# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # # CSW Client # --------------------------------------------------------- # QGIS Catalogue Service client. # # Copyright (C) 2010 NextGIS (http://nextgis.org), # Alexander Bruy (alexander.bruy@gmail.com), # Maxim Dubinin (sim@gis-lab.info) # # Copyright (C) 2014 Tom Kralidis (tomkralidis@gmail.com) # # This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # ############################################################################### import json import os.path from urllib2 import build_opener, install_opener, ProxyHandler from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSettings, Qt from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QMessageBox, QTreeWidgetItem, QWidget from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QColor, QCursor from qgis.core import (QgsApplication, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem, QgsCoordinateTransform, QgsGeometry, QgsPoint, QgsProviderRegistry) from qgis.gui import QgsRubberBand from owslib.csw import CatalogueServiceWeb from owslib.fes import BBox, PropertyIsLike from owslib.ows import ExceptionReport from MetaSearch import link_types from MetaSearch.dialogs.manageconnectionsdialog import ManageConnectionsDialog from MetaSearch.dialogs.newconnectiondialog import NewConnectionDialog from MetaSearch.dialogs.recorddialog import RecordDialog from MetaSearch.dialogs.xmldialog import XMLDialog from MetaSearch.util import (get_connections_from_file, get_ui_class, get_help_url, highlight_xml, normalize_text, open_url, render_template, serialize_string, StaticContext) BASE_CLASS = get_ui_class('maindialog.ui') class MetaSearchDialog(QDialog, BASE_CLASS): """main dialogue""" def __init__(self, iface): """init window""" QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.iface = iface self.map = iface.mapCanvas() self.settings = QSettings() self.catalog = None self.catalog_url = None self.context = StaticContext() version = self.context.metadata.get('general', 'version') self.setWindowTitle('MetaSearch %s' % version) self.rubber_band = QgsRubberBand(self.map, True) # True = a polygon self.rubber_band.setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0, 75)) self.rubber_band.setWidth(5) # form inputs self.startfrom = 0 self.maxrecords = 10 self.timeout = 10 self.constraints = [] # Servers tab self.cmbConnectionsServices.activated.connect(self.save_connection) self.cmbConnectionsSearch.activated.connect(self.save_connection) self.btnServerInfo.clicked.connect(self.connection_info) self.btnAddDefault.clicked.connect(self.add_default_connections) self.btnCapabilities.clicked.connect(self.show_xml) self.tabWidget.currentChanged.connect(self.populate_connection_list) # server management buttons self.btnNew.clicked.connect(self.add_connection) self.btnEdit.clicked.connect(self.edit_connection) self.btnDelete.clicked.connect(self.delete_connection) self.btnLoad.clicked.connect(self.load_connections) self.btnSave.clicked.connect(save_connections) # Search tab self.treeRecords.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.record_clicked) self.treeRecords.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.show_metadata) self.btnSearch.clicked.connect(self.search) self.leKeywords.returnPressed.connect(self.search) # prevent dialog from closing upon pressing enter self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close).setAutoDefault(False) # launch help from button self.buttonBox.helpRequested.connect(self.help) self.btnCanvasBbox.setAutoDefault(False) self.btnCanvasBbox.clicked.connect(self.set_bbox_from_map) self.btnGlobalBbox.clicked.connect(self.set_bbox_global) # navigation buttons self.btnFirst.clicked.connect(self.navigate) self.btnPrev.clicked.connect(self.navigate) self.btnNext.clicked.connect(self.navigate) self.btnLast.clicked.connect(self.navigate) self.btnAddToWms.clicked.connect(self.add_to_ows) self.btnAddToWfs.clicked.connect(self.add_to_ows) self.btnAddToWcs.clicked.connect(self.add_to_ows) self.btnShowXml.clicked.connect(self.show_xml) # settings self.radioTitleAsk.clicked.connect(self.set_ows_save_title_ask) self.radioTitleNoAsk.clicked.connect(self.set_ows_save_title_no_ask) self.radioTempName.clicked.connect(self.set_ows_save_temp_name) self.manageGui() def manageGui(self): """open window""" self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) self.populate_connection_list() self.btnCapabilities.setEnabled(False) self.spnRecords.setValue( self.settings.value('/MetaSearch/returnRecords', 10, int)) key = '/MetaSearch/%s' % self.cmbConnectionsSearch.currentText() self.catalog_url = self.settings.value('%s/url' % key) self.set_bbox_global() self.reset_buttons() # get preferred connection save strategy from settings and set it save_strat = self.settings.value('/MetaSearch/ows_save_strategy', 'title_ask') if save_strat == 'temp_name': self.radioTempName.setChecked(True) elif save_strat == 'title_no_ask': self.radioTitleNoAsk.setChecked(True) else: self.radioTitleAsk.setChecked(True) # install proxy handler if specified in QGIS settings self.install_proxy() # Servers tab def populate_connection_list(self): """populate select box with connections""" self.settings.beginGroup('/MetaSearch/') self.cmbConnectionsServices.clear() self.cmbConnectionsServices.addItems(self.settings.childGroups()) self.cmbConnectionsSearch.clear() self.cmbConnectionsSearch.addItems(self.settings.childGroups()) self.settings.endGroup() self.set_connection_list_position() if self.cmbConnectionsServices.count() == 0: # no connections - disable various buttons state_disabled = False self.btnSave.setEnabled(state_disabled) # and start with connection tab open self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) # tell the user to add services msg = self.tr('No services/connections defined. To get ' 'started with MetaSearch, create a new ' 'connection by clicking \'New\' or click ' '\'Add default services\'.') self.textMetadata.setHtml('


' % msg) else: # connections - enable various buttons state_disabled = True self.btnServerInfo.setEnabled(state_disabled) self.btnEdit.setEnabled(state_disabled) self.btnDelete.setEnabled(state_disabled) def set_connection_list_position(self): """set the current index to the selected connection""" to_select = self.settings.value('/MetaSearch/selected') conn_count = self.cmbConnectionsServices.count() if conn_count == 0: self.btnDelete.setEnabled(False) self.btnServerInfo.setEnabled(False) self.btnEdit.setEnabled(False) # does to_select exist in cmbConnectionsServices? exists = False for i in range(conn_count): if self.cmbConnectionsServices.itemText(i) == to_select: self.cmbConnectionsServices.setCurrentIndex(i) self.cmbConnectionsSearch.setCurrentIndex(i) exists = True break # If we couldn't find the stored item, but there are some, default # to the last item (this makes some sense when deleting items as it # allows the user to repeatidly click on delete to remove a whole # lot of items) if not exists and conn_count > 0: # If to_select is null, then the selected connection wasn't found # by QSettings, which probably means that this is the first time # the user has used CSWClient, so default to the first in the list # of connetions. Otherwise default to the last. if not to_select: current_index = 0 else: current_index = conn_count - 1 self.cmbConnectionsServices.setCurrentIndex(current_index) self.cmbConnectionsSearch.setCurrentIndex(current_index) def save_connection(self): """save connection""" caller = self.sender().objectName() if caller == 'cmbConnectionsServices': # servers tab current_text = self.cmbConnectionsServices.currentText() elif caller == 'cmbConnectionsSearch': # search tab current_text = self.cmbConnectionsSearch.currentText() self.settings.setValue('/MetaSearch/selected', current_text) key = '/MetaSearch/%s' % current_text if caller == 'cmbConnectionsSearch': # bind to service in search tab self.catalog_url = self.settings.value('%s/url' % key) if caller == 'cmbConnectionsServices': # clear server metadata self.textMetadata.clear() self.btnCapabilities.setEnabled(False) def connection_info(self): """show connection info""" current_text = self.cmbConnectionsServices.currentText() key = '/MetaSearch/%s' % current_text self.catalog_url = self.settings.value('%s/url' % key) # connect to the server if not self._get_csw(): return QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if self.catalog: # display service metadata self.btnCapabilities.setEnabled(True) metadata = render_template('en', self.context, self.catalog, 'service_metadata.html') style = QgsApplication.reportStyleSheet() self.textMetadata.clear() self.textMetadata.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(style) self.textMetadata.setHtml(metadata) def add_connection(self): """add new service""" conn_new = NewConnectionDialog() conn_new.setWindowTitle(self.tr('New Catalogue service')) if conn_new.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: # add to service list self.populate_connection_list() self.textMetadata.clear() def edit_connection(self): """modify existing connection""" current_text = self.cmbConnectionsServices.currentText() url = self.settings.value('/MetaSearch/%s/url' % current_text) conn_edit = NewConnectionDialog(current_text) conn_edit.setWindowTitle(self.tr('Edit Catalogue service')) conn_edit.leName.setText(current_text) conn_edit.leURL.setText(url) if conn_edit.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: # update service list self.populate_connection_list() def delete_connection(self): """delete connection""" current_text = self.cmbConnectionsServices.currentText() key = '/MetaSearch/%s' % current_text msg = self.tr('Remove service %s?') % current_text result = QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Confirm delete'), msg, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) if result == QMessageBox.Ok: # remove service from list self.settings.remove(key) index_to_delete = self.cmbConnectionsServices.currentIndex() self.cmbConnectionsServices.removeItem(index_to_delete) self.cmbConnectionsSearch.removeItem(index_to_delete) self.set_connection_list_position() def load_connections(self): """load services from list""" ManageConnectionsDialog(1).exec_() self.populate_connection_list() def add_default_connections(self): """add default connections""" filename = os.path.join(self.context.ppath, 'resources', 'connections-default.xml') doc = get_connections_from_file(self, filename) if doc is None: return self.settings.beginGroup('/MetaSearch/') keys = self.settings.childGroups() self.settings.endGroup() for server in doc.findall('csw'): name = server.attrib.get('name') # check for duplicates if name in keys: msg = self.tr('%s exists. Overwrite?') % name res = QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Loading connections'), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if res != QMessageBox.Yes: continue # no dups detected or overwrite is allowed key = '/MetaSearch/%s' % name self.settings.setValue('%s/url' % key, server.attrib.get('url')) self.populate_connection_list() # Settings tab def set_ows_save_title_ask(self): """save ows save strategy as save ows title, ask if duplicate""" self.settings.setValue('/MetaSearch/ows_save_strategy', 'title_ask') def set_ows_save_title_no_ask(self): """save ows save strategy as save ows title, do NOT ask if duplicate""" self.settings.setValue('/MetaSearch/ows_save_strategy', 'title_no_ask') def set_ows_save_temp_name(self): """save ows save strategy as save with a temporary name""" self.settings.setValue('/MetaSearch/ows_save_strategy', 'temp_name') # Search tab def set_bbox_from_map(self): """set bounding box from map extent""" crs = self.map.mapRenderer().destinationCrs() crsid = int(crs.authid().split(':')[1]) extent = self.map.extent() if crsid != 4326: # reproject to EPSG:4326 src = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(crsid) dest = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(src, dest) minxy = xform.transform(QgsPoint(extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum())) maxxy = xform.transform(QgsPoint(extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum())) minx, miny = minxy maxx, maxy = maxxy else: # 4326 minx = extent.xMinimum() miny = extent.yMinimum() maxx = extent.xMaximum() maxy = extent.yMaximum() self.leNorth.setText(unicode(maxy)[0:9]) self.leSouth.setText(unicode(miny)[0:9]) self.leWest.setText(unicode(minx)[0:9]) self.leEast.setText(unicode(maxx)[0:9]) def set_bbox_global(self): """set global bounding box""" self.leNorth.setText('90') self.leSouth.setText('-90') self.leWest.setText('-180') self.leEast.setText('180') def search(self): """execute search""" self.catalog = None self.constraints = [] # clear all fields and disable buttons self.lblResults.clear() self.treeRecords.clear() self.reset_buttons() # save some settings self.settings.setValue('/MetaSearch/returnRecords', self.spnRecords.cleanText()) # set current catalogue current_text = self.cmbConnectionsSearch.currentText() key = '/MetaSearch/%s' % current_text self.catalog_url = self.settings.value('%s/url' % key) # start position and number of records to return self.startfrom = 0 self.maxrecords = self.spnRecords.value() # set timeout self.timeout = self.spnTimeout.value() # bbox minx = self.leWest.text() miny = self.leSouth.text() maxx = self.leEast.text() maxy = self.leNorth.text() bbox = [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] # only apply spatial filter if bbox is not global # even for a global bbox, if a spatial filter is applied, then # the CSW server will skip records without a bbox if bbox != ['-180', '-90', '180', '90']: self.constraints.append(BBox(bbox)) # keywords if self.leKeywords.text(): # TODO: handle multiple word searches keywords = self.leKeywords.text() self.constraints.append(PropertyIsLike('csw:AnyText', keywords)) if len(self.constraints) > 1: # exclusive search (a && b) self.constraints = [self.constraints] # build request if not self._get_csw(): return # TODO: allow users to select resources types # to find ('service', 'dataset', etc.) try: self.catalog.getrecords2(constraints=self.constraints, maxrecords=self.maxrecords, esn='full') except ExceptionReport as err: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Search error'), self.tr('Search error: %s') % err) return except Exception as err: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Connection error'), self.tr('Connection error: %s') % err) return if self.catalog.results['matches'] == 0: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.lblResults.setText(self.tr('0 results')) return QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.display_results() def display_results(self): """display search results""" self.treeRecords.clear() position = self.catalog.results['returned'] + self.startfrom msg = self.tr('Showing %d - %d of %n result(s)', 'number of results', self.catalog.results['matches']) % (self.startfrom + 1, position) self.lblResults.setText(msg) for rec in self.catalog.records: item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.treeRecords) if self.catalog.records[rec].type: item.setText(0, normalize_text(self.catalog.records[rec].type)) else: item.setText(0, 'unknown') if self.catalog.records[rec].title: item.setText(1, normalize_text(self.catalog.records[rec].title)) if self.catalog.records[rec].identifier: set_item_data(item, 'identifier', self.catalog.records[rec].identifier) self.btnShowXml.setEnabled(True) if self.catalog.results["matches"] < self.maxrecords: disabled = False else: disabled = True self.btnFirst.setEnabled(disabled) self.btnPrev.setEnabled(disabled) self.btnNext.setEnabled(disabled) self.btnLast.setEnabled(disabled) def record_clicked(self): """record clicked signal""" # disable only service buttons self.reset_buttons(True, False, False) if not self.treeRecords.selectedItems(): return item = self.treeRecords.currentItem() if not item: return identifier = get_item_data(item, 'identifier') try: record = self.catalog.records[identifier] except KeyError as err: QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Record parsing error'), 'Unable to locate record identifier') return # if the record has a bbox, show a footprint on the map if record.bbox is not None: points = bbox_to_polygon(record.bbox) if points is not None: src = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) dst = self.map.mapRenderer().destinationCrs() geom = QgsGeometry.fromPolygon(points) if src.postgisSrid() != dst.postgisSrid(): ctr = QgsCoordinateTransform(src, dst) try: geom.transform(ctr) except Exception as err: QMessageBox.warning( self, self.tr('Coordinate Transformation Error'), unicode(err)) self.rubber_band.setToGeometry(geom, None) # figure out if the data is interactive and can be operated on self.find_services(record, item) def find_services(self, record, item): """scan record for WMS/WMTS|WFS|WCS endpoints""" links = record.uris + record.references services = {} for link in links: if 'scheme' in link: link_type = link['scheme'] elif 'protocol' in link: link_type = link['protocol'] else: link_type = None if link_type is not None: link_type = link_type.upper() wmswmst_link_types = map(str.upper, link_types.WMSWMST_LINK_TYPES) wfs_link_types = map(str.upper, link_types.WFS_LINK_TYPES) wcs_link_types = map(str.upper, link_types.WCS_LINK_TYPES) # if the link type exists, and it is one of the acceptable # interactive link types, then set if all([link_type is not None, link_type in wmswmst_link_types + wfs_link_types + wcs_link_types]): if link_type in wmswmst_link_types: services['wms'] = link['url'] self.btnAddToWms.setEnabled(True) if link_type in wfs_link_types: services['wfs'] = link['url'] self.btnAddToWfs.setEnabled(True) if link_type in wcs_link_types: services['wcs'] = link['url'] self.btnAddToWcs.setEnabled(True) set_item_data(item, 'link', json.dumps(services)) def navigate(self): """manage navigation / paging""" caller = self.sender().objectName() if caller == 'btnFirst': self.startfrom = 0 elif caller == 'btnLast': self.startfrom = self.catalog.results['matches'] - self.maxrecords elif caller == 'btnNext': self.startfrom += self.maxrecords if self.startfrom >= self.catalog.results["matches"]: msg = self.tr('End of results. Go to start?') res = QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Navigation'), msg, (QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel)) if res == QMessageBox.Ok: self.startfrom = 0 else: return elif caller == "btnPrev": self.startfrom -= self.maxrecords if self.startfrom <= 0: msg = self.tr('Start of results. Go to end?') res = QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Navigation'), msg, (QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel)) if res == QMessageBox.Ok: self.startfrom = (self.catalog.results['matches'] - self.maxrecords) else: return QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) try: self.catalog.getrecords2(constraints=self.constraints, maxrecords=self.maxrecords, startposition=self.startfrom, esn='full') except ExceptionReport as err: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Search error'), self.tr('Search error: %s') % err) return except Exception as err: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Connection error'), self.tr('Connection error: %s') % err) return QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.display_results() def add_to_ows(self): """add to OWS provider connection list""" conn_name_matches = [] item = self.treeRecords.currentItem() if not item: return item_data = json.loads(get_item_data(item, 'link')) caller = self.sender().objectName() # stype = human name,/Qgis/connections-%s,providername if caller == 'btnAddToWms': stype = ['OGC:WMS/OGC:WMTS', 'wms', 'wms'] data_url = item_data['wms'] elif caller == 'btnAddToWfs': stype = ['OGC:WFS', 'wfs', 'WFS'] data_url = item_data['wfs'] elif caller == 'btnAddToWcs': stype = ['OGC:WCS', 'wcs', 'wcs'] data_url = item_data['wcs'] QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() sname = '%s from MetaSearch' % stype[1] # store connection # check if there is a connection with same name self.settings.beginGroup('/Qgis/connections-%s' % stype[1]) keys = self.settings.childGroups() self.settings.endGroup() for key in keys: if key.startswith(sname): conn_name_matches.append(key) if conn_name_matches: sname = conn_name_matches[-1] # check for duplicates if sname in keys: # duplicate found if self.radioTitleAsk.isChecked(): # ask to overwrite msg = self.tr('Connection %s exists. Overwrite?') % sname res = QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Saving server'), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if res != QMessageBox.Yes: # assign new name with serial sname = serialize_string(sname) elif self.radioTitleNoAsk.isChecked(): # don't ask to overwrite pass elif self.radioTempName.isChecked(): # use temp name sname = serialize_string(sname) # no dups detected or overwrite is allowed self.settings.beginGroup('/Qgis/connections-%s' % stype[1]) self.settings.setValue('/%s/url' % sname, data_url) self.settings.endGroup() # open provider window ows_provider = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().selectWidget(stype[2], self) service_type = stype[0] # connect dialog signals to iface slots if service_type == 'OGC:WMS/OGC:WMTS': ows_provider.addRasterLayer.connect(self.iface.addRasterLayer) conn_cmb = ows_provider.findChild(QWidget, 'cmbConnections') connect = 'on_btnConnect_clicked' elif service_type == 'OGC:WFS': ows_provider.addWfsLayer.connect(self.iface.mainWindow().addWfsLayer) conn_cmb = ows_provider.findChild(QWidget, 'cmbConnections') connect = 'connectToServer' elif service_type == 'OGC:WCS': ows_provider.addRasterLayer.connect(self.iface.addRasterLayer) conn_cmb = ows_provider.findChild(QWidget, 'mConnectionsComboBox') connect = 'on_mConnectButton_clicked' ows_provider.setModal(False) ows_provider.show() # open provider dialogue against added OWS index = conn_cmb.findText(sname) if index > -1: conn_cmb.setCurrentIndex(index) # only for wfs if service_type == 'OGC:WFS': ows_provider.on_cmbConnections_activated(index) getattr(ows_provider, connect)() def show_metadata(self): """show record metadata""" if not self.treeRecords.selectedItems(): return item = self.treeRecords.currentItem() if not item: return identifier = get_item_data(item, 'identifier') try: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) cat = CatalogueServiceWeb(self.catalog_url, timeout=self.timeout) cat.getrecordbyid( [self.catalog.records[identifier].identifier]) except ExceptionReport as err: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('GetRecords error'), self.tr('Error getting response: %s') % err) return except KeyError as err: QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Record parsing error'), 'Unable to locate record identifier') QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() record = cat.records[identifier] record.xml_url = cat.request crd = RecordDialog() metadata = render_template('en', self.context, record, 'record_metadata_dc.html') style = QgsApplication.reportStyleSheet() crd.textMetadata.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(style) crd.textMetadata.setHtml(metadata) crd.exec_() def show_xml(self): """show XML request / response""" crd = XMLDialog() request_html = highlight_xml(self.context, self.catalog.request) response_html = highlight_xml(self.context, self.catalog.response) style = QgsApplication.reportStyleSheet() crd.txtbrXMLRequest.clear() crd.txtbrXMLResponse.clear() crd.txtbrXMLRequest.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(style) crd.txtbrXMLResponse.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(style) crd.txtbrXMLRequest.setHtml(request_html) crd.txtbrXMLResponse.setHtml(response_html) crd.exec_() def reset_buttons(self, services=True, xml=True, navigation=True): """Convenience function to disable WMS/WMTS|WFS|WCS buttons""" if services: self.btnAddToWms.setEnabled(False) self.btnAddToWfs.setEnabled(False) self.btnAddToWcs.setEnabled(False) if xml: self.btnShowXml.setEnabled(False) if navigation: self.btnFirst.setEnabled(False) self.btnPrev.setEnabled(False) self.btnNext.setEnabled(False) self.btnLast.setEnabled(False) def help(self): """launch help""" open_url(get_help_url()) def reject(self): """back out of dialogue""" QDialog.reject(self) self.rubber_band.reset() def _get_csw(self): """convenience function to init owslib.csw.CatalogueServiceWeb""" # connect to the server try: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) self.catalog = CatalogueServiceWeb(self.catalog_url, timeout=self.timeout) return True except ExceptionReport as err: msg = self.tr('Error connecting to service: %s') % err except ValueError as err: msg = self.tr('Value Error: %s') % err except Exception as err: msg = self.tr('Unknown Error: %s') % err QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('CSW Connection error'), msg) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return False def install_proxy(self): """set proxy if one is set in QGIS network settings""" # initially support HTTP for now if self.settings.value('/proxy/proxyEnabled') == 'true': if self.settings.value('/proxy/proxyType') == 'HttpProxy': ptype = 'http' else: return user = self.settings.value('/proxy/proxyUser') password = self.settings.value('/proxy/proxyPassword') host = self.settings.value('/proxy/proxyHost') port = self.settings.value('/proxy/proxyPort') proxy_up = '' proxy_port = '' if all([user != '', password != '']): proxy_up = '%s:%s@' % (user, password) if port != '': proxy_port = ':%s' % port conn = '%s://%s%s%s' % (ptype, proxy_up, host, proxy_port) install_opener(build_opener(ProxyHandler({ptype: conn}))) def save_connections(): """save servers to list""" ManageConnectionsDialog(0).exec_() def get_item_data(item, field): """return identifier for a QTreeWidgetItem""" return item.data(_get_field_value(field), 32) def set_item_data(item, field, value): """set identifier for a QTreeWidgetItem""" item.setData(_get_field_value(field), 32, value) def _get_field_value(field): """convenience function to return field value integer""" value = 0 if field == 'identifier': value = 0 if field == 'link': value = 1 return value def bbox_to_polygon(bbox): """converts OWSLib bbox object to list of QgsPoint objects""" if all([bbox.minx is not None, bbox.maxx is not None, bbox.miny is not None, bbox.maxy is not None]): minx = float(bbox.minx) miny = float(bbox.miny) maxx = float(bbox.maxx) maxy = float(bbox.maxy) return [[ QgsPoint(minx, miny), QgsPoint(minx, maxy), QgsPoint(maxx, maxy), QgsPoint(maxx, miny) ]] else: return None