/** \ingroup core * Class for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems. * * This class can convert map coordinates to a different coordinate reference system. * It is normally associated with a map layer and is used to transform between the * layer's coordinate system and the coordinate system of the map canvas, although * it can be used in a more general sense to transform coordinates. * * When used to transform between a layer and the map canvas, all references to source * and destination coordinate systems refer to layer and map canvas respectively. All * operations are from the perspective of the layer. For example, a forward transformation * transforms coordinates from the layer's coordinate system to the map canvas. * \note Since QGIS 3.0 QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem objects are implicitly shared. */ class QgsCoordinateTransform { %TypeHeaderCode #include <qgscoordinatetransform.h> %End public: //! Enum used to indicate the direction (forward or inverse) of the transform enum TransformDirection { ForwardTransform, /*!< Transform from source to destination CRS. */ ReverseTransform /*!< Transform from destination to source CRS. */ }; /** Default constructor, creates an invalid QgsCoordinateTransform. */ QgsCoordinateTransform(); /** Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem objects. * @param source source CRS, typically of the layer's coordinate system * @param destination CRS, typically of the map canvas coordinate system */ QgsCoordinateTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& source, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& destination ); /*! * Returns true if the coordinate transform is valid, ie both the source and destination * CRS have been set and are valid. * @note added in QGIS 3.0 */ bool isValid() const; /*! * Sets the source coordinate reference system. * @param crs CRS to transform coordinates from * @see sourceCrs() * @see setDestinationCrs() */ void setSourceCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs ); /*! * Sets the destination coordinate reference system. * @param crs CRS to transform coordinates to * @see destinationCrs() * @see setSourceCrs() */ void setDestinationCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs ); /** Returns the source coordinate reference system, which the transform will * transform coordinates from. * @see setSourceCrs() * @see destinationCrs() */ QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs() const; /** Returns the destination coordinate reference system, which the transform will * transform coordinates to. * @see setDestinationCrs() * @see sourceCrs() */ QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs() const; /** Transform the point from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param point point to transform * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @return transformed point */ QgsPoint transform( const QgsPoint& point, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transform the point specified by x,y from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param x x coordinate of point to transform * @param y y coordinate of point to transform * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @return transformed point */ QgsPoint transform( const double x, const double y, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms a rectangle from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * This method assumes that the rectangle is a bounding box, and creates a bounding box * in the projected CRS, such that all points from the source rectangle are within * the returned rectangle. * @param rectangle rectangle to transform * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @param handle180Crossover set to true if destination CRS is geographic and handling of extents * crossing the 180 degree longitude line is required * @return rectangle in destination CRS */ QgsRectangle transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle& rectangle, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform, const bool handle180Crossover = false ) const; /** Transforms an array of x, y and z double coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param x array of x coordinates of points to transform * @param y array of y coordinates of points to transform * @param z array of z coordinates of points to transform. The z coordinates of the points * must represent height relative to the vertical datum of the source CRS (generally ellipsoidal * heights) and must be expressed in its vertical units (generally meters) * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) */ void transformInPlace( double& x, double& y, double &z, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms an array of x, y and z float coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param x array of x coordinates of points to transform * @param y array of y coordinates of points to transform * @param z array of z coordinates of points to transform. The z coordinates of the points * must represent height relative to the vertical datum of the source CRS (generally ellipsoidal * heights) and must be expressed in its vertical units (generally meters) * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @note not available in python bindings */ //void transformInPlace( float& x, float& y, double &z, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms an array of x, y and z float coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param x array of x coordinates of points to transform * @param y array of y coordinates of points to transform * @param z array of z coordinates of points to transform. The z coordinates of the points * must represent height relative to the vertical datum of the source CRS (generally ellipsoidal * heights) and must be expressed in its vertical units (generally meters) * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @note not available in python bindings */ // void transformInPlace( float& x, float& y, float& z, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms a vector of x, y and z float coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param x vector of x coordinates of points to transform * @param y vector of y coordinates of points to transform * @param z vector of z coordinates of points to transform. The z coordinates of the points * must represent height relative to the vertical datum of the source CRS (generally ellipsoidal * heights) and must be expressed in its vertical units (generally meters) * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @note not available in python bindings */ //void transformInPlace( QVector<float>& x, QVector<float>& y, QVector<float>& z, // TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms a vector of x, y and z double coordinates in place, from the source CRS to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param x vector of x coordinates of points to transform * @param y vector of y coordinates of points to transform * @param z vector of z coordinates of points to transform. The z coordinates of the points * must represent height relative to the vertical datum of the source CRS (generally ellipsoidal * heights) and must be expressed in its vertical units (generally meters) * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @note not available in python bindings */ //void transformInPlace( QVector<double>& x, QVector<double>& y, QVector<double>& z, // TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms a polygon to the destination coordinate system. * @param polygon polygon to transform (occurs in place) * @param direction transform direction (defaults to forward transformation) */ void transformPolygon( QPolygonF& polygon, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transforms a rectangle to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param rectangle rectangle to transform * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) * @return transformed rectangle */ QgsRectangle transform( const QgsRectangle &rectangle, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Transform an array of coordinates to the destination CRS. * If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from source to destination, * otherwise points are transformed from destination to source CRS. * @param numPoint number of coordinates in arrays * @param x array of x coordinates to transform * @param y array of y coordinates to transform * @param z array of z coordinates to transform * @param direction transform direction (defaults to ForwardTransform) */ void transformCoords( int numPoint, double *x, double *y, double *z, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const; /** Returns true if the transform short circuits because the source and destination are equivalent. */ bool isShortCircuited() const; /** Returns list of datum transformations for the given src and dest CRS * @note not available in python bindings */ // static QList< QList< int > > datumTransformations( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& srcCRS, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& destCRS ); static QString datumTransformString( int datumTransform ); /** Gets name of source and dest geographical CRS (to show in a tooltip) @return epsgNr epsg code of the transformation (or 0 if not in epsg db)*/ static bool datumTransformCrsInfo( int datumTransform, int& epsgNr, QString& srcProjection, QString& dstProjection, QString &remarks, QString &scope, bool &preferred, bool &deprecated ); int sourceDatumTransform() const; void setSourceDatumTransform( int dt ); int destinationDatumTransform() const; void setDestinationDatumTransform( int dt ); //!initialize is used to actually create the Transformer instance void initialise(); /** Restores state from the given Dom node. * @param node The node from which state will be restored * @return bool True on success, False on failure * @see writeXml() */ bool readXml( const QDomNode& node ); /** Stores state to the given Dom node in the given document * @param node The node in which state will be restored * @param document The document in which state will be stored * @return bool True on success, False on failure * @see readXml() */ bool writeXml( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const; };