/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/effects/qgseffectstack.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsEffectStack : QgsPaintEffect { %Docstring A paint effect which consists of a stack of other chained paint effects Effect stacks can be used to apply multiple paint effects to a QPicture. For instance, an effect stack may blur then apply a drop shadow. The way in which effects apply to a stack is controlled by the effect's drawMode. Effects can either render their results onto the destination paint device, or just modify the source picture which is drawn by subsequent effects in the stack. For instance, a blur effect with a Modifier drawMode will blur the source picture for the following drop shadow effect without actually drawing the blurred picture to the paint device. If the blur effect had a Render drawMode then the blurred picture will be drawn on the paint device, but the following drop shadow effect will be drawn using the original picture, not the blurred version. .. versionadded:: 2.9 %End %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgseffectstack.h" %End public: static QgsPaintEffect *create( const QgsStringMap &map ) /Factory/; %Docstring Creates a new QgsEffectStack effect. This method ignores the map parameter, and always returns an empty effect stack. \param map unused encoded properties string map :return: new QgsEffectStack :rtype: QgsPaintEffect %End QgsEffectStack(); %Docstring Constructor for empty QgsEffectStack. %End QgsEffectStack( const QgsEffectStack &other ); explicit QgsEffectStack( const QgsPaintEffect &effect ); %Docstring Creates a new QgsEffectStack effect from a single initial effect. \param effect initial effect to add to the stack. The effect will be cloned, so ownership is not transferred to the stack. :return: new QgsEffectStack containing initial effect %End virtual ~QgsEffectStack(); virtual QString type() const; virtual QgsEffectStack *clone() const /Factory/; virtual bool saveProperties( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element ) const; virtual bool readProperties( const QDomElement &element ); virtual QgsStringMap properties() const; %Docstring Unused for QgsEffectStack, will always return an empty string map :rtype: QgsStringMap %End virtual void readProperties( const QgsStringMap &props ); %Docstring Unused for QgsEffectStack, props parameter will be ignored %End void appendEffect( QgsPaintEffect *effect /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Appends an effect to the end of the stack. \param effect QgsPaintEffect to append. Ownership of the effect will be transferred to the stack object. .. seealso:: insertEffect %End bool insertEffect( const int index, QgsPaintEffect *effect /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Inserts an effect at a specified index within the stack. \param index position to insert the effect \param effect QgsPaintEffect to insert. Ownership of the effect will be transferred to the stack object. .. seealso:: appendEffect :rtype: bool %End bool changeEffect( const int index, QgsPaintEffect *effect /Transfer/ ); %Docstring Replaces the effect at a specified position within the stack. \param index position of effect to replace \param effect QgsPaintEffect to replace with. Ownership of the effect will be transferred to the stack object. :rtype: bool %End QgsPaintEffect *takeEffect( const int index /TransferBack/ ); %Docstring Removes an effect from the stack and returns a pointer to it. \param index position of effect to take :rtype: QgsPaintEffect %End QList< QgsPaintEffect * > *effectList(); %Docstring Returns a pointer to the list of effects currently contained by the stack :return: list of QgsPaintEffects within the stack :rtype: list of QgsPaintEffect %End int count() const; %Docstring Returns count of effects contained by the stack :return: count of effects :rtype: int %End QgsPaintEffect *effect( int index ) const; %Docstring Returns a pointer to the effect at a specified index within the stack \param index position of effect to return :return: QgsPaintEffect at specified position :rtype: QgsPaintEffect %End protected: virtual void draw( QgsRenderContext &context ); }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/effects/qgseffectstack.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/