name: 🧪 QGIS tests on: push: branches: - master - release-** - queued_ltr_backports paths: - 'src/**' - 'external/**' - 'python/**' - 'tests/**' - 'CMakeLists.txt' - '.github/workflows/run-tests.yml' - '.docker/**' - '.ci/**' pull_request: branches: - master - release-** # paths cannot be filtered on this workflow on pull request as it is a required one in the branch protection # feature request and hacks: jobs: build: env: DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} GH_WORKSPACE: ${{ github.workspace }} # used in docker compose DEFAULT_UBUNTU_BASE: '20.04' RUN_FLAKY_TESTS: ${{ contains( github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'run flaky tests') }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: # tests run on 20.04 (Qt 5.12), compile test on 20.10 (Qt 5.14) and 21.04 (Qt 5.15) include: - ubuntu-base: '20.04' run-tests: true - ubuntu-base: '21.04' run-tests: false fail-fast: false outputs: compile_outcome: ${{ steps.compile.outcome }} tests_failing: ${{ steps.tests.outputs.TESTS_FAILING }} cdash_url: ${{ steps.tests.outputs.CDASH_URL }} runners_outcome: ${{ steps.runners.outcome }} steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set vars env: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME: ${{ github.event_name }} GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }} GITHUB_PR_NUMBER: ${{github.event.number}} UBUNTU_BASE: ${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }} run: | # Be aware that these instructions are duplicated in run-tests job DOCKER_TAG=$(echo $( [[ ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME} =~ ^pull_request$ ]] && echo ${GITHUB_BASE_REF} || echo ${GITHUB_REF##*/} ) | sed 's/^master$/latest/')$( [[ ${UBUNTU_BASE} != ${DEFAULT_UBUNTU_BASE} ]] && echo "_${UBUNTU_BASE}" || echo "" ) CTEST_BUILD_NAME=$( [[ ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME} =~ ^pull_request$ ]] && echo "PR${GITHUB_PR_NUMBER}" || echo ${GITHUB_REF##*/} )"_${GITHUB_SHA}" [[ ${UBUNTU_BASE} == "20.04" ]] && PATCH_QT_3D=true || PATCH_QT_3D=false # build w/o 3D for Qt 5.15 (many deprecation warnings) [[ ${UBUNTU_BASE} == "21.04" ]] && WITH_3D=FALSE || WITH_3D=TRUE echo "DOCKER_TAG=${DOCKER_TAG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CTEST_BUILD_NAME=${CTEST_BUILD_NAME}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "PATCH_QT_3D=${PATCH_QT_3D}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "WITH_3D=${WITH_3D}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Print vars run: | echo DOCKER_TAG: ${DOCKER_TAG} echo CTEST_BUILD_NAME: ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} echo PATCH_QT_3D: ${PATCH_QT_3D} echo WITH_3D: ${WITH_3D} - name: Build deps env: UBUNTU_BASE: ${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }} run: | pushd .docker docker pull qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${DOCKER_TAG} || true docker build --build-arg UBUNTU_BASE=${UBUNTU_BASE} --cache-from qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${DOCKER_TAG} -t qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${DOCKER_TAG} -f qgis3-build-deps.dockerfile . popd - name: Push deps image if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} run: | docker login -u="${DOCKER_USERNAME}" -p="${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" docker push "qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${DOCKER_TAG}" - name: Prepare build cache for pull request uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@v2.1.3 if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' with: path: /home/runner/QGIS/.ccache key: build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-${{ }}-${{ github.head_ref }}-${{ github.sha }} # The head_ref or source branch of the pull request in a workflow run. # The base_ref or target branch of the pull request in a workflow run. restore-keys: | build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-${{ }}-${{ github.head_ref }}- build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-refs/heads/${{ github.base_ref }}- build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-refs/heads/master- - name: Prepare build cache for branch/tag # use a fork of actions/cache@v2 to upload cache even when the build or test failed uses: pat-s/always-upload-cache@v2.1.3 if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' with: path: /home/runner/QGIS/.ccache # The branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow run. For branches this in the format refs/heads/, and for tags it is refs/tags/ key: build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: | build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-${{ github.ref }}- build-ccache-${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }}-refs/heads/master- - name: Compile QGIS id: compile run: | docker run -t --name qgis_container \ -v $(pwd):/root/QGIS \ -v /home/runner/QGIS/.ccache:/root/.ccache \ --env-file .docker/docker-variables.env \ --env PUSH_TO_CDASH=true \ --env WITH_3D=${WITH_3D} \ qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${DOCKER_TAG} \ /root/QGIS/.docker/ - name: Push artifact id: push_artifact if: ${{ }} run: tar --exclude='*.o' -cvzf build.tgz build - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: ${{ }} with: name: build.tgz path: ./build.tgz retention-days: 1 # - name: Test QGIS runners # id: runners # if: ${{ matrix.ubuntu-base == env.DEFAULT_UBUNTU_BASE }} # run: | # docker run -d --name qgis-testing-environment \ # -v $(pwd):/root/QGIS \ # -v $(pwd)/tests/src/python:/tests_directory \ # -v $(pwd)/.docker/qgis_resources/test_runner:/usr/bin/test_runner \ # -v $(pwd)/.docker/qgis_resources/supervisor:/etc/supervisor \ # -e QGIS_BUILD_PATH=/root/QGIS/build/output/bin/qgis \ # -e TEST_RUNNER_PATH=/usr/bin/test_runner/ \ # -e DISPLAY=:99 \ # qgis_image \ # /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf # # Wait for xvfb to finish starting # printf "Waiting for the docker...🐳..." # sleep 10 # echo " done 🥩" # # declare -A testrunners # # Passing cases: # testrunners["test_testrunner.run_passing"]=0 # testrunners["test_testrunner.run_skipped_and_passing"]=0 # # Failing cases: # testrunners["test_testrunner"]=1 # testrunners["test_testrunner.run_all"]=1 # testrunners["test_testrunner.run_failing"]=1 # set +e # do not exit on error # # Run tests in the docker # for i in "${!testrunners[@]}" # do # echo "::group::docker_test_runner_${i}" # echo "test ${i}..." # docker exec -i qgis-testing-environment sh -c "cd /tests_directory && /usr/bin/test_runner/ ${i}" # [[ $? -eq "${testrunners[$i]}" ]] && echo "success" || exit 1 # echo "::endgroup::" # done # set -e # switch back # docker stop qgis-testing-environment # tests-report-comment: # name: Write tests report in a comment # needs: build # runs-on: ubuntu-latest # if: always() && ( == 'failure' || == 'success' ) && github.event_name == 'pull_request' # steps: # - name: Find Comment # uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v1 # id: find-comment # with: # issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} # comment-author: 'github-actions[bot]' # body-includes: Tests report # # - name: Create comment # if: ${{ steps.find-comment.outputs.comment-id == 0 }} # uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1 # id: create-comment # with: # issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} # body: | # **Tests report** # # - name: Process # id: process-vars # env: # COMMENT_FOUND: ${{ steps.find-comment.outputs.comment-id }} # COMMENT_CREATED: ${{ steps.create-comment.outputs.comment-id }} # COMMIT_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} # CDASH_URL: ${{ }} # COMPILE_OUTCOME: ${{ }} # TESTS_FAILING: ${{ }} # RUNNERS_OUTCOME: ${{ }} # run: | # echo "::set-output name=COMMENT_ID::"$([[ "${COMMENT_FOUND}" -eq "0" ]] && echo ${COMMENT_CREATED} || echo ${COMMENT_FOUND}) # if [[ ${COMPILE_OUTCOME} != "success" ]]; then # echo "::set-output name=COMMENT_BODY::${COMMIT_SHA} :scream: compilation failed" # elif [[ ${TESTS_FAILING} != "0" ]]; then # echo "::set-output name=COMMENT_BODY::${COMMIT_SHA} :fire: ${TESTS_FAILING} unit-tests are failing ${CDASH_URL}" # elif [[ ${RUNNERS_OUTCOME} != "success" ]]; then # echo "::set-output name=COMMENT_BODY::${COMMIT_SHA} :broken_heart: QGIS runners test failed" # else # echo "::set-output name=COMMENT_BODY::${COMMIT_SHA} :sunglasses: unit-tests succeeded" # fi # # - name: Update comment # uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1 # with: # comment-id: ${{ steps.process-vars.outputs.COMMENT_ID }} # edit-mode: append # body: ${{ steps.process-vars.outputs.COMMENT_BODY }} run-tests: name: Run tests env: DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} GH_WORKSPACE: ${{ github.workspace }} # used in docker compose DEFAULT_UBUNTU_BASE: '20.04' runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: # tests run on 20.04 (Qt 5.12), compile test on 20.10 (Qt 5.14) ubuntu-base: [20.04] test-batch: [ALL_BUT_PROVIDERS, POSTGRES, ORACLE, HANA] fail-fast: false services: # Run httpbin container for QgsNetwor* tests httpbin: image: kennethreitz/httpbin:latest ports: - 8082:80 needs: build steps: - name: Print disk space run: | echo "DF -H" sudo df -h - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set vars env: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME: ${{ github.event_name }} GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }} GITHUB_PR_NUMBER: ${{github.event.number}} UBUNTU_BASE: ${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }} TEST_BATCH: ${{ matrix.test-batch }} run: | # Be aware that these instructions are duplicated in build job DOCKER_TAG=$(echo $( [[ ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME} =~ ^pull_request$ ]] && echo ${GITHUB_BASE_REF} || echo ${GITHUB_REF##*/} ) | sed 's/^master$/latest/')$( [[ ${UBUNTU_BASE} != ${DEFAULT_UBUNTU_BASE} ]] && echo "_${UBUNTU_BASE}" || echo "" ) CTEST_BUILD_NAME=$( [[ ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME} =~ ^pull_request$ ]] && echo "PR${GITHUB_PR_NUMBER}" || echo ${GITHUB_REF##*/} )"_${GITHUB_SHA}_${TEST_BATCH}" [[ ${UBUNTU_BASE} == "20.04" ]] && PATCH_QT_3D=true || PATCH_QT_3D=false echo "DOCKER_TAG=${DOCKER_TAG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CTEST_BUILD_NAME=${CTEST_BUILD_NAME}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "PATCH_QT_3D=${PATCH_QT_3D}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "TEST_BATCH=${TEST_BATCH}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Print vars run: | echo DOCKER_TAG: ${DOCKER_TAG} echo CTEST_BUILD_NAME: ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} echo PATCH_QT_3D: ${PATCH_QT_3D} echo TEST_BATCH: ${TEST_BATCH} - name: Build deps env: UBUNTU_BASE: ${{ matrix.ubuntu-base }} run: | pushd .docker TARGET=$( ( [[ ${TEST_BATCH} == "ORACLE" ]] && echo "binary-for-oracle" ) \ || echo "binary-only" ) docker build --target $TARGET --build-arg UBUNTU_BASE=${UBUNTU_BASE} --cache-from qgis/qgis3-build-deps:${DOCKER_TAG} -t qgis/qgis3-build-deps-bin-only:${DOCKER_TAG} -f qgis3-build-deps.dockerfile . popd - name: Print disk space run: | echo "DOCKER IMAGES" docker images echo "DF -H" sudo df -h - name: Download build artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: build.tgz path: . - name: Extract build artifact run: | tar xvzf build.tgz rm -Rf build.tgz - name: Print disk space run: | echo "DF -H" sudo df -h - name: Run tests id: tests env: TEST_BATCH: ${{matrix.test-batch}} QGIS_HTTPBIN_HOST: "localhost:8082" run: | DOCKERFILE=$( ( [[ ${TEST_BATCH} == "ORACLE" ]] && echo "docker-compose-testing-oracle.yml" ) \ || ( [[ ${TEST_BATCH} == "POSTGRES" ]] && echo "docker-compose-testing-postgres.yml" ) \ || echo "docker-compose-testing.yml" ) echo "TEST_BATCH=$TEST_BATCH" echo "DOCKERFILE=$DOCKERFILE" docker-compose -f .docker/$DOCKERFILE run qgis-deps /root/QGIS/.docker/ $TEST_BATCH