{ "name": "make_regular_polygon", "type": "function", "description": "Creates a regular polygon.", "variableLenArguments": true, "arguments": [ {"arg":"center", "description": "center of the regular polygon"}, {"arg":"radius", "description": "second point. The first if the regular polygon is inscribed. The midpoint of the first side if the regular polygon is circumscribed."}, {"arg":"number_sides", "description": "Number of sides/edges of the regular polygon"}, {"arg":"circle", "description": "Optional argument to construct the regular polygon. By default this value is 0. Value can be 0 (inscribed) or 1 (circumscribed)"}], "examples": [ { "expression":"geom_to_wkt(make_regular_polygon(make_point(0,0), make_point(0,5), 5))", "returns":"'Polygon ((0 5, 4.76 1.55, 2.94 -4.05, -2.94 -4.05, -4.76 1.55, 0 5))'"}, { "expression":"geom_to_wkt(make_regular_polygon(make_point(0,0), project(make_point(0,0), 4.0451, radians(36)), 5))", "returns":"'Polygon ((0 5, 4.76 1.55, 2.94 -4.05, -2.94 -4.05, -4.76 1.55, 0 5))'"} ] }