/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/server/qgsserversettings.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsServerSettingsEnv : QObject { %Docstring(signature="appended") Provides some enum describing the environment currently supported for configuration. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsserversettings.h" %End public: enum Source { DEFAULT_VALUE, ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, INI_FILE }; enum EnvVar { QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH, QGIS_SERVER_PARALLEL_RENDERING, QGIS_SERVER_MAX_THREADS, QGIS_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL, QGIS_SERVER_LOG_FILE, QGIS_SERVER_LOG_STDERR, QGIS_PROJECT_FILE, QGIS_SERVER_IGNORE_BAD_LAYERS, QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY, QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE, QGIS_SERVER_SHOW_GROUP_SEPARATOR, QGIS_SERVER_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM_LOCALE, QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_HEIGHT, QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_WIDTH, QGIS_SERVER_API_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY, QGIS_SERVER_API_WFS3_MAX_LIMIT, QGIS_SERVER_TRUST_LAYER_METADATA, QGIS_SERVER_FORCE_READONLY_LAYERS, QGIS_SERVER_DISABLE_GETPRINT, QGIS_SERVER_LANDING_PAGE_PROJECTS_DIRECTORIES, QGIS_SERVER_LANDING_PAGE_PROJECTS_PG_CONNECTIONS, QGIS_SERVER_LOG_PROFILE, QGIS_SERVER_SERVICE_URL, QGIS_SERVER_WMS_SERVICE_URL, QGIS_SERVER_WFS_SERVICE_URL, QGIS_SERVER_WCS_SERVICE_URL, QGIS_SERVER_WMTS_SERVICE_URL, QGIS_SERVER_LANDING_PAGE_PREFIX, QGIS_SERVER_PROJECT_CACHE_CHECK_INTERVAL, QGIS_SERVER_PROJECT_CACHE_STRATEGY, QGIS_SERVER_ALLOWED_EXTRA_SQL_TOKENS, QGIS_SERVER_APPLICATION_NAME, QGIS_SERVER_CAPABILITIES_CACHE_SIZE, }; }; class QgsServerSettings { %Docstring(signature="appended") Provides a way to retrieve settings by prioritizing according to environment variables, ini file and default values. %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsserversettings.h" %End public: QgsServerSettings(); %Docstring Constructor. %End void load(); %Docstring Load settings according to current environment variables. %End bool load( const QString &envVarName ); %Docstring Load setting for a specific environment variable name. :return: ``True`` if loading is successful, ``False`` in case of an invalid name. %End void logSummary() const; %Docstring Log a summary of settings currently loaded. %End QString iniFile() const; %Docstring Returns the ini file loaded by QSetting. :return: the path of the ini file or an empty string if none is loaded. %End bool parallelRendering() const; %Docstring Returns parallel rendering setting. :return: ``True`` if parallel rendering is activated, ``False`` otherwise. %End int maxThreads() const; %Docstring Returns the maximum number of threads to use. :return: the number of threads. %End Qgis::MessageLevel logLevel() const; %Docstring Returns the log level. :return: the log level. %End bool logProfile() const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if profile information has to be added to the logs, default value is ``False``. .. note:: this flag is only effective when :py:func:`~QgsServerSettings.logLevel` returns :py:class:`Qgis`.MessageLevel.Info (0) .. seealso:: :py:func:`logLevel` .. versionadded:: 3.18 %End QString projectFile() const; %Docstring Returns the QGS project file to use. :return: the path of the QGS project or an empty string if none is defined. %End QString logFile() const; %Docstring Returns the log file. :return: the path of the log file or an empty string if none is defined. %End bool logStderr() const; %Docstring Returns whether logging to stderr is activated. :return: ``True`` if logging to stderr is activated, ``False`` otherwise. .. versionadded:: 3.4 %End qint64 cacheSize() const; %Docstring Returns the cache size. :return: the cache size. %End QString cacheDirectory() const; %Docstring Returns the cache directory. :return: the directory. %End QString overrideSystemLocale() const; %Docstring Overrides system locale :return: the optional override for system locale. .. versionadded:: 3.8 %End bool showGroupSeparator() const; %Docstring Show group (thousand) separator :return: if group separator must be shown, default to ``False``. .. versionadded:: 3.8 %End int wmsMaxHeight() const; %Docstring Returns the server-wide max height of a WMS GetMap request. The lower one of this and the project configuration is used. :return: the max height of a WMS GetMap request. .. versionadded:: 3.6.2 %End int wmsMaxWidth() const; %Docstring Returns the server-wide max width of a WMS GetMap request. The lower one of this and the project configuration is used. :return: the max width of a WMS GetMap request. .. versionadded:: 3.6.2 %End QString landingPageProjectsDirectories() const; %Docstring Returns the directories used by the landing page service to find .qgs and .qgz projects. Multiple directories can be specified by separating them with '||'. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End QString landingPageProjectsPgConnections() const; %Docstring Returns the PostgreSQL connection strings used by the landing page service to find projects. Multiple connections can be specified by separating them with '||'. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End QString landingPageBaseUrlPrefix() const; %Docstring Returns the landing page base URL regular expression, defaults to `/`. .. versionadded:: 3.20 %End QString apiResourcesDirectory() const; %Docstring Returns the server-wide base directory where HTML templates and static assets (e.g. images, js and css files) are searched for. The default path is calculated by joining :py:func:`QgsApplication.pkgDataPath()` with "resources/server/api", this path can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_API_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY. .. versionadded:: 3.10 %End qlonglong apiWfs3MaxLimit() const; %Docstring Returns the server-wide maximum allowed value for \"limit\" in a features request. The default value is 10000, this value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_API_WFS3_MAX_LIMIT. .. versionadded:: 3.10 %End bool ignoreBadLayers() const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if the bad layers are ignored and ``False`` when the presence of a bad layers invalidates the whole project making it unavailable. The default value is ``True``, this value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_IGNORE_BAD_LAYERS. .. versionadded:: 3.10.5 %End bool trustLayerMetadata() const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if the reading flag trust layer metadata is activated. The default value is ``False``, this value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_TRUST_LAYER_METADATA. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End bool forceReadOnlyLayers() const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if the reading flag force layer read only is activated. The default value is ``False``, this value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_FORCE_READONLY_LAYERS. .. versionadded:: 3.28 %End bool getPrintDisabled() const; %Docstring Returns ``True`` if WMS GetPrint request is disabled and the project's reading flag :py:class:`QgsProject`.ReadFlag.FlagDontLoadLayouts is activated. The default value is ``False``, this value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_DISABLE_GETPRINT. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End QString serviceUrl( const QString &service ) const; %Docstring Returns the service URL from the setting. .. versionadded:: 3.20 %End int projectCacheCheckInterval() const; %Docstring Returns the config cache check interval (in ms) for the 'periodic' strategy. .. versionadded:: 3.26 %End QString projectCacheStrategy() const; %Docstring Returns the project's cache strategy The default value is 'filesystem', the value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_PROJECT_CACHE_STRATEGY. Possible values are: - 'filesystem': Use file system watcher for notifying projects change. Note that it works only with projects stored in files and not across mounted NFS volumes on Linux. - 'periodic': Timer based periodic check for project's changes. Works with all storage backend. - 'off': Disable completely internal project's cache handling .. versionadded:: 3.26 %End QStringList allowedExtraSqlTokens() const; %Docstring Returns the list of strings that represent the allowed extra SQL tokens accepted as components of a feature filter. The default value is an empty string, the value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_ALLOWED_EXTRA_SQL_TOKENS. .. versionadded:: 3.28 %End QString applicationName() const; %Docstring Returns the QGIS Server application name. The default value is the concatenation of :py:func:`QgsApplication.applicationName()` and :py:func:`QgsApplication.platform()` separated by a space, the value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_APPLICATION_NAME. .. versionadded:: 3.30 %End static QString name( QgsServerSettingsEnv::EnvVar env ); %Docstring Returns the string representation of a setting. .. versionadded:: 3.16 %End int capabilitiesCacheSize() const; %Docstring Returns the maximum number of project capabilities to cache. The default value is 40 and the value can be changed by setting the environment variable QGIS_SERVER_CAPABILITIES_CACHE_SIZE. .. versionadded:: 3.31 %End }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/server/qgsserversettings.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again * ************************************************************************/