/** * Assorted functions for dealing with layer trees. * * @note added in 2.4 */ class QgsLayerTreeUtils { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgslayertreeutils.h> %End public: //! Try to load layer tree from \verbatim <legend> \endverbatim tag from project files from QGIS 2.2 and below static bool readOldLegend( QgsLayerTreeGroup* root, const QDomElement& legendElem ); //! Try to load custom layer order from \verbatim <legend> \endverbatim tag from project files from QGIS 2.2 and below static bool readOldLegendLayerOrder( const QDomElement& legendElem, bool& hasCustomOrder, QStringList& order ); //! Return \verbatim <legend> \endverbatim tag used in QGIS 2.2 and below static QDomElement writeOldLegend( QDomDocument& doc, QgsLayerTreeGroup* root, bool hasCustomOrder, const QStringList& order ); //! Convert Qt::CheckState to QString static QString checkStateToXml( Qt::CheckState state ); //! Convert QString to Qt::CheckState static Qt::CheckState checkStateFromXml( const QString& txt ); //! Return true if any of the layers is editable static bool layersEditable( const QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer*>& layerNodes ); //! Return true if any of the layers is modified static bool layersModified( const QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer*>& layerNodes ); //! Remove layer nodes that refer to invalid layers static void removeInvalidLayers( QgsLayerTreeGroup* group ); //! Remove subtree of embedded groups and replaces it with a custom property embedded-visible-layers static void replaceChildrenOfEmbeddedGroups( QgsLayerTreeGroup* group ); //! get invisible layers static QStringList invisibleLayerList( QgsLayerTreeNode *node ); //! Set the expression filter of a legend layer static void setLegendFilterByExpression( QgsLayerTreeLayer& layer, const QString& expr, bool enabled = true ); //! Return the expression filter of a legend layer static QString legendFilterByExpression( const QgsLayerTreeLayer& layer, bool* enabled = 0 ); //! Test if one of the layers in a group has an expression filter static bool hasLegendFilterExpression( const QgsLayerTreeGroup& group ); //! Insert a QgsMapLayer just below another one //! @param group the tree group where layers are (can be the root group) //! @param refLayer the reference layer //! @param layerToInsert the new layer to insert just below the reference layer //! @returns the new tree layer static QgsLayerTreeLayer* insertLayerBelow( QgsLayerTreeGroup* group, const QgsMapLayer* refLayer, QgsMapLayer* layerToInsert ); };