class QgsVectorLayerTools : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgsvectorlayertools.h> %End public: QgsVectorLayerTools(); virtual ~QgsVectorLayerTools(); /** * This method should/will be called, whenever a new feature will be added to the layer * * @param layer The layer to which the feature should be added * @param defaultValues Default values for the feature to add * @param defaultGeometry A default geometry to add to the feature * @param feature Updated feature after adding will be written back to this * @return True in case of success, False if the operation failed/was aborted */ virtual bool addFeature( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QgsAttributeMap& defaultValues = QgsAttributeMap(), const QgsGeometry& defaultGeometry = QgsGeometry(), QgsFeature* feature /Out/ = 0 ) const = 0; /** * This will be called, whenever a vector layer should be switched to edit mode. Check the providers * capability to edit in here. * If successful layer->startEditing() will be called and true returned. * * @param layer The layer on which to start an edit session * * @return True, if the editing session was started */ virtual bool startEditing( QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const = 0; /** * Will be called, when an editing session is ended and the features should be commited. * Appropriate dialogs should be shown like * * @param layer The layer to commit * @param allowCancel True if a cancel button should be offered * @return True if successful */ virtual bool stopEditing( QgsVectorLayer* layer, bool allowCancel = true ) const = 0; /** * Should be called, when the features should be commited but the editing session is not ended. * * @param layer The layer to commit * @return True if successful */ virtual bool saveEdits( QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const = 0; /** * Copy and move features with defined translation. * * @param layer The layer * @param request The request for the features to be moved. It will be assigned to a new feature request with the newly copied features. * @param dx The translation on x * @param dy The translation on y * @param errorMsg If given, it will contain the error message * @return True if all features could be copied. * * TODO QGIS 3: remove const qualifier */ virtual bool copyMoveFeatures( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsFeatureRequest &request /In,Out/, double dx = 0, double dy = 0, QString* errorMsg /Out/ = nullptr ) const; };