# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2007, Simon Edwards # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. import PyQt4.pyqtconfig pyqtcfg = PyQt4.pyqtconfig.Configuration() print("pyqt_version:%06.0x" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_version) print("pyqt_version_num:%d" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_version) print("pyqt_version_str:%s" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_version_str) pyqt_version_tag = "" in_t = False for item in pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_flags.split(' '): if item=="-t": in_t = True elif in_t: if item.startswith("Qt_4"): pyqt_version_tag = item else: in_t = False print("pyqt_version_tag:%s" % pyqt_version_tag) print("pyqt_sip_dir:%s" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_dir) print("pyqt_sip_flags:%s" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_flags) print("pyqt_bin_dir:%s" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_bin_dir)