# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """@package OsmImportDlg This module is used to import OSM data from standard QGIS vector layer. """ from ui_OsmImportDlg import Ui_OsmImportDlg from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from qgis.core import * class dummyPoint: """A wrapper around QgsPoint which adds hash calculation. """ def __init__(self, pt): """The constructor.""" self.pt = pt def __hash__(self): return int(self.pt.x()*230783 + self.pt.y()*680091) def __eq__(self, other): return self.pt.x() == other.pt.x() and self.pt.y() == other.pt.y() class dummyFeat: """A dummy QgsFeature that just returns its feature id. """ def __init__(self, fid): """The constructor.""" self.fid = fid def id(self): return self.fid class OsmImportDlg(QDialog, Ui_OsmImportDlg): """This class provides structures and methods necessary for import OSM data. Class is direct descendant of OSM Import dialog. After confirming OSM Import dialog process is immediately started. """ def __init__(self, plugin): """The constructor. @param plugin is pointer to instance of OSM Plugin """ QDialog.__init__(self, plugin.iface.mainWindow()) self.setupUi(self) self.plugin=plugin self.dbm = plugin.dbm self.affected=set() self.populateLayers() QObject.connect(self.buttonBox,SIGNAL("accepted()"),self.onOK) QObject.connect(self.cboLayer,SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.updateUi) if self.cboLayer.count() > 0: self.updateUi(0) def updateUi(self, index): """Function checks whether there is any selection in the layer. """ layerId = self.cboLayer.itemData(index).toString() layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayer(layerId) if layer is None or len(layer.selectedFeaturesIds()) == 0: self.chkOnlySelection.setChecked(False) self.chkOnlySelection.setEnabled(False) def populateLayers(self): """Funtion populates layers. """ self.cboLayer.clear() layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers() for lyrId,lyr in layers.iteritems(): if lyr.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer and lyr.dataProvider().name() != "osm": self.cboLayer.addItem(lyr.name(), QVariant(lyrId) ) def onOK(self): """Function does OSM data importing. """ layerId = self.cboLayer.itemData(self.cboLayer.currentIndex()).toString() onlySel = self.chkOnlySelection.isChecked() layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayer(layerId) if layer is None: QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Layer doesn't exist"), self.tr("The selected layer doesn't exist anymore!")) return self.progress = QProgressDialog(self.tr("Importing features..."), self.tr("Cancel"), 0, 100, self) self.progress.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.nodes = { } if onlySel: # only selected features features = layer.selectedFeatures() count = len(features) self.progress.setMaximum(count) for f in features: if not self.updateProgress(): break self.addFeature(f) else: # all features from layer count = layer.featureCount() self.progress.setMaximum(count) layer.select() f = QgsFeature() while layer.nextFeature(f): if not self.updateProgress(): break self.addFeature(f) self.dbm.commit() self.progress.setValue(count) self.dbm.recacheAffectedNow(self.affected) self.plugin.canvas.refresh() QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Import"), self.tr("Import has been completed.")) self.accept() def updateProgress(self): """Function updates progress dialog. """ self.progress.setValue( self.progress.value()+1 ) return not self.progress.wasCanceled() def addFeature(self,f): """Function adds given feature. @param f feature to be added """ g = f.geometry() if g is None: return wkbType = g.wkbType() if wkbType == QGis.WKBPoint: self.extractPoint(g.asPoint()) elif wkbType == QGis.WKBLineString: self.extractLineString(g.asPolyline()) elif wkbType == QGis.WKBPolygon: self.extractPolygon(g.asPolygon()) elif wkbType == QGis.WKBMultiPoint: for pnt in g.asMultiPoint(): self.extractPoint(pnt) elif wkbType == QGis.WKBMultiLineString: for line in g.asMultiPolyline(): self.extractLineString(line) elif wkbType == QGis.WKBMultiPolygon: for polygon in g.asMultiPolygon(): self.extractPolygon(polygon) def extractPoint(self, pnt): """Function extracts a point. @param pnt point to extract """ # TODO: check that another point isn't already at the same position (node,affected)=self.dbm.createPoint(pnt, None, None, False) self.affected.update(affected) def snapPoint(self, pnt): """ Function checks whether there's already other point with the same position. If so, it pretends it got snapped to that point. @param pnt point to snap """ dp = dummyPoint(pnt) if dp in self.nodes: return (pnt, self.nodes[dp], 'Point') else: return (pnt,None,None) def extractLineString(self, line): """Function extracts a line. @param line line to extract """ points = map(self.snapPoint, line) (feat,affected) = self.dbm.createLine(points, False) self.affected.update(affected) # this is a hack that uses the knowledge of inner working of createLine. # that sucks. nodeId = feat.id()-1 for p in points: if p[1] is None: dp = dummyPoint(p[0]) self.nodes[dp] = dummyFeat(nodeId) nodeId -= 1 def extractPolygon(self, polygon): """Function extracts a polygon. @param polygon polygon to extract """ # TODO: do something with holes? points=map(self.snapPoint, polygon[0]) if len(points)>0: points.pop() (feat,affected)=self.dbm.createPolygon(points, False) self.affected.update(affected) # this is a hack that uses the knowledge of inner working of createPolygon. # that sucks. nodeId = feat.id()-1 for p in points: if p[1] is None: dp = dummyPoint(p[0]) self.nodes[dp] = dummyFeat(nodeId) nodeId -= 1