 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/auth/qgsauthcertutils.h                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsAuthCertUtils
Utilities for working with certificates and keys

#include "qgsauthcertutils.h"
    enum CaCertSource

    enum CertTrustPolicy

    enum CertUsageType

    enum ConstraintGroup

    static QString getSslProtocolName( QSsl::SslProtocol protocol );
SSL Protocol name strings per enum

    static QMap<QString, QSslCertificate> mapDigestToCerts( const QList<QSslCertificate> &certs );
Map certificate sha1 to certificate as simple cache

    static QMap<QString, QgsAuthConfigSslServer> mapDigestToSslConfigs( const QList<QgsAuthConfigSslServer> &configs );
Map SSL custom configs' certificate sha1 to custom config as simple cache

    static QByteArray fileData( const QString &path );
Returns data from a local file via a read-only operation

:param path: Path to file to read

:return: All data contained in file or empty contents if file does not exist

    static QList<QSslCertificate> certsFromFile( const QString &certspath );
Returns a list of concatenated certs from a PEM or DER formatted file

    static QList<QSslCertificate> casFromFile( const QString &certspath );
Returns a list of concatenated CAs from a PEM or DER formatted file

    static QSslCertificate certFromFile( const QString &certpath );
Returns the first cert from a PEM or DER formatted file

    static QList<QSslCertificate> casMerge( const QList<QSslCertificate> &bundle1,
                                            const QList<QSslCertificate> &bundle2 );
casMerge merges two certificate bundles in a single one removing duplicates, the certificates
from the ``bundle2`` are appended to ``bundle1`` if not already there

:param bundle1: first bundle
:param bundle2: second bundle

:return: a list of unique certificates

    static QSslKey keyFromFile( const QString &keypath,
                                const QString &keypass = QString(),
                                QString *algtype = 0 );
Returns non-encrypted key from a PEM or DER formatted file

:param keypath: File path to private key
:param keypass: Passphrase for private key
:param algtype: QString to set with resolved algorithm type

    static QList<QSslCertificate> certsFromString( const QString &pemtext );
Returns a list of concatenated certs from a PEM Base64 text block

    static QList<QSslCertificate> casRemoveSelfSigned( const QList<QSslCertificate> &caList );
casRemoveSelfSigned remove self-signed CA certificates from ``caList``

:param caList: list of CA certificates

:return: a list of non self-signed certificates

    static QStringList certKeyBundleToPem( const QString &certpath,
                                           const QString &keypath,
                                           const QString &keypass = QString(),
                                           bool reencrypt = true );
Returns list of certificate, private key and algorithm (as PEM text) from file path components

:param certpath: File path to certificate
:param keypath: File path to private key
:param keypass: Passphrase for private key
:param reencrypt: Whether to re-encrypt the private key with the passphrase

:return: certificate, private key, key's algorithm type

    static bool pemIsPkcs8( const QString &keyPemTxt );
Determine if the PEM-encoded text of a key is PKCS#8 format

:param keyPemTxt: PEM-encoded text

:return: ``True`` if PKCS#8, otherwise ``False``

    static QStringList pkcs12BundleToPem( const QString &bundlepath,
                                          const QString &bundlepass = QString(),
                                          bool reencrypt = true );
Returns list of certificate, private key and algorithm (as PEM text) for a PKCS#12 bundle

:param bundlepath: File path to the PKCS bundle
:param bundlepass: Passphrase for bundle
:param reencrypt: Whether to re-encrypt the private key with the passphrase

:return: certificate, private key, key's algorithm type

    static QList<QSslCertificate> pkcs12BundleCas( const QString &bundlepath,
        const QString &bundlepass = QString() );
Returns list of CA certificates (as QSslCertificate) for a PKCS#12 bundle

:param bundlepath: File path to the PKCS bundle
:param bundlepass: Passphrase for bundle

:return: list of certificate

    static QByteArray certsToPemText( const QList<QSslCertificate> &certs );
certsToPemText dump a list of QSslCertificates to PEM text

:param certs: list of certs

:return: a byte array of concatenated certificates as PEM text

    static QString pemTextToTempFile( const QString &name, const QByteArray &pemtext );
Write a temporary file for a PEM text of cert/key/CAs bundle component

:param pemtext: Component content as PEM text
:param name: Name of file

:return: File path to temporary file

    static QString getCaSourceName( QgsAuthCertUtils::CaCertSource source, bool single = false );
Gets the general name for CA source enum type

:param source: The enum source type for the CA
:param single: Whether to return singular or plural description

    static QString resolvedCertName( const QSslCertificate &cert, bool issuer = false );
Gets the general name via RFC 5280 resolution

    static QString getCertTrustName( QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy trust );
Gets the general name for certificate trust

    static QString getColonDelimited( const QString &txt );
Gets string with colon delimiters every 2 characters

    static QString shaHexForCert( const QSslCertificate &cert, bool formatted = false );
Gets the sha1 hash for certificate

:param cert: Qt SSL certificate to generate hash from
:param formatted: Whether to colon-delimit the hash

    static QList<QgsAuthCertUtils::CertUsageType> certificateUsageTypes( const QSslCertificate &cert );
Try to determine the certificates usage types

    static bool certificateIsAuthority( const QSslCertificate &cert );
Gets whether a certificate is an Authority

    static bool certificateIsIssuer( const QSslCertificate &cert );
Gets whether a certificate can sign other certificates

    static bool certificateIsAuthorityOrIssuer( const QSslCertificate &cert );
Gets whether a certificate is an Authority or can at least sign other certificates

    static bool certificateIsSslServer( const QSslCertificate &cert );
Gets whether a certificate is probably used for a SSL server

    static bool certificateIsSslClient( const QSslCertificate &cert );
Gets whether a certificate is probably used for a client identity

    static QString sslErrorEnumString( QSslError::SslError errenum );
Gets short strings describing an SSL error

    static bool certIsCurrent( const QSslCertificate &cert );
certIsCurrent checks if ``cert`` is viable for its not before and not after dates

:param cert: certificate to be checked

    static QList<QSslError> certViabilityErrors( const QSslCertificate &cert );
certViabilityErrors checks basic characteristics (validity dates, blacklisting, etc.) of given ``cert``

:param cert: certificate to be checked

:return: list of QSslError (will return NO ERRORS if a null QSslCertificate is passed)

    static bool certIsViable( const QSslCertificate &cert );
certIsViable checks for viability errors of ``cert`` and whether it is NULL

:param cert: certificate to be checked

:return: ``False`` if cert is NULL or has viability errors

    static QList<QSslError> validateCertChain( const QList<QSslCertificate> &certificateChain,
        const QString &hostName = QString(),
        bool trustRootCa = false );
validateCertChain validates the given ``certificateChain``

:param certificateChain: list of certificates to be checked, with leaf first and with optional root CA last
:param hostName: (optional) name of the host to be verified
:param trustRootCa: if ``True`` the CA will be added to the trusted CAs for this validation check

:return: list of QSslError, if the list is empty then the cert chain is valid

    static QStringList validatePKIBundle( QgsPkiBundle &bundle, bool useIntermediates = true, bool trustRootCa = false );
validatePKIBundle validate the PKI bundle by checking the certificate chain, the
expiration and effective dates, optionally trusts the root CA

:param bundle:
:param useIntermediates: if ``True`` the intermediate certs are also checked
:param trustRootCa: if ``True`` the CA will be added to the trusted CAs for this validation check (if useIntermediates is ``False``)
                    this option is ignored and set to ``False``

:return: a list of error strings, if the list is empty then the PKI bundle is valid


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/core/auth/qgsauthcertutils.h                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *