typedef QList QgsSymbolV2List; typedef QList< QPair > QgsLegendSymbologyList; /////////////// /* class QgsSymbolV2LevelItem { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsSymbolV2LevelItem( QgsSymbolV2* symbol, int layer ); QgsSymbolV2* symbol(); int layer(); }; // every level has list of items: symbol + symbol layer num typedef QList< QgsSymbolV2LevelItem > QgsSymbolV2Level; // this is a list of levels typedef QList< QgsSymbolV2Level > QgsSymbolV2LevelOrder; */ /////////////// class QgsFeatureRendererV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End %ConvertToSubClassCode if (sipCpp->type() == "singleSymbol") sipClass = sipClass_QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2; else if (sipCpp->type() == "categorizedSymbol") sipClass = sipClass_QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2; else if (sipCpp->type() == "graduatedSymbol") sipClass = sipClass_QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2; else sipClass = 0; %End public: //! return a new renderer - used by default in vector layers static QgsFeatureRendererV2* defaultRenderer(QGis::GeometryType geomType) /Factory/; QString type() const; virtual QgsSymbolV2* symbolForFeature(QgsFeature& feature)=0; virtual void startRender(QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsVectorLayer * )=0; virtual void stopRender(QgsRenderContext& context)=0; virtual QList usedAttributes()=0; virtual ~QgsFeatureRendererV2(); virtual QString dump(); virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* clone()=0 /Factory/; virtual QgsSymbolV2List symbols()=0; void renderFeature(QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1); bool usingSymbolLevels() const; void setUsingSymbolLevels(bool usingSymbolLevels); //! create a renderer from XML element static QgsFeatureRendererV2* load(QDomElement& symbologyElem); //! store renderer info to XML element virtual QDomElement save(QDomDocument& doc); //! return a list of symbology items for the legend virtual QgsLegendSymbologyList legendSymbologyItems(QSize iconSize); protected: QgsFeatureRendererV2(QString type); }; /////////////// class QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2 : QgsFeatureRendererV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2(QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/); virtual ~QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2(); virtual QgsSymbolV2* symbolForFeature(QgsFeature& feature); virtual void startRender(QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsVectorLayer * ); virtual void stopRender(QgsRenderContext& context); virtual QList usedAttributes(); QgsSymbolV2* symbol() const; void setSymbol(QgsSymbolV2* s /Transfer/); virtual QString dump(); virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* clone() /Factory/; //! create a renderer from XML element static QgsFeatureRendererV2* load(QDomElement& symbologyElem) /Factory/; //! store renderer info to XML element virtual QDomElement save(QDomDocument& doc); //! return a list of symbology items for the legend virtual QgsLegendSymbologyList legendSymbologyItems(QSize iconSize); }; ////////// class QgsRendererCategoryV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: //! takes ownership of symbol QgsRendererCategoryV2(QVariant value, QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/, QString label); QgsRendererCategoryV2(const QgsRendererCategoryV2& cat); ~QgsRendererCategoryV2(); QVariant value() const; QgsSymbolV2* symbol(); QString label() const; void setSymbol(QgsSymbolV2* s /Transfer/); void setLabel(QString label); QString dump(); }; typedef QList QgsCategoryList; class QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 : QgsFeatureRendererV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2(QString attrName = QString(), QgsCategoryList categories = QgsCategoryList()); virtual ~QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2(); virtual QgsSymbolV2* symbolForFeature(QgsFeature& feature); virtual void startRender(QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsVectorLayer * ); virtual void stopRender(QgsRenderContext& context); virtual QList usedAttributes(); virtual QString dump(); virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* clone() /Factory/; const QgsCategoryList& categories(); //! return index of category with specified value (-1 if not found) int categoryIndexForValue(QVariant val); bool updateCategorySymbol(int catIndex, QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/); bool updateCategoryLabel(int catIndex, QString label); bool deleteCategory(int catIndex); void deleteAllCategories(); //! create a renderer from XML element static QgsFeatureRendererV2* load(QDomElement& symbologyElem) /Factory/; //! store renderer info to XML element virtual QDomElement save(QDomDocument& doc); //! return a list of symbology items for the legend virtual QgsLegendSymbologyList legendSymbologyItems(QSize iconSize); QString classAttribute() const; void setClassAttribute(QString attr); QgsSymbolV2* sourceSymbol(); void setSourceSymbol(QgsSymbolV2* sym /Transfer/); QgsVectorColorRampV2* sourceColorRamp(); void setSourceColorRamp(QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp /Transfer/); protected: QgsSymbolV2* symbolForValue(QVariant value); }; ////////// class QgsRendererRangeV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsRendererRangeV2(double lowerValue, double upperValue, QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/, QString label); QgsRendererRangeV2(const QgsRendererRangeV2& range); ~QgsRendererRangeV2(); double lowerValue() const; double upperValue() const; QgsSymbolV2* symbol() const; QString label() const; void setSymbol(QgsSymbolV2* s /Transfer/); void setLabel(QString label); QString dump(); }; typedef QList QgsRangeList; class QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2 : QgsFeatureRendererV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2(QString attrNum = QString(), QgsRangeList ranges = QgsRangeList()); virtual ~QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2(); virtual QgsSymbolV2* symbolForFeature(QgsFeature& feature); virtual void startRender(QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsVectorLayer * ); virtual void stopRender(QgsRenderContext& context); virtual QList usedAttributes(); virtual QString dump(); virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* clone() /Factory/; QString classAttribute() const; void setClassAttribute(QString attr); const QgsRangeList& ranges(); bool updateRangeSymbol(int rangeIndex, QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/); bool updateRangeLabel(int rangeIndex, QString label); enum Mode { EqualInterval, Quantile, Custom }; Mode mode() const; void setMode(Mode mode); static QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2* createRenderer( QgsVectorLayer* vlayer, QString attrName, int classes, Mode mode, QgsSymbolV2* symbol, QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp); //! create a renderer from XML element static QgsFeatureRendererV2* load(QDomElement& symbologyElem) /Factory/; //! store renderer info to XML element virtual QDomElement save(QDomDocument& doc); //! return a list of symbology items for the legend virtual QgsLegendSymbologyList legendSymbologyItems(QSize iconSize); QgsSymbolV2* sourceSymbol(); void setSourceSymbol(QgsSymbolV2* sym /Transfer/); QgsVectorColorRampV2* sourceColorRamp(); void setSourceColorRamp(QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp /Transfer/); protected: QgsSymbolV2* symbolForValue(double value); }; ////////// class QgsSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End %ConvertToSubClassCode switch (sipCpp->type()) { case QgsSymbolV2::Marker: sipClass = sipClass_QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2; break; case QgsSymbolV2::Line: sipClass = sipClass_QgsLineSymbolLayerV2; break; case QgsSymbolV2::Fill: sipClass = sipClass_QgsFillSymbolLayerV2; break; default: sipClass = 0; break; } %End public: virtual void setColor(const QColor& color); virtual QColor color() const; virtual ~QgsSymbolLayerV2(); virtual QString layerType() const = 0; virtual void startRender(QgsRenderContext& context) = 0; virtual void stopRender(QgsRenderContext& context) = 0; virtual QgsSymbolLayerV2* clone() const = 0 /Factory/; virtual QgsStringMap properties() const = 0; virtual void drawPreviewIcon(QPainter* painter, QSize size) = 0; virtual QgsSymbolV2* subSymbol(); virtual bool setSubSymbol(QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/); QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType type() const; void setLocked(bool locked); bool isLocked() const; // used only with rending with symbol levels is turned on (0 = first pass, 1 = second, ...) void setRenderingPass(int renderingPass); int renderingPass() const; protected: QgsSymbolLayerV2(QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType type, bool locked = false); }; /////////////// class QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 : QgsSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: virtual void renderPoint(const QPointF& point, QgsRenderContext& context) = 0; void drawPreviewIcon(QPainter* painter, QSize size); void setAngle(double angle); double angle() const; void setSize(double size); double size() const; protected: QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2(bool locked = false); }; class QgsLineSymbolLayerV2 : QgsSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: virtual void renderPolyline(const QPolygonF& points, QgsRenderContext& context) = 0; void setWidth(double width); double width() const; void drawPreviewIcon(QPainter* painter, QSize size); protected: QgsLineSymbolLayerV2(bool locked = false); }; class QgsFillSymbolLayerV2 : QgsSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: virtual void renderPolygon(const QPolygonF& points, QList* rings, QgsRenderContext& context) = 0; void drawPreviewIcon(QPainter* painter, QSize size); protected: QgsFillSymbolLayerV2(bool locked = false); }; /////////////// typedef QList QgsSymbolLayerV2List; class QgsSymbolV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End %ConvertToSubClassCode switch (sipCpp->type()) { case QgsSymbolV2::Marker: sipClass = sipClass_QgsMarkerSymbolV2; break; case QgsSymbolV2::Line: sipClass = sipClass_QgsLineSymbolV2; break; case QgsSymbolV2::Fill: sipClass = sipClass_QgsFillSymbolV2; break; default: sipClass = 0; break; } %End public: enum SymbolType { Marker, Line, Fill }; virtual ~QgsSymbolV2(); //! return new default symbol for specified geometry type static QgsSymbolV2* defaultSymbol(QGis::GeometryType geomType) /Factory/; SymbolType type() const; // symbol layers handling QgsSymbolLayerV2* symbolLayer(int layer); int symbolLayerCount(); //! insert symbol layer to specified index bool insertSymbolLayer(int index, QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer /Transfer/); //! append symbol layer at the end of the list bool appendSymbolLayer(QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer /Transfer/); //! delete symbol layer at specified index bool deleteSymbolLayer(int index); //! remove symbol layer from the list and return pointer to it QgsSymbolLayerV2* takeSymbolLayer(int index) /TransferBack/; //! delete layer at specified index and set a new one bool changeSymbolLayer(int index, QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer /Transfer/); void startRender(QgsRenderContext& context); void stopRender(QgsRenderContext& context); void setColor(const QColor& color); QColor color(); void drawPreviewIcon(QPainter* painter, QSize size); QImage bigSymbolPreviewImage(); QString dump(); virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const = 0 /Factory/; protected: QgsSymbolV2(SymbolType type, QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/); // can't be instantiated }; ////////// class QgsMarkerSymbolV2 : QgsSymbolV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsMarkerSymbolV2(QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ = QgsSymbolLayerV2List()); void setAngle(double angle); double angle(); void setSize(double size); double size(); void renderPoint(const QPointF& point, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1); virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const /Factory/; }; class QgsLineSymbolV2 : QgsSymbolV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsLineSymbolV2(QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ = QgsSymbolLayerV2List()); void setWidth(double width); double width(); void renderPolyline(const QPolygonF& points, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1); virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const /Factory/; }; class QgsFillSymbolV2 : QgsSymbolV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsFillSymbolV2(QgsSymbolLayerV2List layers /Transfer/ = QgsSymbolLayerV2List()); void renderPolygon(const QPolygonF& points, QList* rings, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1); virtual QgsSymbolV2* clone() const /Factory/; }; ////////// typedef QMap QgsStringMap; ////////// class QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** construct invalid metadata */ QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata(); /** construct metadata */ // TODO //QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata(QString name, QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType type, // QgsSymbolLayerV2CreateFunc pfCreate, // QgsSymbolLayerV2WidgetFunc pfWidget); QString name() const; QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType type(); // TODO QgsSymbolLayerV2CreateFunc createFunction() const { return mCreateFunc; } // TODO QgsSymbolLayerV2WidgetFunc widgetFunction() const { return mWidgetFunc; } }; ////////// class QgsSymbolLayerV2Registry { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: //! return the single instance of this class (instantiate it if not exists) static QgsSymbolLayerV2Registry* instance(); //! return metadata for specified symbol layer QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata symbolLayerMetadata(QString name) const; //! register a new symbol layer type void addSymbolLayerType(const QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata& metadata); //! create a new instance of symbol layer given symbol layer name and properties QgsSymbolLayerV2* createSymbolLayer(QString name, const QgsStringMap& properties) const /Factory/; //! return a list of available symbol layers for a specified symbol type QStringList symbolLayersForType(QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType type); //! create a new instance of symbol layer for specified symbol type with default settings static QgsSymbolLayerV2* defaultSymbolLayer(QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType type) /Factory/; protected: QgsSymbolLayerV2Registry(); }; ////////// class QgsStyleV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsStyleV2(); ~QgsStyleV2(); //! return default application-wide style static QgsStyleV2* defaultStyle(); //! remove all contents of the style void clear(); //! add symbol to style. takes symbol's ownership bool addSymbol(QString name, QgsSymbolV2* symbol); //! remove symbol from style (and delete it) bool removeSymbol(QString name); //! return a NEW copy of symbol QgsSymbolV2* symbol(QString name); //! return a const pointer to a symbol (doesn't create new instance) const QgsSymbolV2* symbolRef(QString name) const; //! return count of symbols in style int symbolCount(); //! return a list of names of symbols QStringList symbolNames(); //! add color ramp to style. takes ramp's ownership bool addColorRamp(QString name, QgsVectorColorRampV2* colorRamp); //! remove color ramp from style (and delete it) bool removeColorRamp(QString name); //! return a NEW copy of color ramp QgsVectorColorRampV2* colorRamp(QString name); //! return a const pointer to a symbol (doesn't create new instance) const QgsVectorColorRampV2* colorRampRef(QString name) const; //! return count of color ramps int colorRampCount(); //! return a list of names of color ramps QStringList colorRampNames(); //! load a file into the style bool load(QString filename); //! save style into a file (will use current filename if empty string is passed) bool save(QString filename = QString()); //! return last error from load/save operation QString errorString(); //! return current file name of the style QString fileName(); }; ////////// class QgsVectorColorRampV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: virtual ~QgsVectorColorRampV2(); virtual QColor color(double value) const = 0; virtual QString type() const = 0; virtual QgsVectorColorRampV2* clone() const = 0; virtual QgsStringMap properties() const = 0; };