/*************************************************************************** qgspluginmanager.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Someday 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Gary E.Sherman email : sherman at mrcc.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qgis.h" #include "qgisapp.h" #include "qgsapplication.h" #include "qgsconfig.h" #include "qgsproviderregistry.h" #include "qgspluginregistry.h" #include "qgspluginsortfilterproxymodel.h" #include "qgspythonrunner.h" #include "qgspluginmanager.h" #include "qgisplugin.h" #include "qgslogger.h" #include "qgspluginitemdelegate.h" #include "qgssettings.h" #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS #include "qgspythonutils.h" #endif // Do we need this? // #define TESTLIB #ifdef TESTLIB // This doesn't work on windows and causes problems with plugins // on OS X (the code doesn't cause a problem but including dlfcn.h // renders plugins unloadable) #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_MACX) #include #endif #endif QgsPluginManager::QgsPluginManager( QWidget *parent, bool pluginsAreEnabled, Qt::WindowFlags fl ) : QgsOptionsDialogBase( QStringLiteral( "PluginManager" ), parent, fl ) { // initialize pointer mPythonUtils = nullptr; setupUi( this ); connect( vwPlugins, &QListView::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::vwPlugins_clicked ); connect( vwPlugins, &QListView::doubleClicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::vwPlugins_doubleClicked ); connect( wvDetails, &QgsWebView::linkClicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::wvDetails_linkClicked ); connect( leFilter, &QgsFilterLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsPluginManager::leFilter_textChanged ); connect( buttonUpgradeAll, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonUpgradeAll_clicked ); connect( buttonInstall, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonInstall_clicked ); connect( buttonUninstall, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonUninstall_clicked ); connect( treeRepositories, &QTreeWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &QgsPluginManager::treeRepositories_itemSelectionChanged ); connect( treeRepositories, &QTreeWidget::doubleClicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::treeRepositories_doubleClicked ); connect( buttonAddRep, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonAddRep_clicked ); connect( buttonEditRep, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonEditRep_clicked ); connect( buttonDeleteRep, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonDeleteRep_clicked ); connect( buttonRefreshRepos, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonRefreshRepos_clicked ); connect( ckbExperimental, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBox::toggled, this, &QgsPluginManager::ckbExperimental_toggled ); connect( ckbDeprecated, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBox::toggled, this, &QgsPluginManager::ckbDeprecated_toggled ); connect( buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &QgsPluginManager::showHelp ); // QgsOptionsDialogBase handles saving/restoring of geometry, splitter and current tab states, // switching vertical tabs between icon/text to icon-only modes (splitter collapsed to left), // and connecting QDialogButtonBox's accepted/rejected signals to dialog's accept/reject slots initOptionsBase( true ); // Don't let QgsOptionsDialogBase to narrow the vertical tab list widget mOptListWidget->setMaximumWidth( 16777215 ); // load translated description strings from qgspluginmanager_texts initTabDescriptions(); // set internal variable mPluginsAreEnabled = pluginsAreEnabled; // Init models mModelPlugins = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 1 ); mModelProxy = new QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel( this ); mModelProxy->setSourceModel( mModelPlugins ); mModelProxy->setSortCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive ); mModelProxy->setSortRole( Qt::DisplayRole ); mModelProxy->setDynamicSortFilter( true ); mModelProxy->sort( 0, Qt::AscendingOrder ); vwPlugins->setModel( mModelProxy ); vwPlugins->setItemDelegate( new QgsPluginItemDelegate( vwPlugins ) ); vwPlugins->setFocus(); // Preset widgets leFilter->setFocus( Qt::MouseFocusReason ); wvDetails->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks ); // Connect other signals connect( mOptionsListWidget, &QListWidget::currentRowChanged, this, &QgsPluginManager::setCurrentTab ); connect( vwPlugins->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &QgsPluginManager::currentPluginChanged ); connect( mModelPlugins, &QStandardItemModel::itemChanged, this, &QgsPluginManager::pluginItemChanged ); // Restiore UI state for widgets not handled by QgsOptionsDialogBase QgsSettings settings; // 1) The second splitter state: mPluginsDetailsSplitter->restoreState( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "Windows/PluginManager/secondSplitterState" ) ).toByteArray() ); // 2) The current mOptionsListWidget index (it will overwrite the "tab" setting of QgsOptionsDialogBase that handles the stackedWidget page // instead of the mOptionsListWidget index). Then the signal connected above will update the relevant page as well. mOptionsListWidget->setCurrentRow( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "Windows/PluginManager/option" ), 0 ).toInt() ); // Hide widgets only suitable with Python support enabled (they will be uncovered back in setPythonUtils) buttonUpgradeAll->hide(); buttonInstall->hide(); buttonUninstall->hide(); frameSettings->setHidden( true ); mOptionsListWidget->item( PLUGMAN_TAB_INSTALL_FROM_ZIP )->setHidden( true ); voteRating->hide(); voteLabel->hide(); voteSlider->hide(); voteSubmit->hide(); #ifndef WITH_QTWEBKIT connect( voteSubmit, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( submitVote() ) ); #endif // Init the message bar instance msgBar = new QgsMessageBar( this ); msgBar->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); vlayoutRightColumn->insertWidget( 0, msgBar ); } QgsPluginManager::~QgsPluginManager() { delete mModelProxy; delete mModelPlugins; QgsSettings settings; settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "Windows/PluginManager/secondSplitterState" ), mPluginsDetailsSplitter->saveState() ); settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "Windows/PluginManager/option" ), mOptionsListWidget->currentRow() ); } void QgsPluginManager::setPythonUtils( QgsPythonUtils *pythonUtils ) { mPythonUtils = pythonUtils; // Now enable Python support: // Show and preset widgets only suitable when Python support active mOptionsListWidget->item( PLUGMAN_TAB_INSTALL_FROM_ZIP )->setHidden( false ); buttonUpgradeAll->show(); buttonInstall->show(); buttonUninstall->show(); frameSettings->setHidden( false ); labelNoPython->setHidden( true ); buttonRefreshRepos->setEnabled( false ); buttonEditRep->setEnabled( false ); buttonDeleteRep->setEnabled( false ); // Add context menu to the plugins list view QAction *actionSortByName = new QAction( tr( "sort by name" ), vwPlugins ); QAction *actionSortByDownloads = new QAction( tr( "sort by downloads" ), vwPlugins ); QAction *actionSortByVote = new QAction( tr( "sort by vote" ), vwPlugins ); QAction *actionSortByStatus = new QAction( tr( "sort by status" ), vwPlugins ); actionSortByName->setCheckable( true ); actionSortByDownloads->setCheckable( true ); actionSortByVote->setCheckable( true ); actionSortByStatus->setCheckable( true ); QActionGroup *group = new QActionGroup( vwPlugins ); actionSortByName->setActionGroup( group ); actionSortByDownloads->setActionGroup( group ); actionSortByVote->setActionGroup( group ); actionSortByStatus->setActionGroup( group ); actionSortByName->setChecked( true ); vwPlugins->addAction( actionSortByName ); vwPlugins->addAction( actionSortByDownloads ); vwPlugins->addAction( actionSortByVote ); vwPlugins->addAction( actionSortByStatus ); vwPlugins->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::ActionsContextMenu ); connect( actionSortByName, &QAction::triggered, mModelProxy, &QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel::sortPluginsByName ); connect( actionSortByDownloads, &QAction::triggered, mModelProxy, &QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel::sortPluginsByDownloads ); connect( actionSortByVote, &QAction::triggered, mModelProxy, &QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel::sortPluginsByVote ); connect( actionSortByStatus, &QAction::triggered, mModelProxy, &QgsPluginSortFilterProxyModel::sortPluginsByStatus ); // get the QgsSettings group from the installer QString settingsGroup; QgsPythonRunner::eval( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().exportSettingsGroup()" ), settingsGroup ); QgsSettings settings; // Initialize the "Install from ZIP" tab widgets mZipFileWidget->setDefaultRoot( settings.value( settingsGroup + "/lastZipDirectory", "." ).toString() ); mZipFileWidget->setFilter( tr( "Plugin packages (*.zip *.ZIP)" ) ); connect( mZipFileWidget, &QgsFileWidget::fileChanged, this, &QgsPluginManager::mZipFileWidget_fileChanged ); connect( buttonInstallFromZip, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsPluginManager::buttonInstallFromZip_clicked ); // Initialize list of allowed checking intervals mCheckingOnStartIntervals << 0 << 1 << 3 << 7 << 14 << 30; // Initialize the "Settings" tab widgets if ( settings.value( settingsGroup + "/checkOnStart", false ).toBool() ) { ckbCheckUpdates->setChecked( true ); } if ( settings.value( settingsGroup + "/allowExperimental", false ).toBool() ) { ckbExperimental->setChecked( true ); } if ( settings.value( settingsGroup + "/allowDeprecated", false ).toBool() ) { ckbDeprecated->setChecked( true ); } int interval = settings.value( settingsGroup + "/checkOnStartInterval", "" ).toInt(); int indx = mCheckingOnStartIntervals.indexOf( interval ); // if none found, just use -1 index. comboInterval->setCurrentIndex( indx ); } void QgsPluginManager::loadPlugin( const QString &id ) { const QMap *plugin = pluginMetadata( id ); if ( ! plugin ) { return; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); QgsPluginRegistry *pRegistry = QgsPluginRegistry::instance(); QString library = plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "library" ) ); if ( plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { library = plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ); QgsDebugMsg( "Loading Python plugin: " + library ); pRegistry->loadPythonPlugin( library ); } else // C++ plugin { QgsDebugMsg( "Loading C++ plugin: " + library ); pRegistry->loadCppPlugin( library ); } QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin loaded: " + library ); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } void QgsPluginManager::unloadPlugin( const QString &id ) { const QMap *plugin = pluginMetadata( id ); if ( ! plugin ) { return; } QgsPluginRegistry *pRegistry = QgsPluginRegistry::instance(); QString library = plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "library" ) ); if ( plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { library = plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ); QgsDebugMsg( "Unloading Python plugin: " + library ); pRegistry->unloadPythonPlugin( library ); } else // C++ plugin { QgsDebugMsg( "Unloading C++ plugin: " + library ); pRegistry->unloadCppPlugin( library ); } } void QgsPluginManager::savePluginState( QString id, bool state ) { const QMap *plugin = pluginMetadata( id ); if ( ! plugin ) { return; } QgsSettings settings; if ( plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { // Python plugin settings.setValue( "/PythonPlugins/" + id, state ); } else { // C++ plugin // Trim "cpp:" prefix from cpp plugin id id = id.mid( 4 ); settings.setValue( "/Plugins/" + id, state ); } } void QgsPluginManager::getCppPluginsMetadata() { QString sharedLibExtension; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(__CYGWIN__) sharedLibExtension = "*.dll"; #else sharedLibExtension = QStringLiteral( "*.so*" ); #endif // check all libs in the current ans user plugins directories, and get name and descriptions // First, the qgis install directory/lib (this info is available from the provider registry so we use it here) QgsProviderRegistry *pr = QgsProviderRegistry::instance(); QStringList myPathList( pr->libraryDirectory().path() ); QgsSettings settings; QString myPaths = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "plugins/searchPathsForPlugins" ), "" ).toString(); if ( !myPaths.isEmpty() ) { myPathList.append( myPaths.split( '|' ) ); } for ( int j = 0; j < myPathList.size(); ++j ) { QString myPluginDir = myPathList.at( j ); QDir pluginDir( myPluginDir, sharedLibExtension, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks ); if ( pluginDir.count() == 0 ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "No Plugins" ), tr( "No QGIS plugins found in %1" ).arg( myPluginDir ) ); return; } for ( uint i = 0; i < pluginDir.count(); i++ ) { QString lib = QStringLiteral( "%1/%2" ).arg( myPluginDir, pluginDir[i] ); #ifdef TESTLIB // This doesn't work on windows and causes problems with plugins // on OS X (the code doesn't cause a problem but including dlfcn.h // renders plugins unloadable) #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_MACX) // test code to help debug loading problems // This doesn't work on windows and causes problems with plugins // on OS X (the code doesn't cause a problem but including dlfcn.h // renders plugins unloadable) //void *handle = dlopen( (const char *) lib, RTLD_LAZY); void *handle = dlopen( lib.toLocal8Bit().data(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL ); if ( !handle ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Error in dlopen: " ); QgsDebugMsg( dlerror() ); } else { QgsDebugMsg( "dlopen succeeded for " + lib ); dlclose( handle ); } #endif //#ifndef Q_OS_WIN && Q_OS_MACX #endif //#ifdef TESTLIB QgsDebugMsg( "Examining: " + lib ); QLibrary *myLib = new QLibrary( lib ); bool loaded = myLib->load(); if ( !loaded ) { QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Failed to load: %1 (%2)" ).arg( myLib->fileName(), myLib->errorString() ) ); delete myLib; continue; } QgsDebugMsg( "Loaded library: " + myLib->fileName() ); // Don't bother with libraries that are providers //if(!myLib->resolve( "isProvider" ) ) //MH: Replaced to allow for plugins that are linked to providers //type is only used in non-provider plugins if ( !myLib->resolve( "type" ) ) { delete myLib; continue; } // resolve the metadata from plugin name_t *pName = ( name_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "name" ) ); description_t *pDesc = ( description_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "description" ) ); category_t *pCat = ( category_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "category" ) ); version_t *pVersion = ( version_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "version" ) ); icon_t *pIcon = ( icon_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "icon" ) ); experimental_t *pExperimental = ( experimental_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "experimental" ) ); // show the values (or lack of) for each function if ( pName ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin name: " + pName() ); } else { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin name not returned when queried" ); } if ( pDesc ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin description: " + pDesc() ); } else { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin description not returned when queried" ); } if ( pCat ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin category: " + pCat() ); } else { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin category not returned when queried" ); } if ( pVersion ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin version: " + pVersion() ); } else { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin version not returned when queried" ); } if ( pIcon ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin icon: " + pIcon() ); } if ( !pName || !pDesc || !pVersion ) { QgsDebugMsg( "Failed to get name, description, or type for " + myLib->fileName() ); delete myLib; continue; } // Add "cpp:" prefix in case of two: Python and C++ plugins with the same name QString baseName = "cpp:" + QFileInfo( lib ).baseName(); QMap metadata; metadata[QStringLiteral( "id" )] = baseName; metadata[QStringLiteral( "name" )] = pName(); metadata[QStringLiteral( "description" )] = pDesc(); metadata[QStringLiteral( "category" )] = ( pCat ? pCat() : tr( "Plugins" ) ); metadata[QStringLiteral( "version_installed" )] = pVersion(); metadata[QStringLiteral( "icon" )] = ( pIcon ? pIcon() : QString() ); metadata[QStringLiteral( "library" )] = myLib->fileName(); metadata[QStringLiteral( "pythonic" )] = QStringLiteral( "false" ); metadata[QStringLiteral( "installed" )] = QStringLiteral( "true" ); metadata[QStringLiteral( "readonly" )] = QStringLiteral( "true" ); metadata[QStringLiteral( "status" )] = QStringLiteral( "orphan" ); metadata[QStringLiteral( "experimental" )] = ( pExperimental ? pExperimental() : QString() ); mPlugins.insert( baseName, metadata ); delete myLib; } } } QStandardItem *QgsPluginManager::createSpacerItem( const QString &text, const QString &value ) { QStandardItem *mySpacerltem = new QStandardItem( text ); mySpacerltem->setData( value, PLUGIN_STATUS_ROLE ); mySpacerltem->setData( "status", SPACER_ROLE ); mySpacerltem->setEnabled( false ); mySpacerltem->setEditable( false ); QFont font = mySpacerltem->font(); font.setBold( true ); mySpacerltem->setFont( font ); mySpacerltem->setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); return mySpacerltem; } void QgsPluginManager::reloadModelData() { mModelPlugins->clear(); if ( !mCurrentlyDisplayedPlugin.isEmpty() ) { wvDetails->setHtml( QLatin1String( "" ) ); buttonInstall->setEnabled( false ); buttonUninstall->setEnabled( false ); } for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( ! it->value( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ).isEmpty() ) { QString baseName = it->value( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ); QString pluginName = it->value( QStringLiteral( "name" ) ); QString description = it->value( QStringLiteral( "description" ) ); QString author = it->value( QStringLiteral( "author_name" ) ); QString iconPath = it->value( QStringLiteral( "icon" ) ); QString status = it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ); QString error = it->value( QStringLiteral( "error" ) ); QStandardItem *mypDetailItem = new QStandardItem( pluginName ); mypDetailItem->setData( baseName, PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( status, PLUGIN_STATUS_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( error, PLUGIN_ERROR_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( description, PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( author, PLUGIN_AUTHOR_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( it->value( QStringLiteral( "tags" ) ), PLUGIN_TAGS_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( it->value( QStringLiteral( "downloads" ) ).rightJustified( 10, '0' ), PLUGIN_DOWNLOADS_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( it->value( QStringLiteral( "zip_repository" ) ), PLUGIN_REPOSITORY_ROLE ); mypDetailItem->setData( it->value( QStringLiteral( "average_vote" ) ), PLUGIN_VOTE_ROLE ); if ( QFileInfo( iconPath ).isFile() ) { mypDetailItem->setData( QPixmap( iconPath ), Qt::DecorationRole ); } else { mypDetailItem->setData( QPixmap( QgsApplication::defaultThemePath() + "/propertyicons/plugin.svg" ), Qt::DecorationRole ); } mypDetailItem->setEditable( false ); // Set checkable if the plugin is installed and not disabled due to incompatibility. // Broken plugins are checkable to to allow disabling them mypDetailItem->setCheckable( it->value( QStringLiteral( "installed" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) && it->value( QStringLiteral( "error" ) ) != QLatin1String( "incompatible" ) ); // Set ckeckState depending on the plugin is loaded or not. // Initially mark all unchecked, then overwrite state of loaded ones with checked. // Only do it with installed plugins, not not initialize checkboxes of not installed plugins at all. if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "installed" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { mypDetailItem->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked ); } if ( isPluginEnabled( it->value( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ) ) ) { mypDetailItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); } // Add items to model mModelPlugins->appendRow( mypDetailItem ); // Repaint the details view if the currently displayed data are changed. if ( baseName == mCurrentlyDisplayedPlugin ) { showPluginDetails( mypDetailItem ); } } } #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS // Add spacers for sort by status if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() ) { // TODO: implement better sort method instead of these dummy -Z statuses mModelPlugins->appendRow( createSpacerItem( tr( "Only locally available", "category: plugins that are only locally available" ), QStringLiteral( "orphanZ" ) ) ); if ( hasReinstallablePlugins() ) mModelPlugins->appendRow( createSpacerItem( tr( "Reinstallable", "category: plugins that are installed and available" ), QStringLiteral( "installedZ" ) ) ); if ( hasUpgradeablePlugins() ) mModelPlugins->appendRow( createSpacerItem( tr( "Upgradeable", "category: plugins that are installed and there is a newer version available" ), QStringLiteral( "upgradeableZ" ) ) ); if ( hasNewerPlugins() ) mModelPlugins->appendRow( createSpacerItem( tr( "Downgradeable", "category: plugins that are installed and there is an OLDER version available" ), QStringLiteral( "newerZ" ) ) ); if ( hasAvailablePlugins() ) mModelPlugins->appendRow( createSpacerItem( tr( "Installable", "category: plugins that are available for installation" ), QStringLiteral( "not installedZ" ) ) ); } #endif updateWindowTitle(); buttonUpgradeAll->setEnabled( hasUpgradeablePlugins() ); // Disable tabs that are empty because of no suitable plugins in the model. mOptionsListWidget->item( PLUGMAN_TAB_NOT_INSTALLED )->setHidden( ! hasAvailablePlugins() ); mOptionsListWidget->item( PLUGMAN_TAB_UPGRADEABLE )->setHidden( ! hasUpgradeablePlugins() ); mOptionsListWidget->item( PLUGMAN_TAB_NEW )->setHidden( ! hasNewPlugins() ); mOptionsListWidget->item( PLUGMAN_TAB_INVALID )->setHidden( ! hasInvalidPlugins() ); } void QgsPluginManager::pluginItemChanged( QStandardItem *item ) { QString id = item->data( PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ).toString(); if ( item->checkState() ) { if ( mPluginsAreEnabled && ! isPluginEnabled( id ) ) { QgsDebugMsg( " Loading plugin: " + id ); loadPlugin( id ); } else { // only enable the plugin, as we're in --noplugins mode QgsDebugMsg( " Enabling plugin: " + id ); savePluginState( id, true ); } } else if ( ! item->checkState() ) { QgsDebugMsg( " Unloading plugin: " + id ); unloadPlugin( id ); } } void QgsPluginManager::showPluginDetails( QStandardItem *item ) { const QMap *metadata = pluginMetadata( item->data( PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ).toString() ); if ( !metadata ) { return; } QString html = ""; if ( !metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "plugin_id" ) ).isEmpty() ) { #ifdef WITH_QTWEBKIT html += QString( "" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "average_vote" ) ).toFloat() / 5 * 92 ); html += QString( "" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "plugin_id" ) ) ); #else voteRating->show(); voteLabel->show(); voteSlider->show(); voteSubmit->show(); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "vote slider:%1" ).arg( std::round( metadata->value( "average_vote" ).toFloat() ) ) ); voteSlider->setValue( std::round( metadata->value( "average_vote" ).toFloat() ) ); mCurrentPluginId = metadata->value( "plugin_id" ).toInt(); } else { voteRating->hide(); voteLabel->hide(); voteSlider->hide(); voteSubmit->hide(); mCurrentPluginId = -1; #endif } #ifdef WITH_QTWEBKIT html += QLatin1String( "" ); #else html += ""; #endif // First prepare message box(es) if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "error" ) ).isEmpty() ) { QString errorMsg; if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "error" ) ) == QLatin1String( "incompatible" ) ) { errorMsg = QStringLiteral( "%1
%2" ).arg( tr( "This plugin is incompatible with this version of QGIS" ), tr( "Plugin designed for QGIS %1", "compatible QGIS version(s)" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "error_details" ) ) ) ); } else if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "error" ) ) == QLatin1String( "dependent" ) ) { errorMsg = QStringLiteral( "%1:
%2" ).arg( tr( "This plugin requires a missing module" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "error_details" ) ) ); } else { errorMsg = QStringLiteral( "%1
%2" ).arg( tr( "This plugin is broken" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "error_details" ) ) ); } html += QString( "" " " "
" ).arg( errorMsg ); } if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "upgradeable" ) ) { html += QString( "" " " "
" ).arg( tr( "There is a new version available" ) ); } if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "new" ) ) { html += QString( "" " " "
" ).arg( tr( "This is a new plugin" ) ); } if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "newer" ) ) { html += QString( "" " " "
" ).arg( tr( "Installed version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repository" ) ); } if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "experimental" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { html += QString( "" " " "
" " %1" "
" ).arg( tr( "This plugin is experimental" ) ); } if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "deprecated" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { html += QString( "" " " "
" " %1" "
" ).arg( tr( "This plugin is deprecated" ) ); } if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "readonly" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { html += QString( "" " " "
" ).arg( tr( "This is a core plugin, so you can't uninstall it" ) ); } // Now the metadata html += QLatin1String( "
" ); QString iconPath = metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "icon" ) ); if ( QFileInfo( iconPath ).isFile() || iconPath.startsWith( QLatin1String( "http" ) ) ) { if ( iconPath.startsWith( QLatin1String( ":/" ) ) ) { iconPath = "qrc" + iconPath; } else if ( ! iconPath.startsWith( QLatin1String( "http" ) ) ) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) iconPath = "file:///" + iconPath; #else iconPath = "file://" + iconPath; #endif } html += QStringLiteral( "" ).arg( iconPath ); } html += QStringLiteral( "


" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "name" ) ) ); html += QStringLiteral( "


" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "description" ) ) ); if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "about" ) ).isEmpty() ) { QString about = metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "about" ) ); html += about.replace( '\n', QLatin1String( "
" ) ); } html += QLatin1String( "

" ); QString votes; #ifndef WITH_QTWEBKIT votes += tr( "Average rating %1" ).arg( metadata->value( "average_vote" ).toFloat(), 0, 'f', 1 ); #endif if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "rating_votes" ) ).isEmpty() ) { if ( !votes.isEmpty() ) votes += QLatin1String( ", " ); votes += tr( "%1 rating vote(s)" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "rating_votes" ) ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "downloads" ) ).isEmpty() ) { if ( !votes.isEmpty() ) votes += QLatin1String( ", " ); votes += tr( "%1 downloads" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "downloads" ) ) ); } #ifdef WITH_QTWEBKIT html += QLatin1String( "
" ); html += QLatin1String( "
" ); html += votes; html += QLatin1String( "
" ); html += QLatin1String( "
" ); #else voteRating->setText( votes ); #endif html += QLatin1String( "
" ); html += QLatin1String( "
" ); if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "category" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%1: %2
" ).arg( tr( "Category" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "category" ) ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "tags" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%1: %2
" ).arg( tr( "Tags" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "tags" ) ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "homepage" ) ).isEmpty() || ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "tracker" ) ).isEmpty() || ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "code_repository" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%1: " ).arg( tr( "More info" ) ); if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "homepage" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%2   " ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "homepage" ) ), tr( "homepage" ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "tracker" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%2   " ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "tracker" ) ), tr( "bug_tracker" ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "code_repository" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%2" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "code_repository" ) ), tr( "code_repository" ) ); } html += QLatin1String( "
" ); } html += QLatin1String( "
" ); if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "author_email" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%1: %3" ).arg( tr( "Author" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "author_email" ) ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "author_name" ) ) ); html += QLatin1String( "

" ); } else if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "author_name" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QStringLiteral( "%1: %2" ).arg( tr( "Author" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "author_name" ) ) ); html += QLatin1String( "

" ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "version_installed" ) ).isEmpty() ) { QString ver = metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "version_installed" ) ); if ( ver == QLatin1String( "-1" ) ) ver = '?'; html += tr( "Installed version: %1 (in %2)
" ).arg( ver, metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "library" ) ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "version_available" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += tr( "Available version: %1 (in %2)
" ).arg( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "version_available" ) ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "zip_repository" ) ) ); } if ( ! metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "changelog" ) ).isEmpty() ) { html += QLatin1String( "
" ); QString changelog = QStringLiteral( "%1:
" ).arg( tr( "Changelog" ), metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "changelog" ) ) ); html += changelog.replace( '\n', QLatin1String( "
" ) ); } html += QLatin1String( "
" ); html += QLatin1String( "" ); wvDetails->setHtml( html ); // Set buttonInstall text (and sometimes focus) buttonInstall->setDefault( false ); if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "upgradeable" ) ) { buttonInstall->setText( tr( "Upgrade plugin" ) ); buttonInstall->setDefault( true ); } else if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "newer" ) ) { buttonInstall->setText( tr( "Downgrade plugin" ) ); } else if ( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "not installed" ) || metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "new" ) ) { buttonInstall->setText( tr( "Install plugin" ) ); } else { // Default (will be grayed out if not available for reinstallation) buttonInstall->setText( tr( "Reinstall plugin" ) ); } // Enable/disable buttons buttonInstall->setEnabled( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ).toUpper() == QLatin1String( "TRUE" ) && metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) != QLatin1String( "orphan" ) ); buttonUninstall->setEnabled( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ).toUpper() == QLatin1String( "TRUE" ) && metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "readonly" ) ) != QLatin1String( "true" ) && metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) != QLatin1String( "not installed" ) && metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) != QLatin1String( "new" ) ); buttonUninstall->setHidden( metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "not installed" ) || metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "new" ) ); // Store the id of the currently displayed plugin mCurrentlyDisplayedPlugin = metadata->value( QStringLiteral( "id" ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::selectTabItem( int idx ) { mOptionsListWidget->setCurrentRow( idx ); } void QgsPluginManager::clearPythonPluginMetadata() { for ( QMap >::iterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ) { if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { it = mPlugins.erase( it ); } else { ++it; } } } void QgsPluginManager::addPluginMetadata( const QString &key, const QMap &metadata ) { mPlugins.insert( key, metadata ); } const QMap *QgsPluginManager::pluginMetadata( const QString &key ) const { QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.find( key ); if ( it != mPlugins.end() ) { return &it.value(); } return nullptr; } void QgsPluginManager::clearRepositoryList() { treeRepositories->clear(); buttonRefreshRepos->setEnabled( false ); buttonEditRep->setEnabled( false ); buttonDeleteRep->setEnabled( false ); Q_FOREACH ( QAction *action, treeRepositories->actions() ) { treeRepositories->removeAction( action ); } } void QgsPluginManager::addToRepositoryList( const QMap &repository ) { // If it's the second item on the tree, change the button text to plural form and add the filter context menu if ( buttonRefreshRepos->isEnabled() && treeRepositories->actions().count() < 1 ) { buttonRefreshRepos->setText( tr( "Reload all repositories" ) ); QAction *actionEnableThisRepositoryOnly = new QAction( tr( "Only show plugins from selected repository" ), treeRepositories ); treeRepositories->addAction( actionEnableThisRepositoryOnly ); connect( actionEnableThisRepositoryOnly, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsPluginManager::setRepositoryFilter ); treeRepositories->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::ActionsContextMenu ); QAction *actionClearFilter = new QAction( tr( "Clear filter" ), treeRepositories ); actionClearFilter->setEnabled( repository.value( QStringLiteral( "inspection_filter" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ); treeRepositories->addAction( actionClearFilter ); connect( actionClearFilter, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsPluginManager::clearRepositoryFilter ); } QString key = repository.value( QStringLiteral( "name" ) ); if ( ! key.isEmpty() ) { QTreeWidgetItem *a = new QTreeWidgetItem( treeRepositories ); a->setText( 1, key ); a->setText( 2, repository.value( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ) ); if ( repository.value( QStringLiteral( "enabled" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) && repository.value( QStringLiteral( "valid" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { if ( repository.value( QStringLiteral( "state" ) ) == QLatin1String( "2" ) ) { a->setText( 0, tr( "connected" ) ); a->setIcon( 0, QIcon( ":/images/themes/default/repositoryConnected.png" ) ); a->setToolTip( 0, tr( "The repository is connected" ) ); } else { a->setText( 0, tr( "unavailable" ) ); a->setIcon( 0, QIcon( ":/images/themes/default/repositoryUnavailable.png" ) ); a->setToolTip( 0, tr( "The repository is enabled, but unavailable" ) ); } } else { a->setText( 0, tr( "disabled" ) ); a->setIcon( 0, QIcon( ":/images/themes/default/repositoryDisabled.png" ) ); if ( repository.value( QStringLiteral( "valid" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { a->setToolTip( 0, tr( "The repository is disabled" ) ); } else { a->setToolTip( 0, tr( "The repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version" ) ); } QBrush grayBrush = QBrush( QColor( Qt::gray ) ); a->setForeground( 0, grayBrush ); a->setForeground( 1, grayBrush ); a->setForeground( 2, grayBrush ); } } treeRepositories->resizeColumnToContents( 0 ); treeRepositories->resizeColumnToContents( 1 ); treeRepositories->resizeColumnToContents( 2 ); treeRepositories->sortItems( 1, Qt::AscendingOrder ); buttonRefreshRepos->setEnabled( true ); } // SLOTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "Close" button clicked void QgsPluginManager::reject() { #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() ) { // get the QgsSettings group from the installer QString settingsGroup; QgsPythonRunner::eval( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().exportSettingsGroup()" ), settingsGroup ); QgsSettings settings; settings.setValue( settingsGroup + "/checkOnStart", QVariant( ckbCheckUpdates->isChecked() ) ); settings.setValue( settingsGroup + "/checkOnStartInterval", QVariant( mCheckingOnStartIntervals.value( comboInterval->currentIndex() ) ) ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().onManagerClose()" ) ); } #endif done( 1 ); } void QgsPluginManager::setCurrentTab( int idx ) { if ( idx == PLUGMAN_TAB_SETTINGS ) { mOptionsStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); } else if ( idx == PLUGMAN_TAB_INSTALL_FROM_ZIP ) { mOptionsStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); } else { mOptionsStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); QStringList acceptedStatuses; QString tabTitle; switch ( idx ) { case PLUGMAN_TAB_ALL: // all (statuses ends with Z are for spacers to always sort properly) acceptedStatuses << QStringLiteral( "installed" ) << QStringLiteral( "not installed" ) << QStringLiteral( "new" ) << QStringLiteral( "orphan" ) << QStringLiteral( "newer" ) << QStringLiteral( "upgradeable" ) << QStringLiteral( "not installedZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "installedZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "upgradeableZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "orphanZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "newerZZ" ) << QLatin1String( "" ); tabTitle = QStringLiteral( "all_plugins" ); break; case PLUGMAN_TAB_INSTALLED: // installed (statuses ends with Z are for spacers to always sort properly) acceptedStatuses << QStringLiteral( "installed" ) << QStringLiteral( "orphan" ) << QStringLiteral( "newer" ) << QStringLiteral( "upgradeable" ) << QStringLiteral( "installedZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "upgradeableZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "orphanZ" ) << QStringLiteral( "newerZZ" ) << QLatin1String( "" ); tabTitle = QStringLiteral( "installed_plugins" ); break; case PLUGMAN_TAB_NOT_INSTALLED: // not installed (get more) acceptedStatuses << QStringLiteral( "not installed" ) << QStringLiteral( "new" ); tabTitle = QStringLiteral( "not_installed_plugins" ); break; case PLUGMAN_TAB_UPGRADEABLE: // upgradeable acceptedStatuses << QStringLiteral( "upgradeable" ); tabTitle = QStringLiteral( "upgradeable_plugins" ); break; case PLUGMAN_TAB_NEW: // new acceptedStatuses << QStringLiteral( "new" ); tabTitle = QStringLiteral( "new_plugins" ); break; case PLUGMAN_TAB_INVALID: // invalid acceptedStatuses << QStringLiteral( "invalid" ); tabTitle = QStringLiteral( "invalid_plugins" ); break; } mModelProxy->setAcceptedStatuses( acceptedStatuses ); // load tab description HTML to the detail browser QString tabInfoHTML; QMap::const_iterator it = mTabDescriptions.constFind( tabTitle ); if ( it != mTabDescriptions.constEnd() ) { tabInfoHTML += ""; // tabInfoHTML += ""; tabInfoHTML += it.value(); } wvDetails->setHtml( tabInfoHTML ); // disable buttons buttonInstall->setEnabled( false ); buttonUninstall->setEnabled( false ); } updateWindowTitle(); } void QgsPluginManager::currentPluginChanged( const QModelIndex &index ) { if ( index.column() == 0 ) { // Do exactly the same as if a plugin was clicked vwPlugins_clicked( index ); } } void QgsPluginManager::vwPlugins_clicked( const QModelIndex &index ) { if ( index.column() == 0 ) { // If the model has been filtered, the index row in the proxy won't match the index row in the underlying model // so we need to jump through this little hoop to get the correct item QModelIndex realIndex = mModelProxy->mapToSource( index ); QStandardItem *mypItem = mModelPlugins->itemFromIndex( realIndex ); if ( !mypItem->isEnabled() ) { //The item is inactive (uncompatible or broken plugin), so it can't be selected. Display it's data anyway. vwPlugins->clearSelection(); } // Display details in any case: selection changed, inactive button clicked, // or previously selected plugin clicked (while details view contains the welcome message for a category) showPluginDetails( mypItem ); } } void QgsPluginManager::vwPlugins_doubleClicked( const QModelIndex &index ) { if ( index.column() == 0 ) { // If the model has been filtered, the index row in the proxy won't match the index row in the underlying model // so we need to jump through this little hoop to get the correct item QModelIndex realIndex = mModelProxy->mapToSource( index ); QStandardItem *mypItem = mModelPlugins->itemFromIndex( realIndex ); if ( mypItem->isCheckable() ) { if ( mypItem->checkState() == Qt::Checked ) { mypItem->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked ); } else { mypItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); } } } } #ifndef WITH_QTWEBKIT void QgsPluginManager::submitVote() { if ( mCurrentPluginId < 0 ) return; sendVote( mCurrentPluginId, voteSlider->value() ); } #endif void QgsPluginManager::sendVote( int pluginId, int vote ) { QString response; QgsPythonRunner::eval( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().sendVote('%1', '%2')" ).arg( pluginId ).arg( vote ), response ); if ( response == QLatin1String( "True" ) ) { pushMessage( tr( "Vote sent successfully" ), QgsMessageBar::INFO ); } else { pushMessage( tr( "Sending vote to the plugin repository failed." ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING ); } } void QgsPluginManager::wvDetails_linkClicked( const QUrl &url ) { if ( url.scheme() == QLatin1String( "rpc2" ) ) { if ( url.host() == QLatin1String( "plugin.vote" ) ) { QString params = url.path(); sendVote( params.split( '/' )[1].toInt(), params.split( '/' )[2].toInt() ); } } else { QDesktopServices::openUrl( url ); } } void QgsPluginManager::leFilter_textChanged( QString text ) { if ( text.startsWith( QLatin1String( "tag:" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { text = text.remove( QStringLiteral( "tag:" ) ); mModelProxy->setFilterRole( PLUGIN_TAGS_ROLE ); QgsDebugMsg( "PluginManager TAG filter changed to :" + text ); } else { mModelProxy->setFilterRole( 0 ); QgsDebugMsg( "PluginManager filter changed to :" + text ); } QRegExp::PatternSyntax mySyntax = QRegExp::PatternSyntax( QRegExp::RegExp ); Qt::CaseSensitivity myCaseSensitivity = Qt::CaseInsensitive; QRegExp myRegExp( text, myCaseSensitivity, mySyntax ); mModelProxy->setFilterRegExp( myRegExp ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonUpgradeAll_clicked() { QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().upgradeAllUpgradeable()" ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonInstall_clicked() { QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().installPlugin('%1')" ).arg( mCurrentlyDisplayedPlugin ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonUninstall_clicked() { QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().uninstallPlugin('%1')" ).arg( mCurrentlyDisplayedPlugin ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::mZipFileWidget_fileChanged( const QString &filePath ) { buttonInstallFromZip->setEnabled( QFileInfo( filePath ).isFile() ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonInstallFromZip_clicked() { QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().installFromZipFile(r'%1')" ).arg( mZipFileWidget->filePath() ) ); mZipFileWidget->setFilePath( "" ); } void QgsPluginManager::treeRepositories_itemSelectionChanged() { buttonEditRep->setEnabled( ! treeRepositories->selectedItems().isEmpty() ); buttonDeleteRep->setEnabled( ! treeRepositories->selectedItems().isEmpty() ); } void QgsPluginManager::treeRepositories_doubleClicked( const QModelIndex & ) { buttonEditRep_clicked(); } void QgsPluginManager::setRepositoryFilter() { QTreeWidgetItem *current = treeRepositories->currentItem(); if ( current ) { QString key = current->text( 1 ); key = key.replace( '\'', QLatin1String( "\\\'" ) ).replace( '\"', QLatin1String( "\\\"" ) ); QgsDebugMsg( "Disabling all repositories but selected: " + key ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().setRepositoryInspectionFilter('%1')" ).arg( key ) ); } } void QgsPluginManager::clearRepositoryFilter() { QgsDebugMsg( "Enabling all repositories back" ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().setRepositoryInspectionFilter()" ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonRefreshRepos_clicked() { QgsDebugMsg( "Refreshing repositories..." ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().reloadAndExportData()" ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonAddRep_clicked() { QgsDebugMsg( "Adding repository connection..." ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().addRepository()" ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::buttonEditRep_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem *current = treeRepositories->currentItem(); if ( current ) { QString key = current->text( 1 ); key = key.replace( '\'', QLatin1String( "\\\'" ) ).replace( '\"', QLatin1String( "\\\"" ) ); QgsDebugMsg( "Editing repository connection: " + key ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().editRepository('%1')" ).arg( key ) ); } } void QgsPluginManager::buttonDeleteRep_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem *current = treeRepositories->currentItem(); if ( current ) { QString key = current->text( 1 ); key = key.replace( '\'', QLatin1String( "\\\'" ) ).replace( '\"', QLatin1String( "\\\"" ) ); QgsDebugMsg( "Deleting repository connection: " + key ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().deleteRepository('%1')" ).arg( key ) ); } } void QgsPluginManager::ckbExperimental_toggled( bool state ) { QString settingsGroup; QgsPythonRunner::eval( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().exportSettingsGroup()" ), settingsGroup ); QgsSettings settings; settings.setValue( settingsGroup + "/allowExperimental", QVariant( state ) ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.installer_data.plugins.rebuild()" ) ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().exportPluginsToManager()" ) ); } void QgsPluginManager::ckbDeprecated_toggled( bool state ) { QString settingsGroup; QgsPythonRunner::eval( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().exportSettingsGroup()" ), settingsGroup ); QgsSettings settings; settings.setValue( settingsGroup + "/allowDeprecated", QVariant( state ) ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.installer_data.plugins.rebuild()" ) ); QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().exportPluginsToManager()" ) ); } // PRIVATE METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool QgsPluginManager::isPluginEnabled( QString key ) { const QMap *plugin = pluginMetadata( key ); if ( plugin->isEmpty() ) { // No such plugin in the metadata registry return false; } QgsSettings mySettings; if ( plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "pythonic" ) ) != QLatin1String( "true" ) ) { // Trim "cpp:" prefix from cpp plugin id key = key.mid( 4 ); return ( mySettings.value( "/Plugins/" + key, QVariant( false ) ).toBool() ); } else { return ( plugin->value( QStringLiteral( "installed" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" ) && mySettings.value( "/PythonPlugins/" + key, QVariant( false ) ).toBool() ); } } bool QgsPluginManager::hasAvailablePlugins() { for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "not installed" ) || it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "new" ) ) { return true; } } return false; } bool QgsPluginManager::hasReinstallablePlugins() { for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { // plugins marked as "installed" are available for download (otherwise they are marked "orphans") if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "installed" ) ) { return true; } } return false; } bool QgsPluginManager::hasUpgradeablePlugins() { for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "upgradeable" ) ) { return true; } } return false; } bool QgsPluginManager::hasNewPlugins() { for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "new" ) ) { return true; } } return false; } bool QgsPluginManager::hasNewerPlugins() { for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( it->value( QStringLiteral( "status" ) ) == QLatin1String( "newer" ) ) { return true; } } return false; } bool QgsPluginManager::hasInvalidPlugins() { for ( QMap >::const_iterator it = mPlugins.constBegin(); it != mPlugins.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( ! it->value( QStringLiteral( "error" ) ).isEmpty() ) { return true; } } return false; } void QgsPluginManager::updateWindowTitle() { QListWidgetItem *curitem = mOptListWidget->currentItem(); if ( curitem ) { QString title = QStringLiteral( "%1 | %2" ).arg( tr( "Plugins" ), curitem->text() ); if ( mOptionsListWidget->currentRow() < mOptionsListWidget->count() - 2 && mModelPlugins ) { // if it's not the Settings tab, add the plugin count title += QStringLiteral( " (%3)" ).arg( mModelProxy->countWithCurrentStatus() ); } setWindowTitle( title ); } else { setWindowTitle( mDialogTitle ); } } void QgsPluginManager::showEvent( QShowEvent *e ) { if ( mInit ) { updateOptionsListVerticalTabs(); } else { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( warnAboutMissingObjects() ) ); } QDialog::showEvent( e ); } void QgsPluginManager::pushMessage( const QString &text, QgsMessageBar::MessageLevel level, int duration ) { if ( duration == -1 ) { duration = QgisApp::instance()->messageTimeout(); } msgBar->pushMessage( text, level, duration ); } void QgsPluginManager::showHelp() { QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral( "plugins/plugins.html" ) ); }