class QgsPythonRunner
#include <qgspythonrunner.h>

    /** Returns true if the runner has an instance
        (and thus is able to run commands) */
    static bool isValid();

    /** Execute a python statement */
    static bool run( const QString& command, const QString& messageOnError = QString() );

    /** Eval a python statement */
    static bool eval( const QString& command, QString& result /Out/ );

    /** Assign an instance of python runner so that run() can be used.
      This method should be called during app initialization.
      Takes ownership of the object, deletes previous instance. */
    static void setInstance( QgsPythonRunner* runner /Transfer/ );

    /** Protected constructor: can be instantiated only from children */
    virtual ~QgsPythonRunner();

    virtual bool runCommand( QString command, QString messageOnError = QString() ) = 0;

    virtual bool evalCommand( QString command, QString& result ) = 0;