# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Name : DB Manager Description : Database manager plugin for QGIS Date : May 23, 2011 copyright : (C) 2011 by Giuseppe Sucameli email : brush.tyler@gmail.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ # this will disable the dbplugin if the connector raise an ImportError from .connector import PostGisDBConnector from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from ..plugin import ConnectionError, DBPlugin, Database, Schema, Table, VectorTable, RasterTable, TableField, TableConstraint, TableIndex, TableTrigger, TableRule try: from . import resources_rc except ImportError: pass from ..html_elems import HtmlParagraph, HtmlList, HtmlTable from qgis.core import QgsCredentials def classFactory(): return PostGisDBPlugin class PostGisDBPlugin(DBPlugin): @classmethod def icon(self): return QIcon(":/db_manager/postgis/icon") @classmethod def typeName(self): return 'postgis' @classmethod def typeNameString(self): return 'PostGIS' @classmethod def providerName(self): return 'postgres' @classmethod def connectionSettingsKey(self): return '/PostgreSQL/connections' def databasesFactory(self, connection, uri): return PGDatabase(connection, uri) def connect(self, parent=None): conn_name = self.connectionName() settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup( u"/%s/%s" % (self.connectionSettingsKey(), conn_name) ) if not settings.contains( "database" ): # non-existent entry? raise InvalidDataException( self.tr('There is no defined database connection "%s".') % conn_name ) from qgis.core import QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsDataSourceURI() settingsList = ["service", "host", "port", "database", "username", "password"] service, host, port, database, username, password = map(lambda x: settings.value(x, "", type=str), settingsList) # qgis1.5 use 'savePassword' instead of 'save' setting savedPassword = settings.value("save", False, type=bool) or settings.value("savePassword", False, type=bool) useEstimatedMetadata = settings.value("estimatedMetadata", False, type=bool) sslmode = settings.value("sslmode", QgsDataSourceURI.SSLprefer, type=int) settings.endGroup() if service: uri.setConnection(service, database, username, password, sslmode) else: uri.setConnection(host, port, database, username, password, sslmode) uri.setUseEstimatedMetadata(useEstimatedMetadata) err = u"" try: return self.connectToUri(uri) except ConnectionError, e: err = str(e) # ask for valid credentials max_attempts = 3 for i in range(max_attempts): (ok, username, password) = QgsCredentials.instance().get(uri.connectionInfo(), username, password, err) if not ok: return False if service != "": uri.setConnection(service, database, username, password, sslmode) else: uri.setConnection(host, port, database, username, password, sslmode) try: self.connectToUri(uri) except ConnectionError, e: if i == max_attempts-1: # failed the last attempt raise e err = str(e) continue QgsCredentials.instance().put(uri.connectionInfo(), username, password) return True return False class PGDatabase(Database): def __init__(self, connection, uri): Database.__init__(self, connection, uri) def connectorsFactory(self, uri): return PostGisDBConnector(uri) def dataTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): return PGTable(row, db, schema) def vectorTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): return PGVectorTable(row, db, schema) def rasterTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None): return PGRasterTable(row, db, schema) def schemasFactory(self, row, db): return PGSchema(row, db) def sqlResultModel(self, sql, parent): from .data_model import PGSqlResultModel return PGSqlResultModel(self, sql, parent) def registerDatabaseActions(self, mainWindow): Database.registerDatabaseActions(self, mainWindow) # add a separator separator = QAction(self); separator.setSeparator(True) mainWindow.registerAction( separator, self.tr("&Table") ) action = QAction(self.tr("Run &Vacuum Analyze"), self) mainWindow.registerAction( action, self.tr("&Table"), self.runVacuumAnalyzeActionSlot ) def runVacuumAnalyzeActionSlot(self, item, action, parent): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if not isinstance(item, Table) or item.isView: QMessageBox.information(parent, self.tr("Sorry"), self.tr("Select a TABLE for vacuum analyze.")) return finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) item.runVacuumAnalyze() class PGSchema(Schema): def __init__(self, row, db): Schema.__init__(self, db) self.oid, self.name, self.owner, self.perms, self.comment = row class PGTable(Table): def __init__(self, row, db, schema=None): Table.__init__(self, db, schema) self.name, schema_name, self.isView, self.owner, self.estimatedRowCount, self.pages, self.comment = row self.estimatedRowCount = int(self.estimatedRowCount) def runVacuumAnalyze(self): self.aboutToChange() self.database().connector.runVacuumAnalyze( (self.schemaName(), self.name) ) # TODO: change only this item, not re-create all the tables in the schema/database self.schema().refresh() if self.schema() else self.database().refresh() def runAction(self, action): action = unicode(action) if action.startswith( "vacuumanalyze/" ): if action == "vacuumanalyze/run": self.runVacuumAnalyze() return True elif action.startswith( "rule/" ): parts = action.split('/') rule_name = parts[1] rule_action = parts[2] msg = u"Do you want to %s rule %s?" % (rule_action, rule_name) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: if QMessageBox.question(None, self.tr("Table rule"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No: return False finally: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) if rule_action == "delete": self.aboutToChange() self.database().connector.deleteTableRule(rule_name, (self.schemaName(), self.name)) self.refreshRules() return True return Table.runAction(self, action) def tableFieldsFactory(self, row, table): return PGTableField(row, table) def tableConstraintsFactory(self, row, table): return PGTableConstraint(row, table) def tableIndexesFactory(self, row, table): return PGTableIndex(row, table) def tableTriggersFactory(self, row, table): return PGTableTrigger(row, table) def tableRulesFactory(self, row, table): return PGTableRule(row, table) def info(self): from .info_model import PGTableInfo return PGTableInfo(self) def tableDataModel(self, parent): from .data_model import PGTableDataModel return PGTableDataModel(self, parent) class PGVectorTable(PGTable, VectorTable): def __init__(self, row, db, schema=None): PGTable.__init__(self, row[:-4], db, schema) VectorTable.__init__(self, db, schema) self.geomColumn, self.geomType, self.geomDim, self.srid = row[-4:] def info(self): from .info_model import PGVectorTableInfo return PGVectorTableInfo(self) def runAction(self, action): if PGTable.runAction(self, action): return True return VectorTable.runAction(self, action) class PGRasterTable(PGTable, RasterTable): def __init__(self, row, db, schema=None): PGTable.__init__(self, row[:-6], db, schema) RasterTable.__init__(self, db, schema) self.geomColumn, self.pixelType, self.pixelSizeX, self.pixelSizeY, self.isExternal, self.srid = row[-6:] self.geomType = 'RASTER' def info(self): from .info_model import PGRasterTableInfo return PGRasterTableInfo(self) def gdalUri(self): uri = self.database().uri() schema = ( u'schema=%s' % self.schemaName() ) if self.schemaName() else '' gdalUri = u'PG: dbname=%s host=%s user=%s password=%s port=%s mode=2 %s table=%s' % (uri.database(), uri.host(), uri.username(), uri.password(), uri.port(), schema, self.name) return gdalUri def mimeUri(self): uri = u"raster:gdal:%s:%s" % (self.name, self.gdalUri()) return uri def toMapLayer(self): from qgis.core import QgsRasterLayer, QgsContrastEnhancement rl = QgsRasterLayer(self.gdalUri(), self.name) if rl.isValid(): rl.setContrastEnhancement(QgsContrastEnhancement.StretchToMinimumMaximum) return rl class PGTableField(TableField): def __init__(self, row, table): TableField.__init__(self, table) self.num, self.name, self.dataType, self.charMaxLen, self.modifier, self.notNull, self.hasDefault, self.default, typeStr = row self.primaryKey = False # get modifier (e.g. "precision,scale") from formatted type string trimmedTypeStr = typeStr.strip() regex = QRegExp( "\((.+)\)$" ) startpos = regex.indexIn( trimmedTypeStr ) if startpos >= 0: self.modifier = regex.cap(1).strip() else: self.modifier = None # find out whether fields are part of primary key for con in self.table().constraints(): if con.type == TableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey and self.num in con.columns: self.primaryKey = True break class PGTableConstraint(TableConstraint): def __init__(self, row, table): TableConstraint.__init__(self, table) self.name, constr_type_str, self.isDefferable, self.isDeffered, columns = row[:5] self.columns = map(int, columns.split(' ')) if constr_type_str in TableConstraint.types: self.type = TableConstraint.types[constr_type_str] else: self.type = TableConstraint.TypeUnknown if self.type == TableConstraint.TypeCheck: self.checkSource = row[5] elif self.type == TableConstraint.TypeForeignKey: self.foreignTable = row[6] self.foreignOnUpdate = TableConstraint.onAction[row[7]] self.foreignOnDelete = TableConstraint.onAction[row[8]] self.foreignMatchType = TableConstraint.matchTypes[row[9]] self.foreignKeys = row[10] class PGTableIndex(TableIndex): def __init__(self, row, table): TableIndex.__init__(self, table) self.name, columns, self.isUnique = row self.columns = map(int, columns.split(' ')) class PGTableTrigger(TableTrigger): def __init__(self, row, table): TableTrigger.__init__(self, table) self.name, self.function, self.type, self.enabled = row class PGTableRule(TableRule): def __init__(self, row, table): TableRule.__init__(self, table) self.name, self.definition = row