/** \ingroup core * \class QgsImageOperation * \brief Contains operations and filters which apply to QImages * * A set of optimised pixel manipulation operations and filters which can be applied * to QImages. All operations only apply to ARGB32 format images, and it is left up * to the calling procedure to ensure that any passed images are of the correct * format. * * Operations are written to either modify an image in place or return a new image, depending * on which is faster for the particular operation. * * \note Added in version 2.7 */ class QgsImageOperation { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** Modes for converting a QImage to grayscale */ enum GrayscaleMode { GrayscaleLightness, /*!< keep the lightness of the color, drops the saturation */ GrayscaleLuminosity, /*!< grayscale by perceptual luminosity (weighted sum of color RGB components) */ GrayscaleAverage, /*!< grayscale by taking average of color RGB components */ GrayscaleOff /*!< no change */ }; /** Flip operation types */ enum FlipType { FlipHorizontal, /*!< flip the image horizontally */ FlipVertical /*!< flip the image vertically */ }; /** Convert a QImage to a grayscale image. Alpha channel is preserved. * @param image QImage to convert * @param mode mode to use during grayscale conversion */ static void convertToGrayscale( QImage &image, const GrayscaleMode mode = GrayscaleLuminosity ); /** Alter the brightness or contrast of a QImage. * @param image QImage to alter * @param brightness brightness value, in the range -255 to 255. A brightness value of 0 indicates * no change to brightness, a negative value will darken the image, and a positive value will brighten * the image. * @param contrast contrast value. Must be a positive or zero value. A value of 1.0 indicates no change * to the contrast, a value of 0 represents an image with 0 contrast, and a value > 1.0 will increase the * contrast of the image. */ static void adjustBrightnessContrast( QImage &image, const int brightness, const double contrast ); /** Alter the hue or saturation of a QImage. * @param image QImage to alter * @param saturation double between 0 and 2 inclusive, where 0 = desaturate and 1.0 = no change * @param colorizeColor color to use for colorizing image. Set to an invalid QColor to disable * colorization. * @param colorizeStrength double between 0 and 1, where 0 = no colorization and 1.0 = full colorization */ static void adjustHueSaturation( QImage &image, const double saturation, const QColor& colorizeColor = QColor(), const double colorizeStrength = 1.0 ); /** Multiplies opacity of image pixel values by a factor. * @param image QImage to alter * @param factor factor to multiple pixel's opacity by */ static void multiplyOpacity( QImage &image, const double factor ); /** Overlays a color onto an image. This operation retains the alpha channel of the * original image, but replaces all image pixel colors with the specified color. * @param image QImage to alter * @param color color to overlay (any alpha component of the color is ignored) */ static void overlayColor( QImage &image, const QColor& color ); /** Struct for storing properties of a distance transform operation*/ struct DistanceTransformProperties { /** Set to true to perform the distance transform on transparent pixels * in the source image, set to false to perform the distance transform * on opaque pixels */ bool shadeExterior; /** Set to true to automatically calculate the maximum distance in the * transform to use as the spread value */ bool useMaxDistance; /** Maximum distance (in pixels) for the distance transform shading to * spread */ double spread; /** Color ramp to use for shading the distance transform */ QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp; }; /** Performs a distance transform on the source image and shades the result * using a color ramp. * @param image QImage to alter * @param properties DistanceTransformProperties object with parameters * for the distance transform operation */ static void distanceTransform( QImage &image, const QgsImageOperation::DistanceTransformProperties& properties ); /** Performs a stack blur on an image. Stack blur represents a good balance between * speed and blur quality. * @param image QImage to blur * @param radius blur radius in pixels, maximum value of 16 * @param alphaOnly set to true to blur only the alpha component of the image * @note for fastest operation, ensure the source image is ARGB32_Premultiplied if * alphaOnly is set to false, or ARGB32 if alphaOnly is true */ static void stackBlur( QImage &image, const int radius, const bool alphaOnly = false ); /** Performs a gaussian blur on an image. Gaussian blur is slower but results in a high * quality blur. * @param image QImage to blur * @param radius blur radius in pixels * @returns blurred image * @note for fastest operation, ensure the source image is ARGB32_Premultiplied */ static QImage* gaussianBlur( QImage &image, const int radius ) /Factory/; /** Flips an image horizontally or vertically * @param image QImage to flip * @param type type of flip to perform (horizontal or vertical) */ static void flipImage( QImage &image, FlipType type ); /** Calculates the non-transparent region of an image. * @param image source image * @param minSize minimum size for returned region, if desired. If the * non-transparent region of the image is smaller than this minimum size, * it will be centered in the returned rectangle. * @param center return rectangle will be centered on the center of the original image if set to true * @note added in QGIS 2.9 * @see cropTransparent */ static QRect nonTransparentImageRect( const QImage & image, QSize minSize = QSize(), bool center = false ); /** Crop any transparent border from around an image. * @param image source image * @param minSize minimum size for cropped image, if desired. If the * cropped image is smaller than the minimum size, it will be centered * in the returned image. * @param center cropped image will be centered on the center of the original image if set to true * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ static QImage cropTransparent( const QImage & image, QSize minSize = QSize(), bool center = false ); };