/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by Tim Sutton * * tim@linfiniti.com * * * * This is a plugin generated from the QGIS plugin template * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "plugingui.h" //qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "waypointtoshape.h" //standard includes #include #include PluginGui::PluginGui() : PluginGuiBase() { populateDeviceComboBox(); tabWidget->removePage(tabWidget->page(1)); } PluginGui::PluginGui( QWidget* parent , const char* name , bool modal , WFlags fl ) : PluginGuiBase( parent, name, modal, fl ) { populateDeviceComboBox(); tabWidget->removePage(tabWidget->page(1)); } PluginGui::~PluginGui() { } void PluginGui::pbnOK_clicked() { // what should we do? // add a GPX/LOC layer? if (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { //check if input file is readable QFileInfo fileInfo(leGPXFile->text()); if (!fileInfo.isReadable()) { QMessageBox::warning( this, "GPX/LOC Loader", "Unable to read the selected file.\n" "Please reselect a valid file." ); return; } // add the requested layers if (cbGPXTracks->isChecked()) emit drawVectorLayer(leGPXFile->text() + "?type=track", fileInfo.baseName() + ", tracks", "gpx"); if (cbGPXRoutes->isChecked()) emit drawVectorLayer(leGPXFile->text() + "?type=route", fileInfo.baseName() + ", routes", "gpx"); if (cbGPXWaypoints->isChecked()) emit drawVectorLayer(leGPXFile->text() + "?type=waypoint", fileInfo.baseName() + ", waypoints", "gpx"); } // or import a download file? else if (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 666) { //check input file exists // if (!QFile::exists ( leInputFile->text() )) { QMessageBox::warning( this, "GPS Importer", "Unable to find the input file.\n" "Please reselect a valid file." ); return; } WayPointToShape * myWayPointToShape = new WayPointToShape(leOutputShapeFile->text(),leInputFile->text()); // // If you have a produced a raster layer using your plugin, you can ask qgis to // add it to the view using: // emit drawRasterLayer(QString("layername")); // or for a vector layer // emit drawVectorLayer(QString("pathname"),QString("layername"),QString("provider name (either ogr or postgres")); // delete myWayPointToShape; emit drawVectorLayer(leOutputShapeFile->text(),QString("Waypoints"),QString("ogr")); } // or start downloading GPS data from a device? else { // try to start the gpsbabel process QStringList babelArgs; babelArgs<<"gpsbabel"<<"-t"<<"-i"<<"garmin"<<"-o"<<"gpx" <currentText()<text(); QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs); if (!babelProcess.start()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Could not start process", "Could not start GPSBabel!"); return; } // wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel) QProgressDialog progressDialog("Downloading data...", "Cancel", 0, this, 0, true); progressDialog.show(); for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) { QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(0); progressDialog.setProgress(i/64); if (progressDialog.wasCancelled()) return; } // did we get any data? if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) { QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr()); QString errorMsg("Could not download data from GPS!\n\n"); errorMsg += babelError; QMessageBox::warning(this, "Error downloading data", errorMsg); return; } // add the layer emit drawVectorLayer(leDLOutput->text() + "?type=track", leDLBasename->text() + ", tracks", "gpx"); } //close the dialog done(1); } void PluginGui::pbnSelectInputFile_clicked() { std::cout << " Gps File Importer::pbnSelectInputFile_clicked() " << std::endl; QString myFileTypeQString; QString myFilterString="Text File (*.txt)"; QString myFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "." , //initial dir myFilterString, //filters to select this , //parent dialog "OpenFileDialog" , //QFileDialog qt object name "Select GPS dump text file" , //caption &myFileTypeQString //the pointer to store selected filter ); std::cout << "Selected filetype filter is : " << myFileTypeQString << std::endl; leInputFile->setText(myFileNameQString); } void PluginGui::pbnSelectOutputFile_clicked() { std::cout << " Gps File Importer Gui::pbnSelectOutputFile_clicked() " << std::endl; QString myOutputFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( ".", "ESRI Shapefile (*.shp)", this, "save file dialog" "Choose a filename to save under" ); leOutputShapeFile->setText(myOutputFileNameQString); } void PluginGui::pbnDLOutput_clicked() { QString myFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( "." , //initial dir "GPS eXchange format (*.gpx)", this , //parent dialog "Select GPX output", "Choose a filename to save under" ); leDLOutput->setText(myFileNameQString); } void PluginGui::enableRelevantControls() { // load GPX/LOC if (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { if ((leGPXFile->text()=="")) { pbnOK->setEnabled(false); cbGPXWaypoints->setEnabled(false); cbGPXRoutes->setEnabled(false); cbGPXTracks->setEnabled(false); cbGPXWaypoints->setChecked(false); cbGPXRoutes->setChecked(false); cbGPXTracks->setChecked(false); } else { pbnOK->setEnabled(true); cbGPXWaypoints->setEnabled(true); cbGPXWaypoints->setChecked(true); if (leGPXFile->text().right(4).lower() != ".loc") { cbGPXRoutes->setEnabled(true); cbGPXTracks->setEnabled(true); cbGPXRoutes->setChecked(true); cbGPXTracks->setChecked(true); } else { cbGPXRoutes->setEnabled(false); cbGPXTracks->setEnabled(false); cbGPXRoutes->setChecked(false); cbGPXTracks->setChecked(false); } } } // import download file else if (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 666) { if ( (leOutputShapeFile->text()=="") || (leInputFile->text()=="") ) { pbnOK->setEnabled(false); } else { pbnOK->setEnabled(true); } } // download from device else { if (cmbDLDevice->currentText() == "" || leDLBasename->text() == "" || leDLOutput->text() == "") pbnOK->setEnabled(false); else pbnOK->setEnabled(true); } } void PluginGui::pbnCancel_clicked() { close(1); } void PluginGui::pbnGPXSelectFile_clicked() { std::cout << " Gps File Importer::pbnGPXSelectFile_clicked() " << std::endl; QString myFileTypeQString; QString myFilterString="GPS eXchange format (*.gpx);;" "Geocaching waypoints (*.loc)"; QString myFileNameQString = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "." , //initial dir myFilterString, //filters to select this , //parent dialog "OpenFileDialog" , //QFileDialog qt object name "Select GPX or LOC file" , //caption &myFileTypeQString //the pointer to store selected filter ); std::cout << "Selected filetype filter is : " << myFileTypeQString << std::endl; leGPXFile->setText(myFileNameQString); } void PluginGui::populateDeviceComboBox() { // look for linux serial devices #ifdef linux QString linuxDev("/dev/ttyS%1"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (QFileInfo(linuxDev.arg(i)).exists()) cmbDLDevice->insertItem(linuxDev.arg(i)); else break; } #endif // and freebsd devices (untested) #ifdef freebsd QString freebsdDev("/dev/cuaa%1"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (QFileInfo(freebsdDev.arg(i)).exists()) cmbDLDevice->insertItem(freebsdDev.arg(i)); else break; } #endif // and solaris devices (also untested) #ifdef sparc QString solarisDev("/dev/cua/%1"); for (int i = 'a'; i < 'k'; ++i) { if (QFileInfo(solarisDev.arg(char(i))).exists()) cmbDLDevice->insertItem(solarisDev.arg(char(i))); else break; } #endif // OSX, OpenBSD, NetBSD etc? Anyone? }