/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2019 Vincent Cloarec (vcloarec at gmail dot com) */ #ifndef MDAL_DATE_TIME_HPP #define MDAL_DATE_TIME_HPP #include #include #include "mdal.h" namespace MDAL { class RelativeTimestamp { public: enum Unit { milliseconds = 0, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months_CF, exact_years }; RelativeTimestamp(); RelativeTimestamp( double duration, Unit unit ); double value( Unit unit ) const; bool operator==( const RelativeTimestamp &other ) const; bool operator<( const RelativeTimestamp &other ) const; private: RelativeTimestamp( int64_t ms ); int64_t mDuration = 0; //in ms friend class DateTime; }; class DateTime { public: enum Calendar { Gregorian = 0, ProlepticGregorian, Julian, }; enum Epoch { Unix = 0, JulianDay }; DateTime(); //! Constructor with date/time values and calendar type DateTime( int year, int month, int day, int hours = 0, int minutes = 0, double seconds = 0, Calendar calendar = Gregorian ); //! Constructor with Julian day or Unix Epoch DateTime( double value, Epoch epoch ); //! Constructor with ISO 8601 string DateTime( const std::string &fromISO8601 ); //! Returns a string with the date/time expressed in Greogrian proleptic calendar with ISO8601 format (local time zone) //! Do not support negative year std::string toStandardCalendarISO8601() const; //! Returns the Julian day value double toJulianDay() const; //! Returns the Julain day value expressed with a string std::string toJulianDayString() const; //! Returns a array of int with {year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds} with standard calendar format std::vector expandToCalendarArray() const; //! operators RelativeTimestamp operator-( const DateTime &other ) const; DateTime operator+( const RelativeTimestamp &duration ) const; DateTime operator-( const RelativeTimestamp &duration ) const; bool operator==( const DateTime &other ) const; bool operator<( const DateTime &other ) const; bool isValid() const; private: struct DateTimeValues { int year; int month; int day; int hours; int minutes; double seconds; }; DateTime( int64_t julianTime ); DateTimeValues dateTimeGregorianProleptic() const; void setWithGregorianCalendarDate( DateTimeValues values ); void setWithJulianCalendarDate( DateTimeValues values ); void setWithGregorianJulianCalendarDate( DateTimeValues values );//Uses the adapted formula depending of the date (< or > 1582-10-15) std::string toString( DateTimeValues values ) const; int64_t mJulianTime = 0; //Julian day in ms bool mValid = false; }; } #endif // MDAL_DATE_TIME_HPP