbf1b3a6a type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:tpitopographicpositionindex name: Topographic position index params: BAND: 1 COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: hash: 4af1fe42d2a75c92eb9edcad9d77bd6cae958c0212de11e320fad689 type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:triterrainruggednessindex name: Terrain ruggedness index params: BAND: 1 COMPUTE_EDGES: false INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: hash: c888764a08fae72a129dfff4947149c3185532373d33d4537ecf409c type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:warpreproject name: Warp (gdalwarp) params: DATA_TYPE: 6 INPUT: name: dem.tif type: raster MULTITHREADING: false NODATA: 0.0 OPTIONS: '' RESAMPLING: 4 SOURCE_CRS: EPSG:4326 TARGET_CRS: EPSG:3857 TARGET_RESOLUTION: 0.0 results: OUTPUT: hash: 77045222f6f9d8e5fda795d1d5288eae400c51522e621861aeab68e0 type: rasterhash # - algorithm: gdal:merge # name: Merge 2 raster layers # params: # INPUT: # params: # - name: custom/dem_to_merge1.tif # type: raster # - name: custom/dem_to_merge2.tif # type: raster # type: multi # PCT: false # RTYPE: '5' # SEPARATE: false # results: # OUTPUT: # hash: fb6f0f4081308cc188eda2fbe106e04e0ebf866fc56853f0cca8db1c # type: rasterhash # # - algorithm: gdal:rastercalculator # name: Simple Raster Calculator test with only 1 raster # params: # BAND_A: '1' # FORMULA: A/2 # INPUT_A: # name: dem.tif # type: raster # RTYPE: '5' # results: # OUTPUT: # hash: 2d0585dc8166fbe3cec7d9e6fd66e95cc9bdb1043b3b0fa7cbdfef4c # type: rasterhash - algorithm: gdal:buffervectors name: Buffer lines params: DISSOLVE: false DISTANCE: 0.5 EXPLODE_COLLECTIONS: false GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/buffer_lines.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:buffervectors name: BUffer lines with dissolve params: DISSOLVE: true DISTANCE: 1.0 EXPLODE_COLLECTIONS: false GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/buffer_lines_dissolve.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:buffervectors name: Buffer polygons params: DISSOLVE: false DISTANCE: 0.5 EXPLODE_COLLECTIONS: false GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: polys.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/buffer_polys.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:buffervectors name: Buffer polygons with dissolve params: DISSOLVE: true DISTANCE: 0.5 EXPLODE_COLLECTIONS: false GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: polys.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/buffer_polys_dissolve.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:clipvectorbyextent name: Clip points by extent params: EXTENT: 0.6180722891566264,5.408433734939758,0.4337349397590362,2.306024096385542 [EPSG:4326] INPUT: name: points.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/clip_points.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:clipvectorbyextent name: Clip lines by extent params: EXTENT: 4.362348178137652,8.698380566801621,-1.193522267206478,3.0914979757085024 [EPSG:4326] INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/clip_lines.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:clipvectorbyextent name: Clip polygons by extent params: EXTENT: 0.7143072289156609,4.718222891566264,1.4430722891566266,5.390060240963856 [EPSG:4326] INPUT: name: polys.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/clip_polygons.gml type: vector # Fail on Travis with # ERROR 1: TopologyException: Input geom 1 is invalid: Self-intersection at or near point 2 -1 at 2 -1 # - algorithm: gdal:clipvectorbypolygon # name: Clip points by polygons # params: # INPUT: # name: points.gml # type: vector # MASK: # name: polys.gml # type: vector # OPTIONS: '' # results: # OUTPUT: # name: expected/gdal/clip_points_by_polygon.gml # type: vector # # - algorithm: gdal:clipvectorbypolygon # name: Clip lines by polygons # params: # INPUT: # name: lines.gml # type: vector # MASK: # name: polys.gml # type: vector # OPTIONS: '' # results: # OUTPUT: # name: expected/gdal/clip_lines_by_polygon.gml # type: vector - algorithm: gdal:clipvectorbypolygon name: Clip lines by multipolygons params: INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector MASK: name: multipolys.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/clip_lines_by_multipolygon.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:executesql name: Execute SQL params: DIALECT: 0 INPUT: name: polys.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' SQL: SELECT * FROM polys2 WHERE intval=2 results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/execute_sql.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:offsetcurve name: Offset curve (right-sided) params: DISTANCE: -0.5 GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/offset_lines.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:ogrinfo name: ogrinfo params: INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector SUMMARY_ONLY: 'True' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/vector_info.html type: regex rules: - 'Extent: \(-1.000000, -3.000000\) - \(11.000000, 5.000000\)' - 'Geometry: Line String' - 'Feature Count: [6|7]' # On some platforms returns 6 instead of 7... - algorithm: gdal:onesidebuffer name: One-sided buffer (left-handed) params: BUFFER_SIDE: 1 DISSOLVE: false DISTANCE: 0.5 EXPLODE_COLLECTIONS: false GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/one_side_buffer.gml type: vector - algorithm: gdal:pointsalonglines name: Points along lines params: DISTANCE: 0.25 GEOMETRY: geometry INPUT: name: lines.gml type: vector OPTIONS: '' results: OUTPUT: name: expected/gdal/points_along_lines.gml type: vector