%Feature MOBILITY_LOCATION %If (MOBILITY_LOCATION) class QgsQtLocationConnection: QgsGPSConnection { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsQtLocationConnection(); ~QgsQtLocationConnection(); protected slots: /** Needed to make QtLocation detected*/ void broadcastConnectionAvailable(); /** Parse available data source content*/ void parseData(); /** Called when the position updated. * @note not available in python binding */ // void positionUpdated( const QGeoPositionInfo &info ); %If (!ANDROID) /** Called when the number of satellites in view is updated. * @note not available in python bindings on android */ void satellitesInViewUpdated( const QList& satellites ); /** Called when the number of satellites in use is updated. * @note not available in python bindings on android */ void satellitesInUseUpdated( const QList& satellites ); %End }; %End