{ "name": "if", "type": "function", "groups": ["Conditionals"], "description": "Tests a condition and returns a different result depending on the conditional check.", "arguments": [ {"arg":"condition","description":"the condition which should be checked"}, {"arg":"result_when_true","description":"the result which will be returned when the condition is true or another value that does not convert to false."}, {"arg":"result_when_false","description":"the result which will be returned when the condition is false or another value that converts to false like 0 or ''. NULL will also be converted to false."} ], "examples": [ { "expression":"if( 1+1=2, 'Yes', 'No' )", "returns":"'Yes'"}, { "expression":"if( 1+1=3, 'Yes', 'No' )", "returns":"'No'"}, { "expression":"if( 5 > 3, 1, 0)", "returns":"1"}, { "expression":"if( '', 'It is true (not empty)', 'It is false (empty)' )", "returns":"'It is false (empty)'"}, { "expression":"if( ' ', 'It is true (not empty)', 'It is false (empty)' )", "returns":"'It is true (not empty)'"}, { "expression":"if( 0, 'One', 'Zero' )", "returns":"'Zero'"}, { "expression":"if( 10, 'One', 'Zero' )", "returns":"'One'"} ] }