/** \ingroup gui
  Handler for missing layers within project.

  Gives user a chance to select path to the missing layers.
class QgsProjectBadLayerGuiHandler : QObject, QgsProjectBadLayerHandler
#include <qgsprojectbadlayerguihandler.h>


    /** Implementation of the handler */
    virtual void handleBadLayers( const QList<QDomNode>& layers );

    /** Flag to store the Ignore button press of MessageBox used by QgsLegend */
    static bool mIgnore;

    /** This is used to locate files that have moved or otherwise are missing */
    bool findMissingFile( const QString& fileFilters, QDomNode& layerNode );

     * Find relocated data source for the given layer
     * This QDom object represents a QgsProject node that maps to a specific layer.
     * @param fileFilters file filters to use
     * @param constLayerNode QDom node containing layer project information
     * @todo
     * XXX Only implemented for file based layers.  It will need to be extended for
     * XXX other data source types such as databases.
    bool findLayer( const QString& fileFilters, const QDomNode& constLayerNode );

     * Find relocated data sources for given layers
     * These QDom objects represent QgsProject nodes that map to specific layers.
    void findLayers( const QString& fileFilters, const QList<QDomNode>& layerNodes );
