/** \ingroup analysis
 * The Qgis class provides vector geometry analysis functions

class QgsGeometryAnalyzer
#include <qgsgeometryanalyzer.h>


    /** Simplify vector layer using (a modified) Douglas-Peucker algorithm
     * and write it to a new shape file
     * @param layer input vector layer
     * @param shapefileName path to the output shp
     * @param tolerance (level of simplification)
     * @param onlySelectedFeatures if true, only selected features are considered, else all the features
     * @param p progress dialog (or 0 if no progress dialog is to be shown)
    bool simplify( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName, double tolerance,
                   bool onlySelectedFeatures = false, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Calculate the true centroids, or 'center of mass' for a vector layer and
     * write it to a new shape file
     * @param layer input vector layer
     * @param shapefileName path to the output shp
     * @param onlySelectedFeatures if true, only selected features are considered, else all the features
     * @param p progress dialog (or 0 if no progress dialog is to be shown)
    bool centroids( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName,
                    bool onlySelectedFeatures = false, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Create a polygon based on the extent of all (selected) features and write it to a new shape file
     * @param layer input vector layer
     * @param shapefileName path to the output shp
     * @param onlySelectedFeatures if true, only selected features are considered, else all the features
     * @param p progress dialog (or 0 if no progress dialog is to be shown)
    bool extent( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName, bool onlySelectedFeatures = false, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Create buffers for a vector layer and write it to a new shape file
     * @param layer input vector layer
     * @param shapefileName path to the output shp
     * @param bufferDistance distance for buffering (if no buffer field is specified)
     * @param onlySelectedFeatures if true, only selected features are considered, else all the features
     * @param dissolve if true, merge all the buffers to a big multipolygon
     * @param bufferDistanceField index of the attribute field that contains the buffer distance (or -1 if all features have the same buffer distance)
     * @param p progress dialog (or 0 if no progress dialog is to be shown)
    bool buffer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName, double bufferDistance,
                 bool onlySelectedFeatures = false, bool dissolve = false, int bufferDistanceField = -1, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Create convex hull(s) of a vector layer and write it to a new shape file
     * @param layer input vector layer
     * @param shapefileName path to the output shp
     * @param onlySelectedFeatures if true, only selected features are considered, else all the features
     * @param uniqueIdField index of the attribute field that contains the unique convex hull id (or -1 if
     * all features have the same buffer distance)
     * @param p progress dialog (or 0 if no progress dialog is to be shown)
    bool convexHull( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName, bool onlySelectedFeatures = false,
                     int uniqueIdField = -1, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Dissolve a vector layer and write it to a new shape file
     * @param layer input vector layer
     * @param shapefileName path to the output shp
     * @param onlySelectedFeatures if true, only selected features are considered, else all the features
     * @param uniqueIdField index of the attribute field that contains the unique id to dissolve on (or -1 if
     * all features should be dissolved together)
     * @param p progress dialog (or 0 if no progress dialog is to be shown)
    bool dissolve( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName, bool onlySelectedFeatures = false,
                   int uniqueIdField = -1, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Creates an event layer (multipoint or multiline) by locating features from a (non-spatial) event table along the features of a line layer.
     * Note that currently (until QgsGeometry supports m-values) the z-coordinate of the line layer is used for linear referencing
     * @param lineLayer layer with the line geometry
     * @param eventLayer layer with features and location field
     * @param lineField join index in line layer
     * @param eventField join index in event layer
     * @param outputLayer name of output file (can be empty if a memory layer is used)
     * @param outputFormat name of output format (can be empty if a memory provider is used to store the results)
     * @param unlocatedFeatureIds out: ids of event features where linear referencing was not successful
     * @param locationField1 attribute index of location field in event layer
     * @param locationField2 attribute index of location end field (or -1 for point layer)
     * @param offsetField attribute index for offset field. Negative offset value = offset to left side, positive value = offset to right side
     * @param offsetScale factor to scale offset
     * @param forceSingleGeometry force layer to single point/line type. Feature attributes are copied in case of multiple matches
     * @param memoryProvider memory provider to write output to (can be 0 if output is written to a file)
     * @param p progress dialog or 0 if no progress dialog should be shown
    bool eventLayer( QgsVectorLayer* lineLayer, QgsVectorLayer* eventLayer, int lineField, int eventField, QSet<qint64> &unlocatedFeatureIds /Out/, const QString& outputLayer,
                     const QString& outputFormat, int locationField1, int locationField2 = -1, int offsetField = -1, double offsetScale = 1.0,
                     bool forceSingleGeometry = false, QgsVectorDataProvider* memoryProvider = 0, QProgressDialog* p = 0 );

    /** Returns linear reference geometry as a multiline (or 0 if no match). Currently, the z-coordinates are considered to be the measures (no support for m-values in QGIS)*/
    QgsGeometry locateBetweenMeasures( double fromMeasure, double toMeasure, const QgsGeometry& lineGeom );
    /** Returns linear reference geometry. Unlike the PostGIS function, this method always returns multipoint or 0 if no match (not geometry collection).
     * Currently, the z-coordinates are considered to be the measures (no support for m-values in QGIS)
    QgsGeometry locateAlongMeasure( double measure, const QgsGeometry& lineGeom );
