(dp0 S'ALG_DESC' p1 VThe script divides the window into quadrats and counts the numbers of points in each quadrat. Then it performs a test of Complete Spatial Randomness based on the quadrat counts.\u000a\u000aR dependencies: library "maptools" and "spatstat" p2 sS'R_CONSOLE_OUTPUT' p3 VThe results of the Chi-squared test of complete spatial randomness (CSR) using quadrat counts.\u000a p4 sS'ALG_CREATOR' p5 VVictor Olaya, volayaf(at)gmail.com p6 sS'Layer' p7 VA vector containg a point pattern. p8 sS'RPLOTS' p9 VA display containing the number of points per quadrat. p10 sS'ALG_HELP_CREATOR' p11 VFilipe S. Dias, filipesdias(at)gmail.com p12 s.