# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** ProcessingLog.py --------------------- Date : August 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'August 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import os import codecs import datetime from PyQt4 import QtGui from processing.core.ProcessingUtils import ProcessingUtils from processing.core.ProcessingConfig import ProcessingConfig class ProcessingLog(): LOG_ERROR = "ERROR" LOG_INFO = "INFO" LOG_WARNING = "WARNING" LOG_ALGORITHM = "ALGORITHM" DATE_FORMAT = u"%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S".encode("utf-8") recentAlgs = [] @staticmethod def startLogging(): if os.path.isfile(ProcessingLog.logFilename()): logfile = codecs.open(ProcessingLog.logFilename(), "a", encoding="utf-8") else: logfile = codecs.open(ProcessingLog.logFilename(), "w", encoding="utf-8") logfile.write("Started logging at " + datetime.datetime.now().strftime(ProcessingLog.DATE_FORMAT).decode("utf-8") + "\n") logfile.close() @staticmethod def logFilename(): batchfile = ProcessingUtils.userFolder() + os.sep + "processing_qgis.log" return batchfile @staticmethod def addToLog(msgtype, msg): try: #it seems that this fails sometimes depending on the msg added: #To avoid it stopping the normal functioning of the algorithm, #we catch all errors, assuming that is better to miss some log info #that breaking the algorithm. if isinstance(msg, list): a = "|".join(m.strip("\n") for m in msg) text = a else: text = msg.replace("\n", "|") line = msgtype + "|" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime(ProcessingLog.DATE_FORMAT).decode("utf-8") + "|" + text + "\n" logfile = codecs.open(ProcessingLog.logFilename(), "a", encoding="utf-8") #logfile = codecs.open(ProcessingLog.logFilename(), "a", encoding='utf-8') logfile.write(line) logfile.close() if msgtype==ProcessingLog.LOG_ALGORITHM: algname = text[len("Processing.runalg(\""):] algname = algname[:algname.index("\"")] if algname not in ProcessingLog.recentAlgs: ProcessingLog.recentAlgs.append(algname) recentAlgsString = ';'.join(ProcessingLog.recentAlgs[-6:]) ProcessingConfig.setSettingValue(ProcessingConfig.RECENT_ALGORITHMS, recentAlgsString) except: pass @staticmethod def getLogEntries(): entries={} errors=[] algorithms=[] warnings=[] info=[] lines = tail(ProcessingLog.logFilename()) for line in lines: line = line.strip("\n").strip() tokens = line.split("|") text="" for i in range(2, len(tokens)): text+=tokens[i] + "|" if line.startswith(ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR): errors.append(LogEntry(tokens[1], text)) elif line.startswith(ProcessingLog.LOG_ALGORITHM): algorithms.append(LogEntry(tokens[1], tokens[2])) elif line.startswith(ProcessingLog.LOG_WARNING): warnings.append(LogEntry(tokens[1], text)) elif line.startswith(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO): info.append(LogEntry(tokens[1], text)) entries[ProcessingLog.LOG_ERROR] = errors entries[ProcessingLog.LOG_ALGORITHM] = algorithms entries[ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO] = info entries[ProcessingLog.LOG_WARNING] = warnings return entries @staticmethod def getRecentAlgorithms(): recentAlgsSetting = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(ProcessingConfig.RECENT_ALGORITHMS) try: ProcessingLog.recentAlgs = recentAlgsSetting.split(';') except: pass return ProcessingLog.recentAlgs @staticmethod def clearLog(): os.unlink(ProcessingLog.logFilename()) ProcessingLog.startLogging() class LogEntry(): def __init__(self, date, text): self.date = date self.text = text import re #=============================================================================== #this code has been take from pytailer # http://code.google.com/p/pytailer/ # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software # and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, # sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING # BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #=============================================================================== class Tailer(object): """\ Implements tailing and heading functionality like GNU tail and head commands. """ line_terminators = ('\r\n', '\n', '\r') def __init__(self, filename, read_size=1024, end=False): self.read_size = read_size self.file = codecs.open(filename, encoding="utf-8") self.start_pos = self.file.tell() if end: self.seek_end() def splitlines(self, data): return re.split('|'.join(self.line_terminators), data) def seek_end(self): self.seek(0, 2) def seek(self, pos, whence=0): self.file.seek(pos, whence) def read(self, read_size=None): if read_size: read_str = self.file.read(read_size) else: read_str = self.file.read() return len(read_str), read_str def seek_line(self): """\ Searches backwards from the current file position for a line terminator and seeks to the charachter after it. """ pos = end_pos = self.file.tell() read_size = self.read_size if pos > read_size: pos -= read_size else: pos = 0 read_size = end_pos self.seek(pos) bytes_read, read_str = self.read(read_size) if bytes_read and read_str[-1] in self.line_terminators: # The last charachter is a line terminator, don't count this one bytes_read -= 1 if read_str[-2:] == '\r\n' and '\r\n' in self.line_terminators: # found crlf bytes_read -= 1 while bytes_read > 0: # Scan backward, counting the newlines in this bufferfull i = bytes_read - 1 while i >= 0: if read_str[i] in self.line_terminators: self.seek(pos + i + 1) return self.file.tell() i -= 1 if pos == 0 or pos - self.read_size < 0: # Not enought lines in the buffer, send the whole file self.seek(0) return None pos -= self.read_size self.seek(pos) bytes_read, read_str = self.read(self.read_size) return None def tail(self, lines=10): """\ Return the last lines of the file. """ self.seek_end() end_pos = self.file.tell() for i in xrange(lines): if not self.seek_line(): break data = self.file.read(end_pos - self.file.tell() - 1) if data: return self.splitlines(data) else: return [] def __iter__(self): return self.follow() def close(self): self.file.close() def tail(file, lines=200): return Tailer(file).tail(lines)