/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com) */ #include "mdal_memory_data_model.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "mdal_utils.hpp" #include "mdal_logger.hpp" #include "mdal.h" MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::MemoryDataset2D( MDAL::DatasetGroup *grp, bool hasActiveFlag ) : Dataset2D( grp ) , mValues( group()->isScalar() ? valuesCount() : 2 * valuesCount(), std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() ) { setSupportsActiveFlag( hasActiveFlag ); if ( hasActiveFlag ) { assert( grp->dataLocation() == MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnVertices ); mActive = std::vector( mesh()->facesCount(), 1 ); } } MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::~MemoryDataset2D() = default; size_t MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::activeData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, int *buffer ) { assert( supportsActiveFlag() ); size_t nValues = mActive.size(); if ( ( count < 1 ) || ( indexStart >= nValues ) ) return 0; size_t copyValues = std::min( nValues - indexStart, count ); memcpy( buffer, mActive.data() + indexStart, copyValues * sizeof( int ) ); return copyValues; } void MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::activateFaces( MDAL::MemoryMesh *mesh ) { assert( mesh ); assert( supportsActiveFlag() ); assert( group()->dataLocation() == MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnVertices ); bool isScalar = group()->isScalar(); // Activate only Faces that do all Vertex's outputs with some data const size_t nFaces = mesh->facesCount(); const Faces &faces = mesh->faces(); for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < nFaces; ++idx ) { const Face &elem = faces.at( idx ); const std::size_t elemSize = elem.size(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < elemSize; ++i ) { const size_t vertexIndex = elem[i]; if ( isScalar ) { const double val = mValues[vertexIndex]; if ( std::isnan( val ) ) { mActive[idx] = 0; //NOT ACTIVE break; } } else { const double x = mValues[2 * vertexIndex]; const double y = mValues[2 * vertexIndex + 1]; if ( std::isnan( x ) || std::isnan( y ) ) { mActive[idx] = 0; //NOT ACTIVE break; } } } } } void MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::setActive( const int *activeBuffer ) { assert( supportsActiveFlag() ); memcpy( mActive.data(), activeBuffer, sizeof( int ) * mesh()->facesCount() ); } size_t MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::scalarData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, double *buffer ) { assert( group()->isScalar() ); //checked in C API interface size_t nValues = valuesCount(); assert( mValues.size() == nValues ); if ( ( count < 1 ) || ( indexStart >= nValues ) ) return 0; size_t copyValues = std::min( nValues - indexStart, count ); memcpy( buffer, mValues.data() + indexStart, copyValues * sizeof( double ) ); return copyValues; } size_t MDAL::MemoryDataset2D::vectorData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, double *buffer ) { assert( !group()->isScalar() ); //checked in C API interface size_t nValues = valuesCount(); assert( mValues.size() == nValues * 2 ); if ( ( count < 1 ) || ( indexStart >= nValues ) ) return 0; size_t copyValues = std::min( nValues - indexStart, count ); memcpy( buffer, mValues.data() + 2 * indexStart, 2 * copyValues * sizeof( double ) ); return copyValues; } MDAL::MemoryMesh::MemoryMesh( const std::string &driverName, size_t faceVerticesMaximumCount, const std::string &uri ) : MDAL::Mesh( driverName, faceVerticesMaximumCount, uri ) {} std::unique_ptr MDAL::MemoryMesh::readVertices() { std::unique_ptr it( new MemoryMeshVertexIterator( this ) ); return it; } std::unique_ptr MDAL::MemoryMesh::readEdges() { std::unique_ptr it( new MemoryMeshEdgeIterator( this ) ); return it; } std::unique_ptr MDAL::MemoryMesh::readFaces() { std::unique_ptr it( new MemoryMeshFaceIterator( this ) ); return it; } void MDAL::MemoryMesh::setVertices( Vertices vertices ) { mExtent = MDAL::computeExtent( vertices ); mVertices = std::move( vertices ); } void MDAL::MemoryMesh::setFaces( MDAL::Faces faces ) { mFaces = std::move( faces ); } void MDAL::MemoryMesh::setEdges( MDAL::Edges edges ) { mEdges = std::move( edges ); } MDAL::BBox MDAL::MemoryMesh::extent() const { return mExtent; } void MDAL::MemoryMesh::addVertices( size_t vertexCount, double *coordinates ) { size_t coordinateIndex = 0; size_t vertexIndex = mVertices.size(); size_t totalVertexCount = vertexIndex + vertexCount; mVertices.resize( totalVertexCount ); for ( ; vertexIndex < totalVertexCount; ++vertexIndex ) { Vertex vertex; vertex.x = coordinates[coordinateIndex]; ++coordinateIndex; vertex.y = coordinates[coordinateIndex]; ++coordinateIndex; vertex.z = coordinates[coordinateIndex]; ++coordinateIndex; mVertices[vertexIndex] = std::move( vertex ); } mExtent = computeExtent( mVertices ); } void MDAL::MemoryMesh::addFaces( size_t faceCount, size_t driverMaxVerticesPerFace, int *faceSizes, int *vertexIndices ) { size_t indicesIndex = 0; Faces newFaces( faceCount ); for ( size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < faceCount; ++faceIndex ) { size_t faceSize = faceSizes[faceIndex]; if ( faceSize > driverMaxVerticesPerFace ) { MDAL::Log::error( Err_InvalidData, "Incompatible faces count" ); return; } if ( faceSize > faceVerticesMaximumCount() ) setFaceVerticesMaximumCount( faceSize ); Face face( faceSize ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < faceSize; ++i ) { const int indice = vertexIndices[indicesIndex + i]; if ( indice < 0 ) { MDAL::Log::error( Err_InvalidData, "Invalid vertex index when adding faces" ); return; } size_t indiceU = static_cast< size_t >( indice ); if ( indiceU < mVertices.size() ) face[i] = indiceU; else { MDAL::Log::error( Err_InvalidData, "Invalid vertex index when adding faces" ); return; } } indicesIndex = indicesIndex + faceSize; newFaces[faceIndex] = std::move( face ); } // if everything is ok std::move( newFaces.begin(), newFaces.end(), std::back_inserter( mFaces ) ); } MDAL::MemoryMesh::~MemoryMesh() = default; MDAL::MemoryMeshVertexIterator::MemoryMeshVertexIterator( const MDAL::MemoryMesh *mesh ) : mMemoryMesh( mesh ) { } MDAL::MemoryMeshVertexIterator::~MemoryMeshVertexIterator() = default; size_t MDAL::MemoryMeshVertexIterator::next( size_t vertexCount, double *coordinates ) { assert( mMemoryMesh ); assert( coordinates ); size_t maxVertices = mMemoryMesh->verticesCount(); if ( vertexCount > maxVertices ) vertexCount = maxVertices; if ( mLastVertexIndex >= maxVertices ) return 0; size_t i = 0; const Vertices &vertices = mMemoryMesh->vertices(); while ( true ) { if ( mLastVertexIndex + i >= maxVertices ) break; if ( i >= vertexCount ) break; const Vertex &v = vertices[mLastVertexIndex + i]; coordinates[3 * i] = v.x; coordinates[3 * i + 1] = v.y; coordinates[3 * i + 2] = v.z; ++i; } mLastVertexIndex += i; return i; } MDAL::MemoryMeshEdgeIterator::MemoryMeshEdgeIterator( const MDAL::MemoryMesh *mesh ) : mMemoryMesh( mesh ) { } MDAL::MemoryMeshEdgeIterator::~MemoryMeshEdgeIterator() = default; size_t MDAL::MemoryMeshEdgeIterator::next( size_t edgeCount, int *startVertexIndices, int *endVertexIndices ) { assert( mMemoryMesh ); assert( startVertexIndices ); assert( endVertexIndices ); size_t maxEdges = mMemoryMesh->edgesCount(); const Edges &edges = mMemoryMesh->edges(); if ( edgeCount > maxEdges ) edgeCount = maxEdges; if ( mLastEdgeIndex >= maxEdges ) return 0; size_t i = 0; while ( true ) { if ( mLastEdgeIndex + i >= maxEdges ) break; if ( i >= edgeCount ) break; const Edge &e = edges[mLastEdgeIndex + i]; startVertexIndices[i] = e.startVertex; endVertexIndices[i] = e.endVertex; ++i; } mLastEdgeIndex += i; return i; } MDAL::MemoryMeshFaceIterator::MemoryMeshFaceIterator( const MDAL::MemoryMesh *mesh ) : mMemoryMesh( mesh ) { } MDAL::MemoryMeshFaceIterator::~MemoryMeshFaceIterator() = default; size_t MDAL::MemoryMeshFaceIterator::next( size_t faceOffsetsBufferLen, int *faceOffsetsBuffer, size_t vertexIndicesBufferLen, int *vertexIndicesBuffer ) { assert( mMemoryMesh ); assert( faceOffsetsBuffer ); assert( vertexIndicesBuffer ); size_t maxFaces = mMemoryMesh->facesCount(); size_t faceVerticesMaximumCount = mMemoryMesh->faceVerticesMaximumCount(); size_t vertexIndex = 0; size_t faceIndex = 0; const Faces &faces = mMemoryMesh->faces(); while ( true ) { if ( vertexIndex + faceVerticesMaximumCount > vertexIndicesBufferLen ) break; if ( faceIndex >= faceOffsetsBufferLen ) break; if ( mLastFaceIndex + faceIndex >= maxFaces ) break; const Face &f = faces[mLastFaceIndex + faceIndex]; const std::size_t faceSize = f.size(); for ( size_t faceVertexIndex = 0; faceVertexIndex < faceSize; ++faceVertexIndex ) { assert( vertexIndex < vertexIndicesBufferLen ); vertexIndicesBuffer[vertexIndex] = static_cast( f[faceVertexIndex] ); ++vertexIndex; } assert( faceIndex < faceOffsetsBufferLen ); faceOffsetsBuffer[faceIndex] = static_cast( vertexIndex ); ++faceIndex; } mLastFaceIndex += faceIndex; return faceIndex; }