DbManagerDlgImportVector 0 0 482 627 Import vector layer 0 0 Input Qt::Horizontal 0 0 true QComboBox::NoInsert Import only selected features Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Update options Output table Schema 0 0 Table 0 0 true QComboBox::NoInsert cboTable label_2 cboSchema label_3 Options Replace destination table (if exists) Primary key false Geometry column false Encoding false true Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part Create spatial index Convert field names to lowercase Target SRID false false Source SRID Comment false Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok groupBox_2 buttonBox groupBox_3 wdgInput QgsProjectionSelectionWidget QWidget
cboInputLayer btnChooseInputFile chkSelectedFeatures btnUpdateInputLayer cboSchema cboTable chkPrimaryKey editPrimaryKey chkGeomColumn editGeomColumn chkSourceSrid chkTargetSrid chkEncoding cboEncoding chkDropTable chkSinglePart chkLowercaseFieldNames chkSpatialIndex buttonBox rejected() DbManagerDlgImportVector reject() 343 617 286 274 chkPrimaryKey toggled(bool) editPrimaryKey setEnabled(bool) 155 268 463 272 chkGeomColumn toggled(bool) editGeomColumn setEnabled(bool) 167 306 463 310 chkEncoding toggled(bool) cboEncoding setEnabled(bool) 145 404 463 406 buttonBox accepted() DbManagerDlgImportVector accept() 470 617 508 243 chkSourceSrid toggled(bool) widgetSourceSrid setEnabled(bool) 160 341 463 341 chkTargetSrid toggled(bool) widgetTargetSrid setEnabled(bool) 160 372 463 372 chkCom toggled(bool) editComment setEnabled(bool) 64 549 215 552