#include #include #include #include // //qt includes #include //gdal and ogr includes #include #include #include class ProjectionCsHandlingTest : public CppUnit::TestCase { public: ProjectionCsHandlingTest(){} ProjectionCsHandlingTest( std::string name ) : CppUnit::TestCase( name ) { } static CppUnit::Test *suite() { CppUnit::TestSuite *suiteOfTests = new CppUnit::TestSuite( "ProjectionCsHandlingTest" ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testProjImportWkt", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testProjImportWkt ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testProjExportToProj4", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testProjExportToProj4 ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testProjNad27ExportToProj4", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testProjNad27ExportToProj4 ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testProjNad83ExportToProj4", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testProjNad83ExportToProj4 ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testFetchWktAttributes", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testFetchWktAttributes ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testProjEpsgExportToProj4", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testProjEpsgExportToProj4 ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testAkAlbersExportToProj4NoMorph", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testAkAlbersExportToProj4NoMorph ) ); suiteOfTests->addTest( new CppUnit::TestCaller( "testAkAlbersExportToProj4Morph", &ProjectionCsHandlingTest::testAkAlbersExportToProj4Morph ) ); return suiteOfTests; } // // Setup the common test members, etc // void setUp() { // wkt for creating a spatial refernence system wkt = "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\", " " DATUM[\"WGS_1984\", " " SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563, " " AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",7030]], " " TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], " " AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",6326]], " " PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",8901]], " " UNIT[\"DMSH\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",9108]], " " AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH], " " AXIS[\"Long\",EAST], " " AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",4326]]"; wktDest = "GEOGCS[\"GCS_North_American_1927\",DATUM[\"D_North_American_1927\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke_1866\",6378206.4,294.9786982]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.017453292519943295]]"; wktDestNad83 = "GEOGCS[\"GCS_North_American_1983\",DATUM[\"D_North_American_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS_1980\",6378137,298.257222101]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]]"; wktEpsg = "GEOGCS[\"NAD27\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1927\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke 1866\",6378206.4,294.978698213901]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]]"; wktAkAlbers = "PROJCS[\"Alaska_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_North_American_1927\",DATUM[\"D_North_American_1927\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke_1866\",6378206.4,294.9786982]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Albers\"],PARAMETER[\"False_Easting\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"False_Northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Central_Meridian\",-154.0],PARAMETER[\"Standard_Parallel_1\",55.0],PARAMETER[\"Standard_Parallel_2\",65.0],PARAMETER[\"Latitude_Of_Origin\",50.0],UNIT[\"Meter\",1.0]]"; } // // Test creation of a OGRSpatialReference object from wkt // void testProjImportWkt() { // create a spatial reference system object std::cout << "\n\nCreating and OGRSpatialReference object from WKT" << std::endl; OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wkt.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); } // // Test fetch of proj4 parameters from an OGRSpatialReference object // Failure occurs if datum field is not found in the proj4 parameter string // void testProjExportToProj4() { std::cout << "\n\nGetting proj4 parameters from OGRSpatialReference object" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wkt.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); // get the proj4 for the projection char *proj4src; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.exportToProj4(&proj4src) == OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tPROJ4: " << proj4src << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(QString(proj4src).find("datum") > -1); } // // Test fetch of proj4 parameters from GEOGCS NAD27 OGRSpatialReference object // Failure occurs if datum field is not found in the proj4 parameter string // void testProjNad27ExportToProj4() { std::cout << "\n\nGetting NAD27 proj4 parameters from OGRSpatialReference object" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wktDest.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); // get the proj4 for the projection char *proj4src; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.exportToProj4(&proj4src) == OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tPROJ4: " << proj4src << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(QString(proj4src).find("datum") > -1); } // // Test fetch of proj4 parameters from GEOGCS NAD83 OGRSpatialReference object // Failure occurs if datum field is not found in the proj4 parameter string // void testProjNad83ExportToProj4() { std::cout << "\n\nGetting NAD83 proj4 parameters used in states.shp" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wktDestNad83.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); // morph it from esri std::cout << "\tMorphing from ESRI to standard form before getting proj4 parameters" << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.morphFromESRI() == OGRERR_NONE); // get the proj4 for the projection char *proj4src; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.exportToProj4(&proj4src) == OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tPROJ4: " << proj4src << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(QString(proj4src).find("datum") > -1); } // // Test fetch of proj4 parameters from GEOGCS NAD83 OGRSpatialReference object // in EPSG format // Failure occurs if datum field is not found in the proj4 parameter string // void testProjEpsgExportToProj4() { std::cout << "\n\nGetting NAD83 proj4 parameters from an EPSG format WKT" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wktEpsg.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); // get the proj4 for the projection char *proj4src; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.exportToProj4(&proj4src) == OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tPROJ4: " << proj4src << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(QString(proj4src).find("datum") > -1); } // // Test fetch of proj4 parameters from Alaska Albers OGRSpatialReference object // without morph to ESRI form // Failure occurs if datum field is not found in the proj4 parameter string // void testAkAlbersExportToProj4NoMorph() { std::cout << "\n\nGetting Alaska Albers proj4 parameters from kodiak.prj" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wktAkAlbers.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tGetting proj4 paramters without morph to ESRI form" << std::endl; // get the proj4 for the unmorphed projection char *proj4src; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.exportToProj4(&proj4src) == OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tPROJ4: " << proj4src << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(QString(proj4src).find("datum") > -1); } // // Test fetch of proj4 parameters from Alaska Albers OGRSpatialReference object // with morph to ESRI form // Failure occurs if datum field is not found in the proj4 parameter string // void testAkAlbersExportToProj4Morph() { std::cout << "\n\nGetting Alaska Albers proj4 parameters from kodiak.prj" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wktAkAlbers.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tGetting proj4 paramters with morph to ESRI form" << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.morphFromESRI() == OGRERR_NONE); // get the proj4 for the unmorphed projection char *proj4src; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.exportToProj4(&proj4src) == OGRERR_NONE); std::cout << "\tPROJ4: " << proj4src << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(QString(proj4src).find("datum") > -1); } // // Test fetching of wkt properties from a spatial ref object // void testFetchWktAttributes() { std::cout << "\n\nFetching states.prj WKT attributes using OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrValue" << std::endl; // set up the spatial ref - use the nad83 from states.prj OGRSpatialReference myInputSpatialRefSys; char *pWkt = (char*)wktDestNad83.ascii(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myInputSpatialRefSys.importFromWkt(&pWkt)== OGRERR_NONE); // test access to the datum const char *datum = myInputSpatialRefSys.GetAttrValue("DATUM", 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(datum != 0); std::cout << "\tDatum: " << datum << std::endl; } private: // WKT for default projection hardcoded in QgsCoordinateTransform class QString wkt; // WKT for an ESRI style GEOGCS in NAD27 QString wktDest; // WKT for an ESRI style GEOGCS in NAD83 (from states.shp shapefile) QString wktDestNad83; // WKT for an EPSG style GEOGCS QString wktEpsg; // WKT for an ESRI style PROJCS as read from a shapefile QString wktAkAlbers; };