/*! * \class QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem * \brief Class for storing a spatial reference system (CRS) */ class QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: // typedef void (*CUSTOM_CRS_VALIDATION)(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem*); enum CRS_TYPE { QGIS_CRSID, POSTGIS_SRID, EPSG }; //! Default constructor QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); ~QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); /*! * Constructs a CRS object from a WKT string * @param theWkt A String containing a valid Wkt def */ explicit QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QString theWkt); /*! Use this constructor when you want to create a CRS object using * a postgis SRID, an EPSG id or a QGIS CRS_ID. * @param theId The ID no valid for the chosen coordinate system id type * @param theType One of the types described in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::CRS_TYPE */ QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(const long theId, CRS_TYPE theType=POSTGIS_SRID); // Misc helper functions ----------------------- void createFromId(const long theId, CRS_TYPE theType=POSTGIS_SRID); /** * \brief Set up this CRS from the given OGC CRS * * Sets this CRS to the given OGC WMS-format Coordinate Reference Systems. * * \note This function only deals with EPSG labels only at this time. * * \retval FALSE if not given an EPSG label */ bool createFromOgcWmsCrs(QString theCrs); /*! Set up this srs by fetching the appropriate information from the * sqlite backend. First the system level read only srs.db will be checked * and then the users ~/.qgis/qgis.db database will be checked for a match. * @note Any members will be overwritten during this process. * @param theSrid The postgis SRID for the desired spatial reference system. */ bool createFromSrid(const long theSrid); /*! Set up this srs using a WKT spatial ref sys definition. * The wkt will be converted to a proj4 string using OGR helper * functions. After this the srs databasses will be searched for matches. * First the system level read only srs.db will be checked * and then the users ~/.qgis/qgis.db database will be checked for a match. * @note Any members will be overwritten during this process. * @note SRID and EPSG may be blank if no match can be found on srs db. * @param theWkt The WKT for the desired spatial reference system. * @return bool TRUE if sucess else false */ bool createFromWkt(const QString theWkt); /*! Set up this srs by fetching the appropriate information from the * sqlite backend. First the system level read only srs.db will be checked * and then the users ~/.qgis/qgis.db database will be checked for a match. * @note Any members will be overwritten during this process. * @param theEpsg The EPSG for the desired spatial reference system. * @return bool TRUE if sucess else false */ bool createFromEpsg(const long theEpsg); /*! Set up this srs by fetching the appropriate information from the * sqlite backend. If the srsid is < 100000, only the system srs.db * will be checked. If the srsid > 100000 the srs will be retrieved from * the ~/.qgis/qgis.db * @note Any members will be overwritten during this process. * @param theSrsId The QGIS SrsId for the desired spatial reference system. * @return bool TRUE if sucess else false */ bool createFromSrsId (const long theSrsId); /*! Set up this srs by passing it a proj4 style formatted string. * The string will be parsed and the projection and ellipsoid * members set and the remainder of the proj4 string will be stored * in the parameters member. The reason for this is so that we * can easily present the user with 'natural language' representation * of the projection and ellipsoid by looking them up in the srs.bs sqlite * database. Also having the ellpse and proj elements stripped out * is hepful to speed up globbing queries (see below). * * We try to match the proj string to and srsid using the following logic: * * - perform a whole text search on srs name (if not null). The srs name will * have been set if this method has been delegated to from createFromWkt. * - if the above does not match perform a whole text search on proj4 string (if not null) * - if none of the above match convert the proj4 string to an OGR CRS * then check if its a geocs or a proj cs (using ogr isGeographic) * then sequentially walk through the database (first users qgis.db srs tbl then * system srs.db tbl), converting each entry into an ogr srs and using isSame * or isSameGeocs (essentially calling the == overloaded operator). We'll try to * be smart about this and first parse out the proj and ellpse strings and only * check for a match in entities that have the same ellps and proj entries so * that it doesnt munch yer cpu so much. * * @note If the srs was not matched, we will create a new entry on the users tbl_srs * for this srs. * * @param theProjString A proj4 format string * @return bool TRUE if sucess else false */ bool createFromProj4 (const QString theProjString); /*! Find out whether this CRS is correctly initialised and useable */ bool isValid() const; /*! Perform some validation on this CRS. If the sts doesnt validate the * default behaviour settings for layers with unknown CRS will be * consulted and acted on accordingly. By hell or high water this * method will do its best to make sure that this CRS is valid - even * if that involves resorting to a hard coded default of geocs:wgs84. * * @note It is not usually neccessary to use this function, unless you * are trying to force theis srs to be valid. */ void validate(); /*! This is a globbing function to try to find a record in the database * that matches a CRS defined only by a proj4string. The goal is to * learn what the tbl_srs.srs_id value is for the CRS. Internally * the source CRS is converted to and OGR srs object using the proj4string * and then every record in the database that matches projection and ellipsoid * will be converted to an OGR srs in turn and compared to the source CRS. * There are some gotchas with using ogr isSame() srs comparison, but * its more effective than using straight string comparison of proj4params. * @note The ellipsoid and projection acronyms must be set as well as the proj4string! * @return lomg the SrsId of the matched CRS */ long findMatchingProj(); /*! Overloaded == operator used to compare to CRS's. * Internally it will delegate to the equals method described below */ bool operator==(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &theSrs); /*! Overloaded != operator used to compare to CRS's. * Returns opposite bool value to operator == */ bool operator!=(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &theSrs); /*! Overloaded == operator used to compare to CRS's. * Internally it will use OGR isSameCRS() or isSameGeoCRS() methods as appropriate. * Additionally logic may also be applied if the result from the OGR methods * is inconclusive. */ bool equals(QString theProj4String); /*! A helper to get an wkt representation of this srs * @return string containing Wkt of the srs */ QString toWkt() const; /*! Restores state from the given Dom node. * @param theNode The node from which state will be restored * @return bool True on success, False on failure */ bool readXML( QDomNode & theNode ); /*! Stores state to the given Dom node in the given document. * Below is an example of the generated tag. * * +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs * 2585 * 4326 * 4326 * WGS 84 * longlat * WGS84 * * @param theNode The node in which state will be restored * @param theDom The document in which state will be stored * @return bool True on success, False on failure */ bool writeXML( QDomNode & theNode, QDomDocument & theDoc ); /** A static helper function to find out the proj4 string for a srsid * @param int theSrsId The srsid used for the lookup * @return QString The proj4 string */ static QString getProj4FromSrsId(const int theSrsId); /** Sets custom function to force valid CRS * QGIS uses implementation in QgisGui::customSrsValidation */ // TODO: disabled for now, needs usage of %Method directive to pass the function //static void setCustomSrsValidation(CUSTOM_CRS_VALIDATION f); // Accessors ----------------------------------- /*! Get the SrsId - if possible * @return long theSrsId The internal sqlite3 srs.db primary key for this srs */ long srsid() const; /*! Get the Postgis SRID - if possible. * @return long theSRID The internal postgis SRID for this CRS */ long srid() const; /*! Get the Description * @return QString the Description A textual description of the srs. * @note A zero length string will be returned if the description is uninitialised */ QString description () const; /*! Get the Projection Acronym * @return QString theProjectionAcronym The official proj4 acronym for the projection family * @note A zero length string will be returned if the projectionAcronym is uninitialised */ QString projectionAcronym() const; /*! Get the Ellipsoid Acronym * @return QString theEllipsoidAcronym The official proj4 acronym for the ellipoid * @note A zero length string will be returned if the ellipsoidAcronym is uninitialised */ QString ellipsoidAcronym () const; /** Get the Proj Proj4String. If proj and ellps keys are found in the parameters, * they will be stripped out and the Projection and ellipsoid acronyms will be * overridden with these. * @return QString theProj4String Proj4 format specifies that define this srs. * @note A zero length string will be returned if the proj4String is uninitialised */ QString proj4String() const; /*! Get this Geographic? flag * @return bool theGeoFlag Whether this is a geographic or projected coordinate system */ bool geographicFlag () const; /*! Get the units that the projection is in * @return QGis::UnitType that gives the units for the coordinate system */ QGis::UnitType mapUnits() const; /*! Set the postgis srid for this srs * @return long theSRID the Postgis spatial_ref_sys identifier for this srs (defaults to 0) */ long postgisSrid () const; /*! Set the EPSG identifier for this srs * @return long theEpsg the ESPG identifier for this srs (defaults to 0) */ long epsg () const; // Mutators ----------------------------------- /*! Set the QGIS SrsId * @param long theSrsId The internal sqlite3 srs.db primary key for this srs */ void setSrsId(long theSrsId); /*! Set the postgis srid * @param long theSrsId The postgis spatial_ref_sys key for this srs */ void setSrid(long theSrid); /*! Set the Description * @param QString the Description A textual description of the srs. */ void setDescription (QString theDescription); /* Set the Proj Proj4String. * @param QString theProj4String Proj4 format specifies (excluding proj and ellips) that define this srs. */ void setProj4String (QString theProj4String); /*! Set this Geographic? flag * @param bool theGeoFlag Whether this is a geographic or projected coordinate system */ void setGeographicFlag (bool theGeoFlag); /*! Set the EPSG identifier for this srs * @param long theEpsg the ESPG identifier for this srs (defaults to 0) */ void setEpsg (long theEpsg); /*! Set the projection acronym * @param QString the acronym (must be a valid proj4 projection acronym) */ void setProjectionAcronym(QString theProjectionAcronym); /*! Set the ellipsoid acronym * @param QString the acronym (must be a valid proj4 ellipsoid acronym) */ void setEllipsoidAcronym(QString theEllipsoidAcronym); };