POLYNOMIAL TREND FROM GRIDS =========================== Description ----------- Parameters ---------- - ``Dependent Variables[MultipleInput]``: - ``Independent Variable (per Grid and Cell)[MultipleInput]``: - ``Independent Variable (per Grid)[FixedTable]``: - ``Type of Approximated Function[Selection]``: Outputs ------- - ``Polynomial Coefficients[Raster]``: - ``Coefficient of Determination[Raster]``: See also --------- Console usage ------------- :: sextante.runalg('saga:polynomialtrendfromgrids', grids, y_grids, y_table, polynom, parms, quality) Available options for selection parameters: polynom(Type of Approximated Function) 0 - [0] first order polynom (linear regression) 1 - [1] second order polynom 2 - [2] third order polynom 3 - [3] fourth order polynom 4 - [4] fifth order polynom