import os, os.path import copy, glob, sys import sipconfig import PyQt4.pyqtconfig src_path = '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@' build_path = '@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@' python_path = src_path + '/python' gdal_inc_dir = '@GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR@' geos_inc_dir = '@GEOS_INCLUDE_DIR@' qt_libs = ["QtCore","QtGui","QtNetwork","QtSvg","QtXml"] if sys.platform == 'darwin': qt_libs.append("QtSql") # possibility of universal build of bindings, if more than 1 arch osx_archs = '@CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES@' osx_archs = osx_archs.strip(';') if osx_archs.count(';') > 0: osx_universal = '@CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT@' else: osx_universal = '' else: osx_universal = '' if len(sys.argv)>1: intdir = "/" + sys.argv[1] else: intdir = "" if len(sys.argv)>2: export = sys.argv[2] else: export = "" # create paths for temporary files if don't exist if not os.path.isdir("./core"): os.mkdir("./core") if not os.path.isdir("./gui"): os.mkdir("./gui") if not os.path.isdir("./analysis"): os.mkdir("./analysis") ########################################################################## # SIP -> *.CPP + *.H # The name of the SIP build file generated by SIP and used by the build # system. build_file_core = build_path + "/python/core/core.sbf" build_file_gui = build_path + "/python/gui/gui.sbf" build_file_analysis = build_path + "/python/analysis/analysis.sbf" # Get the SIP configuration information. config = PyQt4.pyqtconfig.Configuration() # Get the extra SIP flags needed by the imported qt module. Note that # this normally only includes those flags (-x and -t) that relate to SIP's # versioning system. qt_sip_flags = config.pyqt_sip_flags # directory where modules will be installed mod_dir = os.path.join(config.default_mod_dir, "qgis") # directory where sip files will be installed sip_dir_core = os.path.join(config.default_sip_dir, "qgis/core") sip_dir_gui = os.path.join(config.default_sip_dir, "qgis/gui") sip_dir_analysis = os.path.join(config.default_sip_dir, "qgis/analysis") # Run SIP to generate the code. print "Parsing SIP files for 'core' library..." cmd = " ".join([config.sip_bin, "-c", "core", "-b", build_file_core, "-I", config.pyqt_sip_dir, qt_sip_flags, python_path + "/core/core.sip"]) print cmd os.system(cmd) print "Parsing SIP files for 'gui' library..." cmd = " ".join([config.sip_bin, "-c", "gui", "-b", build_file_gui, "-I", python_path, "-I", config.pyqt_sip_dir, qt_sip_flags, python_path + "/gui/gui.sip"]) print cmd os.system(cmd) print "Parsing SIP files for 'analysis' library..." cmd = " ".join([config.sip_bin, "-c", "analysis", "-b", build_file_analysis, "-I", python_path, "-I", config.pyqt_sip_dir, qt_sip_flags, python_path + "/analysis/analysis.sip"]) print cmd os.system(cmd) ########################################################################## # MAKEFILES print "Creating makefiles..." # We are going to install the SIP specification file for this module and # its configuration module. installs = [] # directories relative to core (gui, analysis) directories installs.append([[python_path + "", python_path + ""], mod_dir]) installs_core = copy.copy(installs) installs_gui = copy.copy(installs) installs_analysis = copy.copy(installs) # install all sip files sips_core = glob.glob(python_path + "/core/*.sip") for sip in sips_core: installs_core.append([os.path.basename(sip), sip_dir_core]) sips_gui = glob.glob(python_path + "/gui/*.sip") for sip in sips_gui: installs_gui.append([os.path.basename(sip), sip_dir_gui]) sips_analysis = glob.glob(python_path + "/analysis/*.sip") for sip in sips_analysis: installs_analysis.append([os.path.basename(sip), sip_dir_analysis]) # Create the Makefile. The QtModuleMakefile class provided by the # pyqtconfig module takes care of all the extra preprocessor, compiler and # linker flags needed by the Qt library. makefile_core = sipconfig.ModuleMakefile( configuration=config, qt=qt_libs, build_file=build_file_core, installs=installs_core, install_dir=mod_dir, dir="core", universal=osx_universal) makefile_gui = sipconfig.ModuleMakefile( configuration=config, qt=qt_libs, build_file=build_file_gui, installs=installs_gui, install_dir=mod_dir, dir="gui", universal=osx_universal) makefile_analysis = sipconfig.ModuleMakefile( configuration=config, qt=qt_libs, build_file=build_file_analysis, installs=installs_analysis, install_dir=mod_dir, dir="analysis", universal=osx_universal) # common settings for core, gui and analysis libs for mk in [ makefile_core, makefile_gui, makefile_analysis ]: mk.extra_lflags.extend( "@CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS@".strip(' ').split(' ') ) mk.extra_libs = ["qgis_core"] mk.extra_lib_dirs = [build_path+"/src/core"+intdir] mk.extra_include_dirs = [src_path+"/src/core", src_path+"/src/core/composer", src_path+"/src/core/raster", src_path+"/src/core/renderer", src_path+"/src/core/spatialindex", src_path+"/src/core/symbology", build_path, # qgsconfig.h, qgssvnversion.h gdal_inc_dir, geos_inc_dir] mk.extra_cxxflags = ["-DCORE_EXPORT="+export] # more settings for gui lib makefile_gui.extra_libs.append("qgis_gui") makefile_gui.extra_lib_dirs.append(build_path+"/src/gui"+intdir) makefile_gui.extra_include_dirs.append(src_path+"/src/gui") makefile_gui.extra_include_dirs.append(build_path+"/src/gui") makefile_gui.extra_include_dirs.append(build_path+"/src/ui") makefile_gui.extra_include_dirs.append(src_path+"/src/plugins") # because of qgisplugin.h TODO: sort out makefile_gui.extra_cxxflags.append("-DGUI_EXPORT="+export) # more settings for analysis lib makefile_analysis.extra_libs.append("qgis_analysis") makefile_analysis.extra_lib_dirs.append(build_path+"/src/analysis"+intdir) makefile_analysis.extra_include_dirs.append(src_path+"/src/analysis/vector") makefile_analysis.extra_include_dirs.append(build_path+"/src/analysis/vector") makefile_analysis.extra_include_dirs.append(src_path+"/src/plugins") # because of qgisplugin.h TODO: sort out makefile_analysis.extra_cxxflags.append("-DANALYSIS_EXPORT="+export) # Generate the Makefile itself. makefile_core.generate() makefile_gui.generate() makefile_analysis.generate() ########################################################################## # QGIS CONFIG print "Creating" # Now we create the configuration module. This is done by merging a Python # dictionary (whose values are normally determined dynamically) with a # (static) template. content = { # Publish where the SIP specifications for this module will be # installed. "qgis_sip_dir": config.default_sip_dir, "qgis_mod_dir": mod_dir, # Publish the set of SIP flags needed by this module. As these are the # same flags needed by the qt module we could leave it out, but this # allows us to change the flags at a later date without breaking # scripts that import the configuration module. "qgis_sip_flags": qt_sip_flags } # This creates the module from the # template and the dictionary. sipconfig.create_config_module(build_path+"/python/", src_path+"/python/", content) print "Done"