class QgsComposerPolygon: QgsComposerNodesItem
#include <qgscomposerpolygon.h>

    QgsComposerPolygon( QgsComposition* c );
    QgsComposerPolygon( const QPolygonF& polygon, QgsComposition* c );

    /** Overridden to return shape name */
    virtual QString displayName() const;

    /** Returns the QgsSymbol used to draw the shape. */
    QgsFillSymbol* polygonStyleSymbol();

    /** Set the QgsSymbol used to draw the shape. */
    void setPolygonStyleSymbol( QgsFillSymbol* symbol );

    /** Return correct graphics item type. */
    virtual int type() const;


    bool _addNode( const int indexPoint, QPointF newPoint, const double radius );

    bool _removeNode( const int indexPoint );

    /** Draw points for the current shape. */
    void _draw( QPainter *painter );

    /** Read symbol in XML. */
    void _readXmlStyle( const QDomElement &elmt  );

    /** Write the symbol in an XML document. */
    void _writeXmlStyle( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &elmt ) const;

    /** Create a default symbol. */
    void createDefaultPolygonStyleSymbol();