/** * This class caches features of a given QgsVectorLayer. * * @brief * The cached features can be indexed by @link QgsAbstractCacheIndex @endlink. * * Proper indexing for a given use-case may speed up performance substantially. */ class QgsVectorLayerCache : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsvectorlayercache.h" %End public: QgsVectorLayerCache( QgsVectorLayer* layer, int cacheSize, QObject* parent /TransferThis/ = NULL ); /** * Sets the maximum number of features to keep in the cache. Some features will be removed from * the cache if the number is smaller than the previous size of the cache. * * @param cacheSize indicates the maximum number of features to keep in the cache */ void setCacheSize( int cacheSize ); /** * @brief * Returns the maximum number of features this cache will hold. * In case full caching is enabled, this number can change, as new features get added. * * @return int */ int cacheSize(); /** * Enable or disable the caching of geometries * * @param cacheGeometry Enable or disable the caching of geometries */ void setCacheGeometry( bool cacheGeometry ); /** * Set the subset of attributes to be cached * * @param attributes The attributes to be cached */ void setCacheSubsetOfAttributes( const QgsAttributeList& attributes ); /** * If this is enabled, the subset of cached attributes will automatically be extended * to also include newly added attributes. * * @param cacheAddedAttributes Automatically cache new attributes */ void setCacheAddedAttributes( bool cacheAddedAttributes ); /** * @brief * This enables or disables full caching. * If enabled, all features will be held in the cache. The cache size will incrementally * be increased to offer space for all features. * When enabled, all features will be read into cache. As this feature will most likely * be used for slow data sources, be aware, that the call to this method might take a long time. * * @param fullCache True: enable full caching, False: disable full caching */ void setFullCache( bool fullCache ); /** * @brief * Adds a {@link QgsAbstractCacheIndex} to this cache. Cache indices know about features present * in this cache and decide, if enough information is present in the cache to respond to a {@link QgsFeatureRequest}. * The layer cache will take ownership of the index. * * @param cacheIndex The cache index to add. */ void addCacheIndex( QgsAbstractCacheIndex *cacheIndex /Transfer/ ); /** * Query this VectorLayerCache for features. * If the VectorLayerCache (and moreover any of its indices) is able to satisfy * the request, the returned {@link QgsFeatureIterator} will iterate over cached features. * If it's not possible to fully satisfy the request from the cache, part or all of the features * will be requested from the data provider. * @param featureRequest The request specifying filter and required data. * @return An iterator over the requested data. */ QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QgsFeatureRequest& featureRequest = QgsFeatureRequest() ); /** * Query the layer for features matching a given expression. */ QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QString& expression ); /** * Query the layer for the feature with the given id. * If there is no such feature, the returned feature will be invalid. */ QgsFeature getFeature( QgsFeatureId fid ); /** * Query the layer for the features with the given ids. */ QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( QgsFeatureIds fids ); /** * Query the layer for the features which intersect the specified rectangle. */ QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QgsRectangle& rectangle ); /** * Check if a certain feature id is cached. * @param fid The feature id to look for * @return True if this id is in the cache */ bool isFidCached( const QgsFeatureId fid ); /** * Gets the feature at the given feature id. Considers the changed, added, deleted and permanent features * @param featureId The id of the feature to query * @param feature The result of the operation will be written to this feature * @param skipCache Will query the layer regardless if the feature is in the cache already * @return true in case of success */ bool featureAtId( QgsFeatureId featureId, QgsFeature &feature, bool skipCache = false ); /** * Removes the feature identified by fid from the cache if present. * @param fid The id of the feature to delete * @return true if the feature was removed, false if the feature id was not found in the cache */ bool removeCachedFeature( QgsFeatureId fid ); /** * Returns the layer to which this cache belongs */ QgsVectorLayer* layer(); protected: /** * @brief * Gets called, whenever the full list of feature ids for a certain request is known. * Broadcasts this information to indices, so they can update their tables. * * @param featureRequest The feature request that was answered * @param fids The feature ids that have been returned */ void requestCompleted( const QgsFeatureRequest& featureRequest, const QgsFeatureIds& fids ); /** * @brief * Gets called, whenever a feature has been removed. * Broadcasts this information to indices, so they can invalidate their cache if required. * * @param fid The feature id of the removed feature. */ void featureRemoved( QgsFeatureId fid ); /** * @brief * Checks if the information required to complete the request is cached. * i.e. If all attributes required and the geometry is held in the cache. * Please note, that this does not check, if the requested features are cached. * * * @param featureRequest The {@link QgsFeatureRequest} to be answered * @return True if the information is being cached, false if not */ bool checkInformationCovered( const QgsFeatureRequest& featureRequest ); signals: /** * When filling the cache, this signal gets emitted periodically to notify about the progress * and to be able to cancel an operation. * * @param i The number of already fetched features * @param cancel A reference to a boolean variable. Set to true and the operation will be canceled. * * @note not available in python bindings */ // void progress( int i, bool& cancel ); /** * When filling the cache, this signal gets emitted once the cache is fully initialized. */ void finished(); /** * @brief Is emitted when the cached layer is deleted. Is emitted when the cached layers layerDelete() * signal is being emitted, but before the local reference to it has been set to NULL. So call to * @link layer() @endlink will still return a valid pointer for cleanup purpose. */ void cachedLayerDeleted(); /** * @brief Is emitted when an attribute is changed. Is re-emitted after the layer itself emits this signal. * You should connect to this signal, to be sure, to not get a cached value if querying the cache. */ void attributeValueChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, int field, const QVariant &value ); /** * Is emitted, when a new feature has been added to the layer and this cache. * You should connect to this signal instead of the layers', if you want to be sure * that this cache has updated information for the new feature * * @param fid The featureid of the changed feature */ void featureAdded( QgsFeatureId fid ); /** * The cache has been invalidated and cleared. */ void invalidated(); };