{ "name": "make_line", "type": "function", "description": "Creates a line geometry from a series of point geometries.", "variants": [ { "variant": "List of arguments variant", "variant_description": "Line vertices are specified as separate arguments to the function.", "variableLenArguments": true, "arguments": [ {"arg":"point1", "syntaxOnly": true}, {"arg":"point2", "syntaxOnly": true}, {"arg":"point", "descOnly": true, "description":"a point geometry (or array of points)"}], "examples": [ { "expression":"geom_to_wkt(make_line(make_point(2,4),make_point(3,5)))", "returns":"'LineString (2 4, 3 5)'"}, { "expression":"geom_to_wkt(make_line(make_point(2,4),make_point(3,5),make_point(9,7)))", "returns":"'LineString (2 4, 3 5, 9 7)'"} ]}, { "variant": "Array variant", "variant_description": "Line vertices are specified as an array of points.", "arguments": [ {"arg":"array","description":"array of points"}], "examples": [ { "expression":"geom_to_wkt(make_line(array(make_point(2,4),make_point(3,5),make_point(9,7))))", "returns":"'LineString (2 4, 3 5, 9 7)'"} ] }] }