/** * This class is responsible for keeping cache of rendered images of individual layers. * * Once a layer has rendered image stored in the cache (using setCacheImage(...)), * the cache listens to repaintRequested() signals from layer. If triggered, the cache * removes the rendered image (and disconnects from the layer). * * The class is thread-safe (multiple classes can access the same instance safely). * * @note added in 2.4 */ class QgsMapRendererCache : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgsmaprenderercache.h> %End public: QgsMapRendererCache(); //! invalidate the cache contents void clear(); //! initialize cache: set new parameters and erase cache if parameters have changed //! @return flag whether the parameters are the same as last time bool init( const QgsRectangle& extent, double scale ); //! set cached image for the specified layer ID void setCacheImage( const QString& layerId, const QImage& img ); //! get cached image for the specified layer ID. Returns null image if it is not cached. QImage cacheImage( const QString& layerId ); //! remove layer from the cache void clearCacheImage( const QString& layerId ); protected slots: //! remove layer (that emitted the signal) from the cache void layerRequestedRepaint(); protected: //! invalidate cache contents (without locking) void clearInternal(); };