To access Quantum GIS environment from this console
use qgis.utils.iface object (instance of QgisInterface class).
To import the class QgisInterface can also use the dedicated
button on the toolbar on the left.
- Auto-completion and highlighting syntax for the following APIs:
- Python
- PyQGIS-master
- PyQt4
- QScintilla2
- osgeo-gdal-ogr
- CTRL+SPACE to view the auto-completion list.
- CTRL+ALT+SPACE to view the command history list.
- Open Quantum GIS API documentation by typing _api.
- Open PyQGIS Cookbook by typing _pyqgis.
- Saves the command history by typing _save or closing the widget.
This command saves the history command in the file ~/.qgis/console_history.txt
- Clears the command history by typing _clear.
This command clears the temporary command history
- Clears completely command history by typing _clearAll.
This command clears completely the command history (both temporary and ~/.qgis/console_history.txt).
It has an irreversible effect.
The following is a description of the tools in the toolbar:
Thanks to Larry Shaffer who provided the API files.