 * This class contains context information for attribute editor widgets.
 * It will be passed to embedded widgets whenever this occurs (e.g. when
 * showing an embedded form due to relations)

class QgsAttributeEditorContext
#include "qgsattributeeditorcontext.h"
     * Determines in which direction a relation was resolved.
    enum RelationMode
      Undefined,  //!< This context is not defined by a relation
      Multiple,   //!< When showing a list of features (e.g. houses as an embedded form in a district form)
      Single      //!< When showing a single feature (e.g. district information when looking at the form of a house)

    enum FormMode

    QgsAttributeEditorContext( const QgsAttributeEditorContext& parentContext, FormMode formMode );
    QgsAttributeEditorContext( const QgsAttributeEditorContext& parentContext, const QgsRelation& relation, RelationMode relationMode, FormMode formMode );

    void setDistanceArea( const QgsDistanceArea& distanceArea );
    const QgsDistanceArea& distanceArea() const;

    void setVectorLayerTools( QgsVectorLayerTools* vlTools );
    const QgsVectorLayerTools* vectorLayerTools() const;

    void setRelation( const QgsRelation& relation, RelationMode mode );
    const QgsRelation& relation() const;
    RelationMode relationMode() const;

    /** Returns the form mode.
     * @see setFormMode()
    FormMode formMode() const;

    /** Sets the form mode.
     * @param mode form mode
     * @see formMode()
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void setFormMode( FormMode mode );

    /** Returns true if the attribute editor should permit use of custom UI forms.
     * @see setAllowCustomUi()
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    bool allowCustomUi() const;

    /** Sets whether the attribute editor should permit use of custom UI forms.
     * @param allow set to true to allow custom UI forms, or false to disable them and use default generated
     * QGIS forms
     * @see allowCustomUi()
     * @note added in QGIS 2.16
    void setAllowCustomUi( bool allow );

    const QgsAttributeEditorContext* parentContext() const;