class QgsFontUtils { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** Check whether exact font is on system * @param f The font to test for match */ static bool fontMatchOnSystem( const QFont& f ); /** Check whether font family is on system in a quick manner, which does not compare [foundry] * @param family The family to test * @returns Whether family was found on system * @note This is good for use in loops of large lists, e.g. registering many features for labeling */ static bool fontFamilyOnSystem( const QString& family ); /** Check whether font family on system has specific style * @param family The family to test * @param style The style to test for * @returns Whether family has style * @note Added in QGIS 2.1 */ static bool fontFamilyHasStyle( const QString& family, const QString& style ); /** Check whether font family is on system * @param family The family to test * @param chosen The actual family (possibly from different foundry) returned by system * @param match Whether the family [foundry] returned by system is a match * @returns Whether family was found on system */ static bool fontFamilyMatchOnSystem( const QString& family, QString* chosen = 0, bool* match = 0 ); /** Updates font with named style and retain all font properties * @param f The font to update * @param fontstyle The style to try and switch the font to * @param fallback If no matching fontstyle found for font, assign most similar or first style found to font * @returns Whether the font was updated (also returns true if the requested style matches font's current style) * @note This is a more featured replacement for a Qt 4.8+ function: void QFont::setStyleName ( const QString & styleName ) */ static bool updateFontViaStyle( QFont& f, const QString& fontstyle, bool fallback = false ); /** Get standard test font family * @note Added in QGIS 2.1 */ static QString standardTestFontFamily(); /** Loads standard test fonts from filesystem or qrc resource * @param loadstyles List of styles to load, e.g. All, Roman, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique * @returns Whether any font was loaded * @note Done by default on debug app/server startup to ensure fonts available for unit tests (Roman and Bold) * @note Added in QGIS 2.1 */ static bool loadStandardTestFonts( const QStringList& loadstyles ); /** Get standard test font with specific style * @param style Style to load, e.g. Roman, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique * @param pointsize Font point size to set * @returns QFont * @note Added in QGIS 2.1 */ static QFont getStandardTestFont( const QString& style = "Roman", int pointsize = 12 ); /** Returns a DOM element containing the properties of the font. * @param font font * @param document DOM document * @param elementName name for DOM element * @returns DOM element containing font settings * @note added in QGIS 2.10 * @see setFromXmlElement */ static QDomElement toXmlElement( const QFont& font, QDomDocument &document, const QString &elementName ); /** Sets the properties of a font to match the properties stored in an XML element. Calling * this will overwrite the current properties of the font. * @param font font to update * @param element DOM element * @returns true if properties were successfully read from element * @note added in QGIS 2.10 * @see toXmlElement * @see setFromXmlChildNode */ static bool setFromXmlElement( QFont& font, const QDomElement& element ); /** Sets the properties of a font to match the properties stored in an XML child node. Calling * this will overwrite the current properties of the font. * @param font font to update * @param element DOM element * @param childNode name of child node * @returns true if child node exists and properties were successfully read from node * @note added in QGIS 2.10 * @see setFromXmlElement * @see toXmlElement */ static bool setFromXmlChildNode( QFont& font, const QDomElement& element, const QString& childNode ); /** Returns the localized named style of a font, if such a translation is available. * @param namedStyle a named style, i.e. "Bold", "Italic", etc * @returns The localized named style * @note added in QGIS 2.12 * @see untranslateNamedStyle */ static QString translateNamedStyle( const QString& namedStyle ); /** Returns the english named style of a font, if possible. * @param namedStyle a localized named style, i.e. "Fett", "Kursiv", etc * @returns The english named style * @note added in QGIS 2.12 * @see translateNamedStyle */ static QString untranslateNamedStyle( const QString& namedStyle ); /** Returns a CSS string representing the specified font as closely as possible. * @param font QFont to convert * @param pointToPixelMultiplier scaling factor to apply to convert point sizes to pixel font sizes. * The CSS returned by this function will always use pixels for font sizes, so this parameter * should be set to a suitable value to convert point sizes to pixels (e.g., taking into account * desination DPI) * @returns partial CSS string, e.g., "font-family: Comic Sans; font-size: 12px;" * @note added in QGIS 2.16 */ static QString asCSS( const QFont& font, double pointToPixelMultiplier = 1.0 ); };