# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** Grass7Algorithm.py --------------------- Date : February 2015 Copyright : (C) 2014-2015 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'February 2015' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012-2015, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import sys import os import uuid import importlib from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QUrl from qgis.core import (QgsRasterLayer, QgsApplication, QgsMapLayer, QgsProcessingUtils, QgsProcessing, QgsMessageLog, QgsVectorFileWriter, QgsProcessingAlgorithm, QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, QgsProcessingException, QgsProcessingParameterExtent, QgsProcessingParameterEnum, QgsProcessingParameterNumber, QgsProcessingParameterString, QgsProcessingParameterField, QgsProcessingParameterPoint, QgsProcessingParameterBoolean, QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer, QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer, QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination, QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination, QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination, QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination, QgsProcessingOutputFolder, QgsProcessingOutputVectorLayer, QgsProcessingOutputRasterLayer, QgsProcessingOutputHtml, QgsProcessingUtils) from qgis.utils import iface from processing.core.ProcessingConfig import ProcessingConfig from processing.core.parameters import (getParameterFromString) from .Grass7Utils import Grass7Utils #from processing.tools import dataobjects, system from processing.tools.system import isWindows, getTempFilename pluginPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0], os.pardir)) class Grass7Algorithm(QgsProcessingAlgorithm): GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER = 'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER' GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER = 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER = 'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER' GRASS_REGION_EXTENT_PARAMETER = 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER = 'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER' GRASS_REGION_ALIGN_TO_RESOLUTION = 'GRASS_REGION_ALIGN_TO_RESOLUTION' GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT = 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT' GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META = 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META' OUTPUT_TYPES = ['auto', 'point', 'line', 'area'] QGIS_OUTPUT_TYPES = {QgsProcessing.TypeVectorAnyGeometry: 'auto', QgsProcessing.TypeVectorPoint: 'point', QgsProcessing.TypeVectorLine: 'line', QgsProcessing.TypeVectorPolygon: 'area'} def __init__(self, descriptionfile): super().__init__() self._name = '' self._display_name = '' self._group = '' self.grass7Name = '' self.params = [] self.hardcodedStrings = [] self.inputLayers = [] self.descriptionFile = descriptionfile # Default GRASS parameters self.region = None self.cellSize = None self.snaptTolerance = None self.outputType = None self.minArea = None self.alignToResolution = None # Load parameters from a description file self.defineCharacteristicsFromFile() self.numExportedLayers = 0 # Do we need this anymore? self.uniqueSuffix = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '') # Use the ext mechanism name = self.name().replace('.', '_') try: self.module = importlib.import_module( 'processing.algs.grass7.ext.{}'.format(name)) except ImportError: self.module = None def createInstance(self): return self.__class__(self.descriptionFile) def name(self): return self._name def displayName(self): return self._display_name def group(self): return self._group def icon(self): return QgsApplication.getThemeIcon("/providerGrass.svg") def svgIconPath(self): return QgsApplication.iconPath("providerGrass.svg") def tr(self, string, context=''): if context == '': context = self.__class__.__name__ return QCoreApplication.translate(context, string) def helpUrl(self): helpPath = Grass7Utils.grassHelpPath() if helpPath == '': return None if os.path.exists(helpPath): return QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.path.join(helpPath, '{}.html'.format(self.grass7Name))).toString() else: return helpPath + '{}.html'.format(self.grass7Name) def initAlgorithm(self, config=None): """ Algorithm initialization """ for p in self.params: # We use createOutput argument for automatic output creation res = self.addParameter(p, True) # File destinations are not automatically added as outputs if (isinstance(p, QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination) and p.defaultFileExtension().lower() == 'html'): self.addOutput(QgsProcessingOutputHtml(p.name(), p.description())) def defineCharacteristicsFromFile(self): """ Create algorithm parameters and outputs from a text file. """ with open(self.descriptionFile) as lines: # First line of the file is the Grass algorithm name line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip() self.grass7Name = line # Second line if the algorithm name in Processing line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip() self._name = line self._display_name = QCoreApplication.translate("GrassAlgorithm", line) if " - " not in self._name: self._name = self.grass7Name + " - " + self._name self._display_name = self.grass7Name + " - " + self._display_name self._name = self._name[:self._name.find(' ')].lower() # Read the grass group line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip() self._group = QCoreApplication.translate("GrassAlgorithm", line) hasRasterOutput = False hasRasterInput = False hasVectorInput = False vectorOutputs = False # Then you have parameters/output definition line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip() while line != '': try: line = line.strip('\n').strip() if line.startswith('Hardcoded'): self.hardcodedStrings.append(line[len('Hardcoded|'):]) parameter = getParameterFromString(line) if parameter is not None: self.params.append(parameter) if isinstance(parameter, QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer): hasVectorInput = True elif isinstance(parameter, QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer): hasRasterInput = True elif isinstance(parameter, QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers): if parameter.layerType() < 3 or parameter.layerType() == 5: hasVectorInput = True elif parameter.layerType() == 3: hasRasterInput = True elif isinstance(parameter, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination): vectorOutputs = True elif isinstance(parameter, QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination): hasRasterOutput = True line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip() except Exception as e: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(self.tr('Could not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}\n{1}').format(self.descriptionFile, line), self.tr('Processing'), QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) raise e param = QgsProcessingParameterExtent( self.GRASS_REGION_EXTENT_PARAMETER, self.tr('GRASS GIS 7 region extent'), optional=True ) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) if hasRasterOutput or hasRasterInput: # Add a cellsize parameter param = QgsProcessingParameterNumber( self.GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER, self.tr('GRASS GIS 7 region cellsize (leave 0 for default)'), type=QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Double, minValue=0.0, maxValue=sys.float_info.max + 1, defaultValue=0.0 ) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) if hasRasterOutput: # Add a createopt parameter for format export param = QgsProcessingParameterString( self.GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT, self.tr('Output Rasters format options (createopt)'), multiLine=True, optional=True ) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) # Add a metadata parameter for format export param = QgsProcessingParameterString( self.GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META, self.tr('Output Rasters format metadata options (metaopt)'), multiLine=True, optional=True ) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) if hasVectorInput: param = QgsProcessingParameterNumber(self.GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER, self.tr('v.in.ogr snap tolerance (-1 = no snap)'), type=QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Double, minValue=-1.0, maxValue=sys.float_info.max + 1, defaultValue=-1.0) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) param = QgsProcessingParameterNumber(self.GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER, self.tr('v.in.ogr min area'), type=QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Double, minValue=0.0, maxValue=sys.float_info.max + 1, defaultValue=0.0001) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) if vectorOutputs: param = QgsProcessingParameterEnum(self.GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER, self.tr('v.out.ogr output type'), self.OUTPUT_TYPES) param.setFlags(param.flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.FlagAdvanced) self.params.append(param) def getDefaultCellSize(self): """ Determine a default cell size from all the raster layers. """ cellsize = 0.0 layers = [l for l in self.inputLayers if isinstance(l, QgsRasterLayer)] for layer in layers: cellsize = max(layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX(), cellsize) if cellsize == 0.0: cellsize = 100.0 return cellsize def grabDefaultGrassParameters(self, parameters, context): """ Imports default GRASS parameters (EXTENT, etc) into object attributes for faster retrieving. """ # GRASS region extent self.region = self.parameterAsExtent(parameters, self.GRASS_REGION_EXTENT_PARAMETER, context) # GRASS cell size if self.parameterDefinition(self.GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER): self.cellSize = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, self.GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER, context) # GRASS snap tolerance self.snapTolerance = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, self.GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER, context) # GRASS min area self.minArea = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, self.GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER, context) # GRASS output type self.outputType = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER, context) # GRASS align to resolution self.alignToResolution = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.GRASS_REGION_ALIGN_TO_RESOLUTION, context) def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): if isWindows(): path = Grass7Utils.grassPath() if path == '': raise QgsProcessingException( self.tr('GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please ' 'configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.')) # Create brand new commands lists self.commands = [] self.outputCommands = [] self.exportedLayers = {} # If GRASS session has been created outside of this algorithm then # get the list of layers loaded in GRASS otherwise start a new # session existingSession = Grass7Utils.sessionRunning if existingSession: self.exportedLayers = Grass7Utils.getSessionLayers() else: Grass7Utils.startGrassSession() # Handle default GRASS parameters self.grabDefaultGrassParameters(parameters, context) # Handle ext functions for inputs/command/outputs for fName in ['Inputs', 'Command', 'Outputs']: fullName = 'process{}'.format(fName) if self.module and hasattr(self.module, fullName): getattr(self.module, fullName)(self, parameters, context) else: getattr(self, fullName)(parameters, context) # Run GRASS loglines = [] loglines.append(self.tr('GRASS GIS 7 execution commands')) for line in self.commands: feedback.pushCommandInfo(line) loglines.append(line) if ProcessingConfig.getSetting(Grass7Utils.GRASS_LOG_COMMANDS): QgsMessageLog.logMessage("\n".join(loglines), self.tr('Processing'), QgsMessageLog.INFO) Grass7Utils.executeGrass(self.commands, feedback, self.outputCommands) # If the session has been created outside of this algorithm, add # the new GRASS GIS 7 layers to it otherwise finish the session if existingSession: Grass7Utils.addSessionLayers(self.exportedLayers) else: Grass7Utils.endGrassSession() # Return outputs map outputs = {} for out in self.outputDefinitions(): outName = out.name() if outName in parameters: outputs[outName] = parameters[outName] if isinstance(out, QgsProcessingOutputHtml): self.convertToHtml(parameters[outName]) return outputs def processInputs(self, parameters, context): """Prepare the GRASS import commands""" inputs = [p for p in self.parameterDefinitions() if isinstance(p, (QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer, QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer, QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers))] for param in inputs: paramName = param.name() if not paramName in parameters: continue if isinstance(parameters[paramName], str) and len(parameters[paramName]) == 0: continue # Raster inputs needs to be imported into temp GRASS DB if isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer): if paramName not in self.exportedLayers: self.loadRasterLayerFromParameter( paramName, parameters, context) # Vector inputs needs to be imported into temp GRASS DB elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer): if paramName not in self.exportedLayers: self.loadVectorLayerFromParameter( paramName, parameters, context) # TODO: find the best replacement for ParameterTable #if isinstance(param, ParameterTable): # pass # For multiple inputs, process each layer elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers): layers = self.parameterAsLayerList(parameters, paramName, context) for idx, layer in enumerate(layers): layerName = '{}_{}'.format(paramName, idx) # Add a raster layer if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer: self.loadRasterLayer(layerName, layer) # Add a vector layer elif layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer: self.loadVectorLayer(layerName, layer) self.postInputs() def postInputs(self): """ After layer imports, we need to update some internal parameters """ # If projection has not already be set, use the project self.setSessionProjectionFromProject() # Build GRASS region if self.region.isEmpty(): self.region = QgsProcessingUtils.combineLayerExtents(self.inputLayers) command = 'g.region n={} s={} e={} w={}'.format( self.region.yMaximum(), self.region.yMinimum(), self.region.xMaximum(), self.region.xMinimum() ) # Handle cell size if self.parameterDefinition(self.GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER): if self.cellSize: cellSize = self.cellSize else: cellSize = self.getDefaultCellSize() command += ' res={}'.format(cellSize) # Handle align to resolution if self.alignToResolution: command += ' -a' # Add the default parameters commands self.commands.append(command) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('processInputs end. Commands: {}'.format(self.commands), 'Grass7', QgsMessageLog.INFO) def processCommand(self, parameters, context, delOutputs=False): """ Prepare the GRASS algorithm command :param parameters: :param context: :param delOutputs: do not add outputs to commands. """ noOutputs = [o for o in self.parameterDefinitions() if o not in self.destinationParameterDefinitions()] command = '{} '.format(self.grass7Name) command += '{}'.join(self.hardcodedStrings) # Add algorithm command for param in noOutputs: paramName = param.name() value = None # Exclude default GRASS parameters if paramName in [self.GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER, self.GRASS_REGION_EXTENT_PARAMETER, self.GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER, self.GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER, self.GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER, self.GRASS_REGION_ALIGN_TO_RESOLUTION, self.GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT, self.GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META]: continue # Raster and vector layers if isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer, QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer)): if paramName in self.exportedLayers: value = self.exportedLayers[paramName] else: value = self.parameterAsCompatibleSourceLayerPath( parameters, paramName, context, QgsVectorFileWriter.supportedFormatExtensions() ) # MultipleLayers elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers): layers = self.parameterAsLayerList(parameters, paramName, context) values = [] for idx in range(len(layers)): layerName = '{}_{}'.format(paramName, idx) values.append(self.exportedLayers[layerName]) value = ','.join(values) # For booleans, we just add the parameter name elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterBoolean): if self.parameterAsBool(parameters, paramName, context): command += ' {}'.format(paramName) # For enumeration, we need to grab the string value elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterEnum): idx = self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, paramName, context) value = '"{}"'.format(param.options()[idx]) # For strings, we just translate as string elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterString): data = self.parameterAsString(parameters, paramName, context) # if string is empty, we don't add it if len(data) > 0: value = '"{}"'.format( self.parameterAsString(parameters, paramName, context) ) # For fields, we just translate as string elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterField): value = '{}'.format( self.parameterAsString(parameters, paramName, context) ) # For numbers and points, we translate as a string elif isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterNumber, QgsProcessingParameterPoint)): value = self.parameterAsString(parameters, paramName, context) # For everything else, we assume that it is a string else: value = '"{}"'.format( self.parameterAsString(parameters, paramName, context) ) if value: command += ' {}={}'.format(paramName, value) # Handle outputs if not delOutputs: for out in self.destinationParameterDefinitions(): outName = out.name() # For File destination if isinstance(out, QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination): # for HTML reports, we need to redirect stdout if out.defaultFileExtension().lower() == 'html': command += ' > "{}"'.format( self.parameterAsFileOutput( parameters, outName, context) ) else: command += ' {}="{}"'.format( outName, self.parameterAsFileOutput( parameters, outName, context)) # For folders destination elif isinstance(out, QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination): # We need to add a unique temporary basename uniqueBasename = outName + self.uniqueSuffix command += ' {}={}'.format(outName, uniqueBasename) else: # We add an output name to make sure it is unique if the session # uses this algorithm several times. #value = self.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, outName, context) uniqueOutputName = outName + self.uniqueSuffix command += ' {}={}'.format(outName, uniqueOutputName) # Add output file to exported layers, to indicate that # they are present in GRASS self.exportedLayers[outName] = uniqueOutputName command += ' --overwrite' self.commands.append(command) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('processCommands end. Commands: {}'.format(self.commands), 'Grass7', QgsMessageLog.INFO) def vectorOutputType(self, parameters, context): """Determine vector output types for outputs""" self.outType = 'auto' if self.parameterDefinition(self.GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER): typeidx = self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, self.GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER, context) self.outType = ('auto' if typeidx is None else self.OUTPUT_TYPES[typeidx]) def processOutputs(self, parameters, context): """Prepare the GRASS v.out.ogr commands""" # TODO: support multiple raster formats. # TODO: support multiple vector formats. # Determine general vector output type self.vectorOutputType(parameters, context) for out in self.destinationParameterDefinitions(): outName = out.name() if isinstance(out, QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination): self.exportRasterLayerFromParameter(outName, parameters, context) elif isinstance(out, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination): self.exportVectorLayerFromParameter(outName, parameters, context) elif isinstance(out, QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination): self.exportRasterLayersIntoDirectory(outName, parameters, context) def loadRasterLayerFromParameter(self, name, parameters, context, external=True, band=1): """ Creates a dedicated command to load a raster into the temporary GRASS DB. :param name: name of the parameter. :param parameters: algorithm parameters dict. :param context: algorithm context. :param external: True if using r.external. :param band: imports only specified band. None for all bands. """ layer = self.parameterAsRasterLayer(parameters, name, context) self.loadRasterLayer(name, layer, external, band) def loadRasterLayer(self, name, layer, external=True, band=1): """ Creates a dedicated command to load a raster into the temporary GRASS DB. :param name: name of the parameter. :param layer: QgsMapLayer for the raster layer. :param external: True if using r.external. :param band: imports only specified band. None for all bands. """ self.inputLayers.append(layer) self.setSessionProjectionFromLayer(layer) destFilename = 'a' + os.path.basename(getTempFilename()) self.exportedLayers[name] = destFilename command = '{0} input="{1}" {2}output="{3}" --overwrite -o'.format( 'r.external' if external else 'r.in.gdal', os.path.normpath(layer.source()), 'band={} '.format(band) if band else '', destFilename) self.commands.append(command) def exportRasterLayerFromParameter(self, name, parameters, context, colorTable=True): """ Creates a dedicated command to export a raster from temporary GRASS DB into a file via gdal. :param name: name of the parameter. :param parameters: Algorithm parameters dict. :param context: Algorithm context. :param colorTable: preserve color Table. """ fileName = os.path.normpath( self.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, name, context)) grassName = '{}{}'.format(name, self.uniqueSuffix) outFormat = Grass7Utils.getRasterFormatFromFilename(fileName) createOpt = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT, context) metaOpt = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META, context) self.exportRasterLayer(grassName, fileName, colorTable, outFormat, createOpt, metaOpt) def exportRasterLayer(self, grassName, fileName, colorTable=True, outFormat='GTiff', createOpt=None, metaOpt=None): """ Creates a dedicated command to export a raster from temporary GRASS DB into a file via gdal. :param grassName: name of the raster to export. :param fileName: file path of raster layer. :param colorTable: preserve color Table. :param outFormat: file format for export. :param createOpt: creation options for format. :param metatOpt: metadata options for export. """ if not createOpt: if outFormat in Grass7Utils.GRASS_RASTER_FORMATS_CREATEOPTS: createOpt = Grass7Utils.GRASS_RASTER_FORMATS_CREATEOPTS[outFormat] for cmd in [self.commands, self.outputCommands]: # Adjust region to layer before exporting cmd.append('g.region raster={}'.format(grassName)) cmd.append( 'r.out.gdal -c -m{0} input="{1}" output="{2}" format="{3}" {4}{5} --overwrite'.format( ' -t' if colorTable else '', grassName, fileName, outFormat, ' createopt="{}"'.format(createOpt) if createOpt else '', ' metaopt="{}"'.format(metaOpt) if metaOpt else '' ) ) def exportRasterLayersIntoDirectory(self, name, parameters, context, colorTable=True): """ Creates a dedicated loop command to export rasters from temporary GRASS DB into a directory via gdal. :param name: name of the output directory parameter. :param parameters: Algorithm parameters dict. :param context: Algorithm context. :param colorTable: preserve color Table. """ # Grab directory name and temporary basename outDir = os.path.normpath( self.parameterAsString(parameters, name, context)) basename = name + self.uniqueSuffix # Add a loop export from the basename for cmd in [self.commands, self.outputCommands]: # Adjust region to layer before exporting # TODO: Does-it works under MS-Windows or MacOSX? cmd.append("for r in $(g.list type=rast pattern='{}*'); do".format(basename)) cmd.append(" r.out.gdal -m{0} input=${{r}} output={1}/${{r}}.tif {2}".format( ' -t' if colorTable else '', outDir, '--overwrite -c createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW"' ) ) cmd.append("done") def loadVectorLayerFromParameter(self, name, parameters, context, external=None): """ Creates a dedicated command to load a vector into the temporary GRASS DB. :param name: name of the parameter :param parameters: Parameters of the algorithm. :param context: Processing context :param external: use v.external (v.in.ogr if False). """ layer = self.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, name, context) self.loadVectorLayer(name, layer, external) def loadVectorLayer(self, name, layer, external=None): """ Creates a dedicated command to load a vector into temporary GRASS DB. :param name: name of the parameter :param layer: QgsMapLayer for the vector layer. :param external: use v.external (v.in.ogr if False). """ # TODO: support selections # TODO: support multiple input formats if external is None: external = ProcessingConfig.getSetting( Grass7Utils.GRASS_USE_VEXTERNAL) self.inputLayers.append(layer) self.setSessionProjectionFromLayer(layer) destFilename = 'a' + os.path.basename(getTempFilename()) self.exportedLayers[name] = destFilename command = '{0}{1}{2} input="{3}" output="{4}" --overwrite -o'.format( 'v.external' if external else 'v.in.ogr', ' min_area={}'.format(self.minArea) if not external else '', ' snap={}'.format(self.snapTolerance) if not external else '', os.path.normpath(layer.source()), destFilename) self.commands.append(command) def exportVectorLayerFromParameter(self, name, parameters, context): """ Creates a dedicated command to export a raster from temporary GRASS DB into a file via gdal. :param grassName: name of the parameter :param fileName: file path of raster layer :param colorTable: preserve color Table. """ fileName = os.path.normpath( self.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, name, context)) # Find if there is a dataType dataType = self.outType if self.outType == 'auto': parameter = self.parameterDefinition(name) if parameter: layerType = parameter.dataType() if layerType in self.QGIS_OUTPUT_TYPES: dataType = self.QGIS_OUTPUT_TYPES[layerType] grassName = '{}{}'.format(name, self.uniqueSuffix) self.exportVectorLayer(grassName, fileName, dataType) def exportVectorLayer(self, grassName, fileName, dataType='auto', layer=None, nocats=False): """ Creates a dedicated command to export a vector from temporary GRASS DB into a file via ogr. :param grassName: name of the parameter :param fileName: file path of raster layer """ for cmd in [self.commands, self.outputCommands]: cmd.append( 'v.out.ogr{0} type={1} {2} input="{3}" output="{4}" {5}'.format( '' if nocats else ' -c', dataType, 'layer={}'.format(layer) if layer else '', grassName, fileName, 'format=ESRI_Shapefile --overwrite' ) ) def setSessionProjectionFromProject(self): """ Set the projection from the project. We creates a PROJ4 definition which is transmitted to Grass """ if not Grass7Utils.projectionSet and iface: proj4 = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs().toProj4() command = 'g.proj -c proj4="{}"'.format(proj4) self.commands.append(command) Grass7Utils.projectionSet = True def setSessionProjectionFromLayer(self, layer): """ Set the projection from a QgsVectorLayer. We creates a PROJ4 definition which is transmitted to Grass """ if not Grass7Utils.projectionSet: proj4 = str(layer.crs().toProj4()) command = 'g.proj -c proj4="{}"'.format(proj4) self.commands.append(command) Grass7Utils.projectionSet = True def convertToHtml(self, fileName): # Read HTML contents lines = [] html = False with open(fileName, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() if len(lines) > 1 and '' not in lines[0]: # Then write into the HTML file with open(fileName, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('
') f.write('') f.write('') for line in lines: f.write('{}'.format(line)) f.write('
') def canExecute(self): message = Grass7Utils.checkGrassIsInstalled() return not message, message def checkParameterValues(self, parameters, context): if self.module: if hasattr(self.module, 'checkParameterValuesBeforeExecuting'): func = getattr(self.module, 'checkParameterValuesBeforeExecuting') #return func(self, parameters, context), None return None, func(self, parameters, context) return super(Grass7Algorithm, self).checkParameterValues(parameters, context)