r.drain Traces a flow through an elevation model on a raster map. Raster (r.*) ParameterRaster|input|Elevation|False ParameterRaster|direction|Name of input movement direction map associated with the cost surface|True ParameterPoint|start_coordinates|Map coordinates of starting point(s) (E,N)|0.0,0.0|True ParameterVector|start_points|Vector layer containing starting point(s)|0|True ParameterBoolean|-c|Copy input cell values on output|False ParameterBoolean|-a|Accumulate input values along the path|False ParameterBoolean|-n|Count cell numbers along the path|False ParameterBoolean|-d|The input raster map is a cost surface (direction surface must also be specified)|False OutputRaster|output|Least cost path OutputVector|drain|Drain