/** A combobox which lets the user select map scale from predefined list * and highlights nearest to current scale value */ class QgsScaleComboBox : QComboBox { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgsscalecombobox.h> %End public: QgsScaleComboBox( QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); ~QgsScaleComboBox(); //! Function to read the selected scale as text QString scaleString(); //! Function to set the selected scale from text bool setScaleString( const QString& scaleTxt ); //! Function to read the selected scale as double double scale() const; //! Function to set the selected scale from double void setScale( double scale ); //! Function to read the min scale double minScale() const; //! Helper function to convert a double to scale string // Performs rounding, so an exact representation is not to // be expected. static QString toString( double scale ); //! Helper function to convert a scale string to double static double toDouble( const QString& scaleString, bool *ok = 0 ); signals: //! Signal is emitted when *user* has finished editing/selecting a new scale. void scaleChanged( double scale ); public slots: void updateScales( const QStringList &scales = QStringList() ); //! Function to set the min scale void setMinScale( double scale ); protected: void showPopup(); };