name: MSYS2 MinGW-w64 Windows 64bit Build on: push: branches: - master - release-** - queued_ltr_backports paths: - 'src/**' - 'external/**' - 'python/**' - 'tests/**' - 'ms-windows/**' - 'CMakeLists.txt' - '.github/workflows/mingw-w64-msys2.yml' pull_request: workflow_dispatch: jobs: mingw-w64-msys2-build: name: MSYS2 MinGW-w64 Windows Build runs-on: windows-latest #strategy: # fail-fast: false # matrix: # QT_VERSION: [qt5, qt6] # MSYSTEM: [UCRT64, CLANG64] env: CCACHE_DIR: build/ccache defaults: run: shell: msys2 {0} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install core & build dependencies uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2 with: msystem: UCRT64 install: base-devel pacboy: >- protobuf:p gdal:p libzip:p qca-qt5:p gsl:p exiv2:p hdf5:p libxml2:p netcdf:p opencl-icd:p pdal:p proj:p qt5-3d:p qt5-base:p qt5-declarative:p qt5-gamepad:p qt5-location:p qt5-serialport:p qt5-svg:p qtkeychain-qt5:p qtwebkit:p qscintilla-qt5:p qwt-qt5:p spatialindex:p cc:p cmake:p ninja:p opencl-clhpp:p qt5-tools:p python:p ccache:p update: true release: false - name: Prepare build cache for pull request uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@v3.0.11 if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' with: path: build key: mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-${{ }}-${{ github.head_ref }}-${{ github.sha }} # The head_ref or source branch of the pull request in a workflow run. # The base_ref or target branch of the pull request in a workflow run. restore-keys: | mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-${{ }}-${{ github.head_ref }}- mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-${{ github.base_ref }}- mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-refs/heads/master- - name: Prepare build cache for branch/tag # use a fork of actions/cache@v2 to upload cache even when the build or test failed uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@v3.0.11 if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' with: path: build # The branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow run. For branches this in the format refs/heads/, and for tags it is refs/tags/ key: mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: | mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-${{ github.ref }}- mingw-w64-msys2-ccache-refs/heads/master- - name: Configure QGIS run: | CXXFLAGS="-DQWT_POLAR_VERSION=0x060200" \ cmake \ -G"Ninja" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ -DPython_EXECUTABLE=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python \ -DWITH_3D=ON \ -DWITH_PDAL=OFF \ -DWITH_CUSTOM_WIDGETS=ON \ -DWITH_QWTPOLAR=ON \ -DQWTPOLAR_LIBRARY=${MINGW_PREFIX}/lib/libqwt-qt5.dll.a \ -DQWTPOLAR_INCLUDE_DIR=${MINGW_PREFIX}/include/qwt-qt5 \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_QWTPOLAR=OFF \ -DWITH_BINDINGS=OFF \ -DWITH_GRASS=OFF \ -DUSE_CCACHE=ON \ -S . \ -B build - name: Build QGIS run: | cmake --build build ccache -s