# Follows the 4 aspects of service metadata class IServiceIdentificationMetadata: """OO-interface to service identification metadata. """ type = property("""Service name (string): "WMS", "WFS", "WCS", or "SOS".""") version = property("""Version of service protocol (string).""") title = property("""Human-targeted title of service (string).""") abstract = property("""Text describing the service (string).""") keywords = property("""Keyword list (list).""") accessconstraints = property("""Explanation of access constraints associated with service (string).""") fees = property("""Explanation of fees associated with service (string).""") class IServiceProviderMetadata: """OO-interface to service provider metadata. """ name = property("""Provider's name (string).""") url = property("""URL for provider's web site (string).""") contact = property("""How to contact the service provider (string).""") class IServiceOperations: """OO-interface to service operations metadata. """ operations = property("""List of operation descriptors (list). These must implement IOperationMetadata (below).""") exceptions = property("""List of exception formats (list).""") class IServiceContents: """OO-interface to service contents metadata. """ contents = property("""List of content descriptors (list). These must implement IServiceContent (below).""") # IServiceMetadata aggregates the 4 aspects above class IServiceMetadata(IServiceOperations, IServiceContents): """OWS Metadata. operations and contents properties are inherited. """ identification = property("""Object that implements IServiceIdentificationMetadata.""") provider = property("""Object that implements IServiceProviderMetadata.""") # A Service has an online resource URL as well as metadata collections class IService(IServiceMetadata): """The OGC Web Service interface. """ url = property("""Online resource URL (string)""") # 3 specific service types are described below: WMS, WFS, and WCS class IWebMapService(IService): """Abstraction for an OGC Web Map Service (WMS). """ def getcapabilities(): """Make a request to the WMS, returns an XML document wrapped in a Python file object.""" def getmap(**kw): """Make a request to the WMS, returns an image wrapped in a Python file object.""" def getfeatureinfo(**kw): """Make a request to the WMS, returns data.""" class IWebFeatureService(IService): """Abstraction for an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS). """ def getcapabilities(): """Make a request to the WFS, returns an XML document wrapped in a Python file object.""" def getfeature(**kw): """Make a request to the WFS, returns an XML document wrapped in a Python file object.""" def describefeaturetype(**kw): """Make a request to the WFS, returns data.""" class IWebCoverageService(IService): # TODO pass class ISensorObservationService(IService): """Abstraction for an OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS). """ def getcapabilities(): """Make a request to the SOS, returns an XML document wrapped in a Python file object.""" def describesensor(): """Make a request to the SOS, returns an XML document wrapped in a Python file object.""" def getobservation(): """Make a request to the SOS, returns an XML document wrapped in a Python file object.""" # Second level metadata interfaces class IOperationMetadata: """OO-interface to operation metadata. """ name = property("""Operation name (string): GetCapabilities", for example.""") formatOptions = property("""List of content types (list).""") methods = property("""Mapping of method descriptors, keyed to HTTP verbs. Items must implement IMethodMetadata (below).""") class IMethodMetadata: """OO-interface to method metadata. """ url = property("""Method endpoint URL (string).""") # TODO: constraint class IContentMetadata: """OO-interface to content metadata. """ id = property("""Unique identifier (string).""") title = property("""Human-targeted title (string).""") boundingBox = property("""Four bounding values and a coordinate reference system identifier (tuple).""") boundingBoxWGS84 = property("""Four bounding values in WGS coordinates.""") crsOptions = property("""List of available coordinate/spatial reference systems (list).""") styles = property("""List of style dicts (list).""") timepositions=property("""List of times for which data is available""") defaulttimeposition=property("""Default time position""") class iSensorObservationServiceContentMetadata(IContentMetadata): """Extension class for SOS specifics""" pass # XXX: needed? class IContactMetadata: """OO-interface to OWS metadata. Properties ---------- name : string organization : string address : string city : string region : string postcode : string country : string email : string hoursofservice: string role: string """