 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
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 * src/core/qgscoordinatetransformcontext.h                             *
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 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsCoordinateTransformContext
Contains information about the context in which a coordinate transform is executed.

The context stores various information regarding which coordinate transforms should
be used when transforming points from a source to destination coordinate reference

The highest priority transforms are those set using addSourceDestinationDatumTransform()
and which the transform has a matching source to destination CRS pair.

Failing this, if the source CRS has a matching transform specified by
addSourceDatumTransform() then this datum transform will be used. The same logic
applies for destination CRS transforms set using addDestinationDatumTransform().

.. note::

   QgsCoordinateTransformContext objects are thread safe for read and write.

.. note::

   QgsCoordinateTransformContext objects are implicitly shared.

.. seealso:: :py:class:`QgsDatumTransform`

.. seealso:: :py:class:`QgsCoordinateTransform`

.. versionadded:: 3.0

#include "qgscoordinatetransformcontext.h"

Constructor for QgsCoordinateTransformContext.


    QgsCoordinateTransformContext( const QgsCoordinateTransformContext &rhs );
Copy constructor

    void clear();
Clears all stored transform information from the context.

    QMap< QPair< QString, QString>, QgsDatumTransform::TransformPair > sourceDestinationDatumTransforms() const;
Returns the stored mapping for source to destination CRS pairs to associated datum transforms to use.
The map keys will be :py:func:`QgsCoordinateReferenceSystems.authid()`s.

If either the source transform ID or destination transform ID is -1, then no datum transform is
required for transformations for that source or destination.

.. warning::

   This method should not be used to calculate the corresponding datum transforms
   to use for a coordinate transform. Instead, always use calculateDatumTransforms()
   to determine this.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`addSourceDestinationDatumTransform`

    bool addSourceDestinationDatumTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs,
        const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs,
        int sourceTransformId,
        int destinationTransformId );
Adds a new ``sourceTransform`` and ``destinationTransform`` to use when projecting coordinates
from the the specified ``sourceCrs`` to the specified ``destinationCrs``.

If either ``sourceTransformId`` or ``destinationTransformId`` is -1, then no datum transform is
required for transformations for that source or destination.

Returns true if the new transform pair was added successfully.

.. note::

   Transforms set using this method will override any specific source or destination
   transforms set by addSourceDatumTransform() or addDestinationDatumTransform().

.. seealso:: :py:func:`sourceDestinationDatumTransforms`

.. seealso:: :py:func:`removeSourceDestinationDatumTransform`

    void removeSourceDestinationDatumTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs,
        const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs );
Removes the source to destination datum transform pair for the specified ``sourceCrs`` and

.. seealso:: :py:func:`addSourceDestinationDatumTransform`

    bool hasTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &source,
                       const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destination ) const;
Returns true if the context has a valid datum transform to use
when transforming from the specified ``source`` CRS to ``destination`` CRS.

.. note::

   source and destination are reversible.

    QgsDatumTransform::TransformPair calculateDatumTransforms( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &source,
        const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destination ) const;
Returns the pair of source and destination datum transforms to use
for a transform from the specified ``source`` CRS to ``destination`` CRS.

Returns an ID of -1 if a datum transform should not be used for the source or

.. note::

   source and destination are reversible.

    bool readXml( const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context, QStringList &missingTransforms /Out/ );
Reads the context's state from a DOM ``element``.

Returns false if transforms stored in the XML are not available. In this case ``missingTransforms`` will be
filled with missing datum transform strings.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`writeXml`

    void writeXml( QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const;
Writes the context's state to a DOM ``element``.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`readXml`

    void readSettings();
Reads the context's state from application settings.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`readSettings`

    void writeSettings();
Write the context's state to application settings.

.. seealso:: :py:func:`writeSettings`


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/qgscoordinatetransformcontext.h                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *