/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/qgsdataitem.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsDataItem : QObject { %Docstring Base class for all items in the model. Parent/children hierarchy is not based on QObject. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End %ConvertToSubClassCode if ( qobject_cast<QgsLayerItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsLayerItem; else if ( qobject_cast<QgsErrorItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsErrorItem; else if ( qobject_cast<QgsDirectoryItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsDirectoryItem; else if ( qobject_cast<QgsFavoritesItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsFavoritesItem; else if ( qobject_cast<QgsZipItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsZipItem; else if ( qobject_cast<QgsDataCollectionItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsDataCollectionItem; else if ( qobject_cast<QgsProjectItem *>( sipCpp ) ) sipType = sipType_QgsProjectItem; else sipType = 0; %End public: enum Type { Collection, Directory, Layer, Error, Favorites, Project, Custom, }; QgsDataItem( QgsDataItem::Type type, QgsDataItem *parent /TransferThis/, const QString &name, const QString &path ); %Docstring Create new data item. %End ~QgsDataItem(); bool hasChildren(); int rowCount(); virtual QVector<QgsDataItem *> createChildren() /Factory/; %Docstring Create children. Children are not expected to have parent set. This method MUST BE THREAD SAFE. * %End enum State { NotPopulated, Populating, Populated }; State state() const; %Docstring .. versionadded:: 2.8 %End virtual void setState( State state ); %Docstring Set item state. It also take care about starting/stopping loading icon animation. :param state: .. versionadded:: 2.8 %End virtual void addChildItem( QgsDataItem *child /Transfer/, bool refresh = false ); %Docstring Inserts a new child item. The child will be inserted at a position using an alphabetical order based on mName. :param child: child item to insert. Ownership is transferred, and item parent will be set and relevant connections made. :param refresh: - set to ``True`` to refresh populated item, emitting relevant signals to the model .. seealso:: :py:func:`deleteChildItem` %End virtual void deleteChildItem( QgsDataItem *child ); %Docstring Removes and deletes a child item, emitting relevant signals to the model. :param child: child to remove. Item must exist as a current child. .. seealso:: :py:func:`addChildItem` %End virtual QgsDataItem *removeChildItem( QgsDataItem *child ) /TransferBack/; %Docstring Removes a child item and returns it without deleting it. Emits relevant signals to model as required. :param child: child to remove :return: pointer to the removed item or ``None`` if no such item was found %End virtual bool equal( const QgsDataItem *other ); %Docstring Returns ``True`` if this item is equal to another item (by testing item type and path). %End virtual QWidget *paramWidget() /Factory/; virtual QList<QAction *> actions( QWidget *parent ); %Docstring Returns the list of actions available for this item. This is usually used for the popup menu on right-clicking the item. Subclasses should override this to provide actions. Subclasses should ensure that ownership of created actions is correctly handled by parenting them to the specified parent widget. %End virtual QList<QMenu *> menus( QWidget *parent ); %Docstring Returns the list of menus available for this item. This is usually used for the popup menu on right-clicking the item. Subclasses should override this to provide actions. Subclasses should ensure that ownership of created menus is correctly handled by parenting them to the specified parent widget. :param parent: a parent widget of the menu :return: list of menus .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual bool acceptDrop() /Deprecated/; %Docstring Returns whether the item accepts drag and dropped layers - e.g. for importing a dataset to a provider. Subclasses should override this and handleDrop() to accept dropped layers. .. seealso:: :py:func:`handleDrop` .. seealso:: :py:func:`QgsDataItemGuiProvider.handleDrop` .. deprecated:: QGIS 3.10 %End virtual bool handleDrop( const QMimeData * /*data*/, Qt::DropAction /*action*/ ) /Deprecated/; %Docstring Attempts to process the mime data dropped on this item. Subclasses must override this and acceptDrop() if they accept dropped layers. .. seealso:: :py:func:`acceptDrop` .. seealso:: :py:func:`QgsDataItemGuiProvider.handleDrop` .. deprecated:: QGIS 3.10 %End virtual bool handleDoubleClick(); %Docstring Called when a user double clicks on the item. Subclasses should return ``True`` if they have implemented a double-click handler and do not want the default double-click behavior for items. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual bool hasDragEnabled() const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if the item may be dragged. Default implementation returns ``False``. A draggable item has to implement mimeUri() that will be used to pass data. .. seealso:: :py:func:`mimeUri` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End virtual QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri mimeUri() const; %Docstring Returns mime URI for the data item. Items that return valid URI will be returned in mime data when dragging a selection from browser model. .. seealso:: :py:func:`hasDragEnabled` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End enum Capability { NoCapabilities, SetCrs, Fertile, Fast, Collapse, Rename, Delete, }; typedef QFlags<QgsDataItem::Capability> Capabilities; virtual bool setCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs ) /Deprecated/; %Docstring Writes the selected crs into data source. The original data source will be modified when calling this method. .. deprecated:: since QGIS 3.6. This method is no longer used by QGIS and will be removed in QGIS 4.0. %End virtual bool rename( const QString &name ) /Deprecated/; %Docstring Sets a new ``name`` for the item, and returns ``True`` if the item was successfully renamed. Items which implement this method should return the QgsDataItem.Rename capability. The default implementation does nothing. Use QgsDataItemGuiProvider: .. versionadded:: 3.4 .. deprecated:: QGIS 3.10 %End virtual Capabilities capabilities2() const; %Docstring Returns the capabilities for the data item. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setCapabilities` %End virtual void setCapabilities( Capabilities capabilities ); %Docstring Sets the capabilities for the data item. .. seealso:: :py:func:`capabilities2` %End static int findItem( QVector<QgsDataItem *> items, QgsDataItem *item ); Type type() const; QgsDataItem *parent() const; %Docstring Gets item parent. QgsDataItem maintains its own items hierarchy, it does not use QObject hierarchy. * %End void setParent( QgsDataItem *parent ); %Docstring Set item parent and connect / disconnect parent to / from item signals. It does not add itself to parents children (mChildren) * %End QVector<QgsDataItem *> children() const; virtual QIcon icon(); QString name() const; %Docstring Returns the name of the item (the displayed text for the item). .. seealso:: :py:func:`setName` %End void setName( const QString &name ); %Docstring Sets the ``name`` of the item (the displayed text for the item). .. seealso:: :py:func:`name` %End QString path() const; void setPath( const QString &path ); static QString pathComponent( const QString &component ); %Docstring Create path component replacing path separators %End virtual QVariant sortKey() const; %Docstring Returns the sorting key for the item. By default name() is returned, but setSortKey() can be used to set a custom sort key for the item. Alternatively subclasses can override this method to return a custom sort key. .. seealso:: :py:func:`setSortKey` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void setSortKey( const QVariant &key ); %Docstring Sets a custom sorting ``key`` for the item. .. seealso:: :py:func:`sortKey` .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End void setIcon( const QIcon &icon ); void setIconName( const QString &iconName ); void setToolTip( const QString &msg ); QString toolTip() const; static void deleteLater( QVector<QgsDataItem *> &items ); void moveToThread( QThread *targetThread ); %Docstring Move object and all its descendants to thread %End protected: virtual void populate( const QVector<QgsDataItem *> &children ); virtual void refresh( const QVector<QgsDataItem *> &children ); %Docstring Refresh the items from a specified list of child items. %End bool deferredDelete(); %Docstring The item is scheduled to be deleted. E.g. if deleteLater() is called when item is in Populating state (createChildren() running in another thread), the deferredDelete() returns ``True`` and item will be deleted once Populating finished. Items with slow reateChildren() (for example network or database based) may check during createChildren() if deferredDelete() returns ``True`` and return from createChildren() immediately because result will be useless. * %End public slots: virtual void deleteLater(); %Docstring Safely delete the item: - disconnects parent - unsets parent (but does not remove itself) - deletes all its descendants recursively - waits until Populating state (createChildren() in thread) finished without blocking main thread - calls QObject.deleteLater() %End virtual void populate( bool foreground = false ); virtual void depopulate(); %Docstring Remove children recursively and set as not populated. This is used when refreshing collapsed items. %End virtual void refresh(); virtual void refreshConnections(); %Docstring Refresh connections: update GUI and emit signal %End virtual void childrenCreated(); signals: void beginInsertItems( QgsDataItem *parent, int first, int last ); void endInsertItems(); void beginRemoveItems( QgsDataItem *parent, int first, int last ); void endRemoveItems(); void dataChanged( QgsDataItem *item ); void stateChanged( QgsDataItem *item, QgsDataItem::State oldState ); void connectionsChanged(); %Docstring Emitted when the provider's connections of the child items have changed This signal is normally forwarded to the app in order to refresh the connection item in the provider dialogs and to refresh the connection items in the other open browsers %End protected slots: void updateIcon(); %Docstring Will request a repaint of this icon. .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End }; QFlags<QgsDataItem::Capability> operator|(QgsDataItem::Capability f1, QFlags<QgsDataItem::Capability> f2); class QgsLayerItem : QgsDataItem { %Docstring Item that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: enum LayerType { NoType, Vector, Raster, Point, Line, Polygon, TableLayer, Database, Table, Plugin, Mesh }; QgsLayerItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path, const QString &uri, LayerType layerType, const QString &providerKey ); virtual bool equal( const QgsDataItem *other ); virtual bool hasDragEnabled() const; virtual QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri mimeUri() const; QgsMapLayerType mapLayerType() const; %Docstring Returns :py:class:`QgsMapLayerType` %End static LayerType typeFromMapLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer ); %Docstring Returns the layer item type corresponding to a :py:class:`QgsMapLayer` ``layer``. .. versionadded:: 3.6 %End QString uri() const; %Docstring Returns layer uri or empty string if layer cannot be created %End QString providerKey() const; %Docstring Returns provider key %End QStringList supportedCrs() const; %Docstring Returns the supported CRS .. versionadded:: 2.8 %End QStringList supportedFormats() const; %Docstring Returns the supported formats .. versionadded:: 2.8 %End virtual QString comments() const; %Docstring Returns comments of the layer .. versionadded:: 2.12 %End static QString layerTypeAsString( LayerType layerType ); %Docstring Returns the string representation of the given ``layerType`` .. versionadded:: 3 %End static QString iconName( LayerType layerType ); %Docstring Returns the icon name of the given ``layerType`` .. versionadded:: 3 %End virtual bool deleteLayer() /Deprecated/; %Docstring Delete this layer item Use QgsDataItemGuiProvider.deleteLayer instead .. deprecated:: QGIS 3.10 %End protected: public: static QIcon iconPoint(); static QIcon iconLine(); static QIcon iconPolygon(); static QIcon iconTable(); static QIcon iconRaster(); static QIcon iconDefault(); static QIcon iconMesh(); %Docstring Returns icon for mesh layer type %End virtual QString layerName() const; %Docstring :return: the layer name %End }; class QgsDataCollectionItem : QgsDataItem { %Docstring A Collection: logical collection of layers or subcollections, e.g. GRASS location/mapset, database? wms source? %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: QgsDataCollectionItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path = QString() ); ~QgsDataCollectionItem(); void addChild( QgsDataItem *item /Transfer/ ); static QIcon iconDir(); %Docstring Returns the standard browser directory icon. .. seealso:: :py:func:`iconDataCollection` %End static QIcon iconDataCollection(); %Docstring Returns the standard browser data collection icon. .. seealso:: :py:func:`iconDir` %End protected: static QIcon openDirIcon(); %Docstring Shared open directory icon. .. versionadded:: 3.4 %End static QIcon homeDirIcon(); %Docstring Shared home directory icon. .. versionadded:: 3.4 %End }; class QgsDirectoryItem : QgsDataCollectionItem { %Docstring A directory: contains subdirectories and layers %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: QgsDirectoryItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path ); QgsDirectoryItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &dirPath, const QString &path ); %Docstring Constructor. :param parent: :param name: directory name :param dirPath: path to directory in file system :param path: item path in the tree, it may be dirPath or dirPath with some prefix, e.g. favorites: * %End virtual void setState( State state ); virtual QVector<QgsDataItem *> createChildren(); QString dirPath() const; %Docstring Returns the full path to the directory the item represents. %End virtual bool equal( const QgsDataItem *other ); virtual QIcon icon(); virtual QWidget *paramWidget() /Factory/; virtual bool hasDragEnabled() const; virtual QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri mimeUri() const; static bool hiddenPath( const QString &path ); %Docstring Check if the given path is hidden from the browser model %End public slots: virtual void childrenCreated(); void directoryChanged(); protected: void init(); }; class QgsProjectItem : QgsDataItem { %Docstring Data item that can be used to represent QGIS projects. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: QgsProjectItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path ); %Docstring A data item holding a reference to a QGIS project file. :param parent: The parent data item. :param name: The name of the of the project. Displayed to the user. :param path: The full path to the project. %End virtual bool hasDragEnabled() const; virtual QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri mimeUri() const; }; class QgsErrorItem : QgsDataItem { %Docstring Data item that can be used to report problems (e.g. network error) %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: QgsErrorItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &error, const QString &path ); }; class QgsDirectoryParamWidget : QTreeWidget { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: QgsDirectoryParamWidget( const QString &path, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); protected: virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event ); public slots: void showHideColumn(); }; class QgsFavoritesItem : QgsDataCollectionItem { %Docstring Contains various Favorites directories .. versionadded:: 3.0 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End public: QgsFavoritesItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path = QString() ); %Docstring Constructor for QgsFavoritesItem. Accepts a path argument specifying the file path associated with the item. %End virtual QVector<QgsDataItem *> createChildren(); void addDirectory( const QString &directory, const QString &name = QString() ); %Docstring Adds a new ``directory`` to the favorites group. If ``name`` is specified, it will be used as the favorite's name. Otherwise the name will be set to match ``directory``. .. seealso:: :py:func:`removeDirectory` %End void removeDirectory( QgsDirectoryItem *item ); %Docstring Removes an existing directory from the favorites group. .. seealso:: :py:func:`addDirectory` %End void renameFavorite( const QString &path, const QString &name ); %Docstring Renames the stored favorite with corresponding ``path`` a new ``name``. %End static QIcon iconFavorites(); %Docstring Icon for favorites group %End virtual QVariant sortKey() const; }; class QgsZipItem : QgsDataCollectionItem { %Docstring A zip file: contains layers, using GDAL/OGR VSIFILE mechanism %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsdataitem.h" %End protected: public: QgsZipItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &path ); QgsZipItem( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &name, const QString &filePath, const QString &path ); virtual QVector<QgsDataItem *> createChildren(); QStringList getZipFileList(); static QStringList sProviderNames; static QString vsiPrefix( const QString &uri ); static QgsDataItem *itemFromPath( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &path, const QString &name ) /Factory/; %Docstring Creates a new data item from the specified path. %End static QgsDataItem *itemFromPath( QgsDataItem *parent, const QString &filePath, const QString &name, const QString &path ) /Factory,PyName=itemFromFilePath/; %Docstring Creates a new data item from the specified path. .. note:: available in Python as itemFromFilePath %End static QIcon iconZip(); }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/qgsdataitem.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/