/** \ingroup MapComposer * Graphics scene for map printing. The class manages the paper item which always * is the item in the back (z-value 0). It maintains the z-Values of the items and stores * them in a list in ascending z-Order. This list can be changed to lower/raise items one position * or to bring them to front/back. * */ class QgsComposition: QGraphicsScene { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** \brief Plot type */ enum PlotStyle { Preview = 0, // Use cache etc Print, // Render well Postscript // Fonts need different scaling! }; /**Style to draw the snapping grid*/ enum GridStyle { Solid, Dots, Crosses }; QgsComposition( QgsMapRenderer* mapRenderer ); ~QgsComposition(); /**Changes size of paper item*/ void setPaperSize( double width, double height ); /**Returns height of paper item*/ double paperHeight() const; /**Returns width of paper item*/ double paperWidth() const; void setSnapToGridEnabled( bool b ); bool snapToGridEnabled() const; void setSnapGridResolution( double r ); double snapGridResolution() const; void setSnapGridOffsetX( double offset ); double snapGridOffsetX() const; void setSnapGridOffsetY( double offset ); double snapGridOffsetY() const; void setGridPen( const QPen& p ); const QPen& gridPen() const; void setGridStyle( GridStyle s ); GridStyle gridStyle() const; /**Returns pointer to undo/redo command storage*/ QUndoStack* undoStack(); /**Returns the topmose composer item. Ignores mPaperItem*/ QgsComposerItem* composerItemAt( const QPointF & position ); QList selectedComposerItems(); /**Returns pointers to all composer maps in the scene*/ //todo: needs a new mapping for QList ? //QList composerMapItems() const; /**Returns the composer map with specified id @return id or 0 pointer if the composer map item does not exist*/ const QgsComposerMap* getComposerMapById( int id ) const; int printResolution() const; void setPrintResolution( int dpi ); bool printAsRaster() const; void setPrintAsRaster(bool enabled); double selectionTolerance() const; void setSelectionTolerance( double tol ); /**Returns pointer to map renderer of qgis map canvas*/ QgsMapRenderer* mapRenderer(); QgsComposition::PlotStyle plotStyle(); void setPlotStyle( QgsComposition::PlotStyle style ); /**Returns the pixel font size for a font that has point size set. The result depends on the resolution (dpi) and of the preview mode. Each item that sets a font should call this function before drawing text*/ int pixelFontSize( double pointSize ) const; /**Does the inverse calculation and returns points for pixels (equals to mm in QgsComposition)*/ double pointFontSize( int pixelSize ) const; /**Writes settings to xml (paper dimension)*/ bool writeXML( QDomElement& composerElem, QDomDocument& doc ); /**Reads settings from xml file*/ bool readXML( const QDomElement& compositionElem, const QDomDocument& doc ); /**Add items from XML representation to the graphics scene (for project file reading, pasting items from clipboard) @param elem items parent element, e.g. or @param doc xml document @param addUndoCommands insert AddItem commands if true (e.g. for copy/paste) @param pos item position. Optional, take position from xml if 0*/ //void addItemsFromXML( const QDomElement& elem, const QDomDocument& doc, QMap< QgsComposerMap*, int >* mapsToRestore, bool addUndoCommands = false, QPointF* pos = 0 ); /**Adds item to z list. Usually called from constructor of QgsComposerItem*/ void addItemToZList( QgsComposerItem* item ); /**Removes item from z list. Usually called from destructor of QgsComposerItem*/ void removeItemFromZList( QgsComposerItem* item ); //functions to move selected items in hierarchy void raiseSelectedItems(); void raiseItem( QgsComposerItem* item ); void lowerSelectedItems(); void lowerItem( QgsComposerItem* item ); void moveSelectedItemsToTop(); void moveItemToTop( QgsComposerItem* item ); void moveSelectedItemsToBottom(); void moveItemToBottom( QgsComposerItem* item ); //functions to align selected items void alignSelectedItemsLeft(); void alignSelectedItemsHCenter(); void alignSelectedItemsRight(); void alignSelectedItemsTop(); void alignSelectedItemsVCenter(); void alignSelectedItemsBottom(); /**Sorts the zList. The only time where this function needs to be called is from QgsComposer after reading all the items from xml file*/ void sortZList(); /**Snaps a scene coordinate point to grid*/ QPointF snapPointToGrid( const QPointF& scenePoint ) const; /**Allocates new item command and saves initial state in it @param item target item @param commandText descriptive command text @param c context for merge commands (unknown for non-mergeable commands)*/ void beginCommand( QgsComposerItem* item, const QString& commandText, QgsComposerMergeCommand::Context c = QgsComposerMergeCommand::Unknown ); /**Saves end state of item and pushes command to the undo history*/ void endCommand(); /**Deletes current command*/ void cancelCommand(); /**Adds an arrow item to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ //void addComposerArrow( QgsComposerArrow* arrow ); /**Adds label to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerLabel( QgsComposerLabel* label ); /**Adds map to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerMap( QgsComposerMap* map ); /**Adds scale bar to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerScaleBar( QgsComposerScaleBar* scaleBar ); /**Adds legend to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerLegend( QgsComposerLegend* legend ); /**Adds picture to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerPicture( QgsComposerPicture* picture ); /**Adds a composer shape to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerShape( QgsComposerShape* shape ); /**Adds a composer table to the graphics scene and advices composer to create a widget for it (through signal)*/ void addComposerTable( QgsComposerAttributeTable* table ); /**Remove item from the graphics scene. Additionally to QGraphicsScene::removeItem, this function considers undo/redo command*/ void removeComposerItem( QgsComposerItem* item ); /**Convenience function to create a QgsAddRemoveItemCommand, connect its signals and push it to the undo stack*/ void pushAddRemoveCommand( QgsComposerItem* item, const QString& text, QgsAddRemoveItemCommand::State state ); };