/** Helper class for sorting tables, takes into account sorting column and ascending / descending*/
class QgsComposerAttributeTableCompareV2
#include <qgscomposerattributetablev2.h>

    bool operator()( const QgsComposerTableRow& m1, const QgsComposerTableRow& m2 );

    /** Sets column number to sort by
     * @param col column number for sorting
    void setSortColumn( int col );

    /** Sets sort order for column sorting
     * @param asc set to true to sort in ascending order, false to sort in descending order
    void setAscending( bool asc );


/** A table that displays attributes from a vector layer*/
class QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 : QgsComposerTableV2
#include <qgscomposerattributetablev2.h>


    /** Specifies the content source for the attribute table
    enum ContentSource
      LayerAttributes = 0, /*!< table shows attributes from features in a vector layer */
      AtlasFeature, /*!< table shows attributes from the current atlas feature */
      RelationChildren /*!< table shows attributes from related child features */

    QgsComposerAttributeTableV2( QgsComposition* composition /TransferThis/, bool createUndoCommands );

    virtual QString displayName() const;

    /** Writes properties specific to attribute tables
     * @param elem an existing QDomElement in which to store the attribute table's properties.
     * @param doc QDomDocument for the destination xml.
     * @param ignoreFrames ignore frames
     * @see readXML
    virtual bool writeXml( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc, bool ignoreFrames = false ) const;

    /** Reads the properties specific to an attribute table from xml.
     * @param itemElem a QDomElement holding the attribute table's desired properties.
     * @param doc QDomDocument for the source xml.
     * @param ignoreFrames ignore frames
     * @see writeXML
    virtual bool readXml( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc, bool ignoreFrames = false );

    virtual void addFrame( QgsComposerFrame* frame /Transfer/, bool recalcFrameSizes = true );

    /** Sets the source for attributes to show in table body.
     * @param source content source
     * @see source
    void setSource( const ContentSource source );

    /** Returns the source for attributes shown in the table body.
     * @returns content source
     * @see setSource
    ContentSource source() const;

    /** Returns the source layer for the table, considering the table source mode. For example,
     * if the table is set to atlas feature mode, then the source layer will be the
     * atlas coverage layer. If the table is set to layer attributes mode, then
     * the source layer will be the user specified vector layer.
     * @returns actual source layer
    QgsVectorLayer* sourceLayer();

    /** Sets the vector layer from which to display feature attributes
     * @param layer Vector layer for attribute table
     * @see vectorLayer
    void setVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer );

    /** Returns the vector layer the attribute table is currently using
     * @returns attribute table's current vector layer
     * @see setVectorLayer
    QgsVectorLayer* vectorLayer() const;

    /** Sets the relation id from which to display child features
     * @param relationId id for relation to display child features from
     * @see relationId
     * @see setSource
     * @note only used if table source is set to RelationChildren
    void setRelationId( const QString& relationId );

    /** Returns the relation id which the table displays child features from
     * @returns relation id
     * @see setRelationId
     * @see source
     * @note only used if table source is set to RelationChildren
    QString relationId() const;

    /** Resets the attribute table's columns to match the vector layer's fields
     * @see setVectorLayer
    void resetColumns();

    /** Sets the composer map to use to limit the extent of features shown in the
     * attribute table. This setting only has an effect if setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures is
     * set to true. Changing the composer map forces the table to refetch features from its
     * vector layer, and may result in the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed
     * feature attributes.
     * @param map QgsComposerMap which drives the extents of the table's features
     * @see composerMap
     * @see setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures
    void setComposerMap( const QgsComposerMap* map );

    /** Returns the composer map whose extents are controlling the features shown in the
     * table. The extents of the map are only used if displayOnlyVisibleFeatures() is true.
     * @returns composer map controlling the attribute table
     * @see setComposerMap
     * @see displayOnlyVisibleFeatures
    const QgsComposerMap* composerMap() const;

    /** Sets the maximum number of features shown by the table. Changing this setting may result
     * in the attribute table changing its size to accommodate the new number of rows, and requires
     * the table to refetch features from its vector layer.
     * @param features maximum number of features to show in the table
     * @see maximumNumberOfFeatures
    void setMaximumNumberOfFeatures( const int features );

    /** Returns the maximum number of features to be shown by the table.
     * @returns maximum number of features
     * @see setMaximumNumberOfFeatures
    int maximumNumberOfFeatures() const;

    /** Sets attribute table to only show unique rows.
     * @param uniqueOnly set to true to show only unique rows. Duplicate rows
     * will be stripped from the table.
     * @see uniqueRowsOnly
    void setUniqueRowsOnly( const bool uniqueOnly );

    /** Returns true if the table is set to show only unique rows.
     * @returns true if table only shows unique rows and is stripping out
     * duplicate rows.
     * @see setUniqueRowsOnly
    bool uniqueRowsOnly() const;

    /** Sets attribute table to only show features which are visible in a composer map item. Changing
     * this setting forces the table to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in
     * the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
     * @param visibleOnly set to true to show only visible features
     * @see displayOnlyVisibleFeatures
     * @see setComposerMap
    void setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures( const bool visibleOnly );

    /** Returns true if the table is set to show only features visible on a corresponding
     * composer map item.
     * @returns true if table only shows visible features
     * @see composerMap
     * @see setDisplayOnlyVisibleFeatures
    bool displayOnlyVisibleFeatures() const;

    /** Sets attribute table to only show features which intersect the current atlas
     * feature.
     * @param filterToAtlas set to true to show only features which intersect
     * the atlas feature
     * @see filterToAtlasFeature
    void setFilterToAtlasFeature( const bool filterToAtlas );

    /** Returns true if the table is set to only show features which intersect the current atlas
     * feature.
     * @returns true if table only shows features which intersect the atlas feature
     * @see setFilterToAtlasFeature
    bool filterToAtlasFeature() const;

    /** Returns true if a feature filter is active on the attribute table
     * @returns bool state of the feature filter
     * @see setFilterFeatures
     * @see featureFilter
    bool filterFeatures() const;

    /** Sets whether the feature filter is active for the attribute table. Changing
     * this setting forces the table to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in
     * the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
     * @param filter Set to true to enable the feature filter
     * @see filterFeatures
     * @see setFeatureFilter
    void setFilterFeatures( const bool filter );

    /** Returns the current expression used to filter features for the table. The filter is only
     * active if filterFeatures() is true.
     * @returns feature filter expression
     * @see setFeatureFilter
     * @see filterFeatures
    QString featureFilter() const;

    /** Sets the expression used for filtering features in the table. The filter is only
     * active if filterFeatures() is set to true. Changing this setting forces the table
     * to refetch features from its vector layer, and may result in
     * the table changing size to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
     * @param expression filter to use for selecting which features to display in the table
     * @see featureFilter
     * @see setFilterFeatures
    void setFeatureFilter( const QString& expression );

    /** Sets the attributes to display in the table.
     * @param fields list of fields names from the vector layer to show.
     * Set to an empty list to show all feature attributes.
     * @param refresh set to true to force the table to refetch features from its vector layer
     * and immediately update the display of the table. This may result in the table changing size
     * to accommodate the new displayed feature attributes.
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void setDisplayedFields( const QStringList& fields, bool refresh = true );

    /** Returns the attributes used to sort the table's features.
     * @returns a QList of integer/bool pairs, where the integer refers to the attribute index and
     * the bool to the sort order for the attribute. If true the attribute is sorted ascending,
     * if false, the attribute is sorted in descending order.
     * @note not available in python bindings
    //QList<QPair<int, bool> > sortAttributes() const;

    /** Sets a string to wrap the contents of the table cells by. Occurances of this string will
     * be replaced by a line break.
     * @param wrapString string to replace with line break
     * @note added in QGIS 2.12
     * @see wrapString
    void setWrapString( const QString& wrapString );

    /** Returns the string used to wrap the contents of the table cells by. Occurances of this string will
     * be replaced by a line break.
     * @returns string which will be replaced with line break
     * @note added in QGIS 2.12
     * @see setWrapString
    QString wrapString() const;

    /** Queries the attribute table's vector layer for attributes to show in the table.
     * @param contents table content
     * @returns true if attributes were successfully fetched
     * @note not available in python bindings
    bool getTableContents( QgsComposerTableContents &contents );

    virtual QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const;