{ "name": "represent_value", "type": "function", "groups": ["Record and Attributes"], "description": "Returns the configured representation value for a field value. It depends on the configured widget type. Often, this is useful for 'Value Map' widgets.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "value", "description": "The value which should be resolved. Most likely a field." }, { "arg": "fieldName", "description": "The field name for which the widget configuration should be loaded.", "optional": true }], "examples": [{ "expression": "represent_value(\"field_with_value_map\")", "returns": "Description for value" }, { "expression": "represent_value('static value', 'field_name')", "returns": "Description for static value" }], "tags": ["depends", "configured", "field", "type", "widgets", "map", "representation", "widget"] }