# Macros for SIP # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Copyright (c) 2007, Simon Edwards <simon@simonzone.com> # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # # SIP website: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/sip/index.php # # This file defines the following macros: # # ADD_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE (MODULE_NAME MODULE_SIP [library1, libaray2, ...]) # Specifies a SIP file to be built into a Python module and installed. # MODULE_NAME is the name of Python module including any path name. (e.g. # os.sys, Foo.bar etc). MODULE_SIP the path and filename of the .sip file # to process and compile. libraryN are libraries that the Python module, # which is typically a shared library, should be linked to. The built # module will also be install into Python's site-packages directory. # # The behavior of the ADD_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE macro can be controlled by a # number of variables: # # SIP_INCLUDES - List of directories which SIP will scan through when looking # for included .sip files. (Corresponds to the -I option for SIP.) # # SIP_TAGS - List of tags to define when running SIP. (Corresponds to the -t # option for SIP.) # # SIP_CONCAT_PARTS - An integer which defines the number of parts the C++ code # of each module should be split into. Defaults to 8. (Corresponds to the # -j option for SIP.) # # SIP_DISABLE_FEATURES - List of feature names which should be disabled # running SIP. (Corresponds to the -x option for SIP.) # # SIP_EXTRA_OPTIONS - Extra command line options which should be passed on to # SIP. SET(SIP_INCLUDES) SET(SIP_TAGS) SET(SIP_CONCAT_PARTS 16) SET(SIP_DISABLE_FEATURES) SET(SIP_EXTRA_OPTIONS) SET(SIP_EXTRA_OBJECTS) MACRO(GENERATE_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE_CODE MODULE_NAME MODULE_SIP CPP_FILES) STRING(REPLACE "." "/" _x ${MODULE_NAME}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_parent_module_path ${_x} PATH) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_child_module_name ${_x} NAME) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_module_path ${MODULE_SIP} PATH) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_abs_module_sip ${MODULE_SIP} ABSOLUTE) FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_module_path}) # Output goes in this dir. SET(_sip_includes) FOREACH (_inc ${SIP_INCLUDES}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_abs_inc ${_inc} ABSOLUTE) LIST(APPEND _sip_includes -I ${_abs_inc}) ENDFOREACH (_inc ) SET(_sip_tags) FOREACH (_tag ${SIP_TAGS}) LIST(APPEND _sip_tags -t ${_tag}) ENDFOREACH (_tag) SET(_sip_x) FOREACH (_x ${SIP_DISABLE_FEATURES}) LIST(APPEND _sip_x -x ${_x}) ENDFOREACH (_x ${SIP_DISABLE_FEATURES}) SET(_message "-DMESSAGE=Generating CPP code for module ${MODULE_NAME}") SET(_sip_output_files) FOREACH(CONCAT_NUM RANGE 0 ${SIP_CONCAT_PARTS} ) IF( ${CONCAT_NUM} LESS ${SIP_CONCAT_PARTS} ) SET(_sip_output_files ${_sip_output_files} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_module_path}/sip${_child_module_name}part${CONCAT_NUM}.cpp ) ENDIF( ${CONCAT_NUM} LESS ${SIP_CONCAT_PARTS} ) ENDFOREACH(CONCAT_NUM RANGE 0 ${SIP_CONCAT_PARTS} ) # Suppress warnings IF(PEDANTIC) IF(MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4189 # local variable is initialized but not referenced /wd4996 # deprecation warnings (bindings re-export deprecated methods) /wd4701 # potentially uninitialized variable used (sip generated code) /wd4702 # unreachable code (sip generated code) /wd4703 # potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'sipType' used ) ELSE(MSVC) # disable all warnings ADD_DEFINITIONS( -w -Wno-deprecated-declarations ) IF(NOT APPLE) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -fpermissive ) ENDIF(NOT APPLE) ENDIF(MSVC) ENDIF(PEDANTIC) IF(MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /bigobj ) ENDIF(MSVC) SET(SIPCMD ${SIP_BINARY_PATH} ${_sip_tags} -w -e ${_sip_x} ${SIP_EXTRA_OPTIONS} -j ${SIP_CONCAT_PARTS} -c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_module_path} ${_sip_includes} ${_abs_module_sip}) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_sip_output_files} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${message} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${_sip_output_files} COMMAND ${SIPCMD} DEPENDS ${_abs_module_sip} ${SIP_EXTRA_FILES_DEPEND} VERBATIM ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(generate_sip_${MODULE_NAME}_cpp_files DEPENDS ${_sip_output_files}) SET(CPP_FILES ${sip_output_files}) ENDMACRO(GENERATE_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE_CODE) # Will compile and link the module MACRO(BUILD_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE MODULE_NAME SIP_FILES EXTRA_OBJECTS) SET(EXTRA_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ARGN}) # We give this target a long logical target name. # (This is to avoid having the library name clash with any already # install library names. If that happens then cmake dependency # tracking get confused.) STRING(REPLACE "." "_" _logical_name ${MODULE_NAME}) SET(_logical_name "python_module_${_logical_name}") ADD_LIBRARY(${_logical_name} MODULE ${_sip_output_files} ${EXTRA_OBJECTS}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_logical_name} PROPERTIES CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET default) IF (NOT APPLE) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${_logical_name} ${PYTHON_LIBRARY}) ENDIF (NOT APPLE) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${_logical_name} ${EXTRA_LINK_LIBRARIES}) IF (APPLE) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_logical_name} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-undefined dynamic_lookup") ENDIF (APPLE) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_logical_name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" OUTPUT_NAME ${_child_module_name}) IF (WIN32) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_logical_name} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".pyd") ENDIF (WIN32) IF(WIN32) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(_runtime_output ${_logical_name} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${_logical_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Copying extension ${_child_module_name}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "$<TARGET_FILE:${_logical_name}>" "${_runtime_output}/${_child_module_name}.pyd" DEPENDS ${_logical_name} ) ENDIF(WIN32) INSTALL(TARGETS ${_logical_name} DESTINATION "${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR}/${_parent_module_path}") ENDMACRO(BUILD_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE MODULE_NAME SIP_FILES EXTRA_OBJECTS)