/** \ingroup MapComposer * \ingroup gui * Widget to display the composer items. Manages the composer tools and the * mouse/key events. * Creates the composer items according to the current map tools and keeps track * of the rubber band item. */ class QgsComposerView : QGraphicsView { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgscomposerview.h" %End %ConvertToSubClassCode if (sipCpp->inherits("QgsComposerView")) sipClass = sipClass_QgsComposerView; else sipClass = NULL; %End public: /**Current tool*/ enum Tool { Select, // Select/Move item AddArrow, // add arrow AddHtml, AddMap, // add new map AddLegend, // add vector legend AddLabel, // add label AddScalebar, // add scalebar AddPicture, // add raster/vector picture AddRectangle, AddEllipse, AddTriangle, AddTable, // add attribute table AddAttributeTable, MoveItemContent, // move content of item (e.g. content of map) Pan, Zoom }; enum ClipboardMode { ClipboardModeCut, ClipboardModeCopy }; enum PasteMode { PasteModeCursor, PasteModeCenter, PasteModeInPlace }; enum ToolStatus { Inactive, Active, ActiveUntilMouseRelease }; QgsComposerView( QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = 0, const char* name = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0 ); /**Add an item group containing the selected items*/ void groupItems(); /**Ungroups the selected items*/ void ungroupItems(); /**Cuts or copies the selected items*/ void copyItems( ClipboardMode mode ); /**Pastes items from clipboard*/ void pasteItems( PasteMode mode ); /**Deletes selected items*/ void deleteSelectedItems(); /**Selects all items*/ void selectAll(); /**Deselects all items*/ void selectNone(); /**Inverts current selection*/ void selectInvert(); QgsComposerView::Tool currentTool() const; void setCurrentTool( QgsComposerView::Tool t ); /**Sets the composition for the view. If the composition is being set manually and not by a QgsComposer, then this must * be set BEFORE adding any items to the composition. */ void setComposition( QgsComposition* c /KeepReference/ ); /**Returns the composition or 0 in case of error*/ QgsComposition* composition(); /**Returns the composer main window*/ QMainWindow* composerWindow(); void setPaintingEnabled( bool enabled ); bool paintingEnabled() const; /**Update rulers with current scene rect*/ void updateRulers(); void setHorizontalRuler( QgsComposerRuler* r ); void setVerticalRuler( QgsComposerRuler* r ); /**Set zoom level, where a zoom level of 1.0 corresponds to 100%*/ void setZoomLevel( double zoomLevel ); /**Sets whether a preview effect should be used to alter the view's appearance * @param enabled Set to true to enable the preview effect on the view * @note added in 2.3 * @see setPreviewMode */ void setPreviewModeEnabled( bool enabled ); /**Sets the preview mode which should be used to modify the view's appearance. Preview modes are only used * if setPreviewMode is set to true. * @param mode PreviewMode to be used to draw the view * @note added in 2.3 * @see setPreviewModeEnabled */ void setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewMode mode ); protected: void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* ); void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* ); void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* ); void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* e ); void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e ); void keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent * e ); void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* event ); void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event ); void hideEvent( QHideEvent* e ); void showEvent( QShowEvent* e ); void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event ); void scrollContentsBy( int dx, int dy ); signals: /**Is emitted when selected item changed. If 0, no item is selected*/ void selectedItemChanged( QgsComposerItem* selected ); /**Is emitted when a composer item has been removed from the scene*/ void itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* ); /**Current action (e.g. adding composer map) has been finished. The purpose of this signal is that QgsComposer may set the selection tool again*/ void actionFinished(); /**Is emitted when mouse cursor coordinates change*/ void cursorPosChanged( QPointF ); /**Is emitted when the view zoom changes*/ void zoomLevelChanged(); /**Emitted before composerview is shown*/ void composerViewShow( QgsComposerView* ); /**Emitted before composerview is hidden*/ void composerViewHide( QgsComposerView* ); /**Emitted when the composition is set for the view*/ void compositionSet( QgsComposition* ); };